100 Days to Seduce the Devil

Chapter 387 Reveal Her Identity

Day Forty-Four…


Star Corp Entertainment received a great blow because of the scandal of their CEO and the news of his break up with the heiress of the Patel Conglomerate. The stocks of Star Corp dropped today. The company and the PR team were both busy dealing with the issue.

Richard was nowhere to be found since he didn't report to the company today. He was still lying in his bed, suffering from a great hangover. He drowned himself in alcohol last night after breaking up with Nadia. The vice president and the head of the PR team were the ones doing the damage control.

They didn't know who leaked the photos. The Star Corp hadn't released an official statement yet because they didn't know the story yet. They kept contacting Richard and Abigail to get the full story from them. But no one between them was answering.

Ana, Abigail's manager, and Santra were being contacted by several reporters, searching for Abigail. They didn't expect that Abigail's comeback would become very chaotic.

"Gosh! What is happening in the world? Last night, Madam Priyanshi told us that Abigail was Nathan Spark's girlfriend. And today, people were calling her mistress, third wheel, and relationship wrecker because of her involvement with the breakup of Nadia and Richard!" Ana felt like crying.

Santra could only pat her back, comforting her friend. She could see that Ana was so stressed and problematic. Reporters kept on pestering them early this morning. They couldn't even leave their apartments since their front yard was surrounded by reporters. Fortunately, Abigail didn't go home with them last night.

"Sigh. I can't contact Abigail." Ana lamented once more.

"Ana… I am more worried about Dave. Last night, he got shocked when Abigail left without saying a word. Then he heard about Nathan Sparks. And now, he might have seen the news already about Abigail's and Richard's scandal." Santra expressed her concerns.

"Sigh. We can't do anything about Dave's feelings. Only Abigail can explain this to him. For now, let's focus on dealing with this fake news. Contact Abigail. I will call the PR team of our company and consult them for their advice." Ana took an action right away. She felt the weight of the responsibility of taking care of Abigail and her reputation.

Abigail worked hard for her image. As her manager, she should protect her no matter what. Aside from being her manager, Ana was like her older sister who sincerely cared for her.

"I wanna strangle the person responsible for this!" Santra commented, dialing Abigail's contact number. She wished Abigail would pick up the call. The management was also searching for her.

Meanwhile, the person they were looking for was currently on the way to confront a jealous guy. Abigail didn't expect that Nathan could easily get jealous over such a thing. It was just a photo and a false report. How could he allow himself to get affected by that fake news?

Abigail exhaled first before knocking on the door. She spoke up to make her presence known to Nathan.

"Nate, it's me. Abi. May I come in?"

It only took three seconds before the door was opened and Nathan's cold demeanor came into her view. He gazed at her with his sharp gaze. After opening the door, Nathan turned around, not even saying a word nor greeting her.

But Abigail already devised a plan on how she would coax the cold jealous devil. She had to appease him before someone would use this opportunity to stir a conflict between them and make the matter worst. Helena and Veronica were just waiting for the right chance for them to counterattack.

pαпdα Йᴏνê1,сòМ 'Sigh. My rivals are just waiting for me to commit a mistake so that they can find me at fault and use this against me, destroying my relationship with Nathan.'

Abigail had the upper hand but she didn't want to be careless. Helena and Veronica were good at scheming too. She shouldn't give them the opportunity to strike back.please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

With that thought in mind, Abigail immediately closed the gaps between her and Nathan. Then she snaked her arms around his waist, hugging him from behind. "Nate!"

Nathan reflexively stopped at the feel of her soft and warm body being pressed against his back. Her arms were wrapped around his waist. The chilly aura emanating from him a while ago was now slowly disappearing. Nathan just stood there, allowing himself to be hugged by Abigail.

"Help me!" Abigail blurted out in her desperate voice.

Nathan was taken aback for a moment. He never expected her to show her vulnerable side to him. 'She needs my help… about what?'

His raging heart finally calmed down. He was no longer mad. But instead, he was worried about her.

"What's wrong?" Nathan softly asked her.

Abigail smiled inwardly because Nathan toned down a little bit. There was no hint of coldness nor anger in his voice.

'Ahuh. I didn't know that acting so weak sometimes could be of help. I shouldn't act brave and fierce always. Otherwise, Nathan and I will always clash.' Abigail thought to herself.

Abigail let go of Nathan as he turned around to face her. Nathan held her shoulders, giving her a questioning gaze.

"A member of the Yan Family is challenging me. Someone illegally took my photo, leaked it to the media, and made a false rumor about it just to ruin my reputation.  They want to mess with my Comeback." Abigail pouted her lips, trying to act cute in front of Nathan. She just wanted to divert Nathan's anger using her charm.

"They already bullied me last night," Abigail added.

Because of her last remarks, Nathan arched his eyebrow and glanced at her suspiciously. 'Bully her? I don't think she will let someone bully her.' Nathan mused to himself, eyeing her from top to bottom. He knew how fierce Abigail could be so he doubted that she was bullied by them.

Seeing that Nathan wasn't buying her statement, Abigail spoke again, trying to get Nathan's sympathy.

"A war freak woman from the Yan Family splashed some wine on my dress, that's why my ball gown was ruined last night. They accused me of seducing Richard Chang. Heh! Why would I do that? I already have you… as my target. You are more handsome than him. You are richer than him. I don't care about him. It's only you whom I want to seduce."

Nathan didn't know whether he should feel glad or not when he heard those words from Abigail. He just pursed his lips and stared at her intently. He tried to suppress his smile. Since Nathan didn't say a word, Abigail continued talking.

"What do you think? Should I reveal to them my real identity and claim what is mine? I will put them into their proper places," Abigail declared confidently.

"Are you sure… you still need my help? Why do I feel like you can deal with them by yourself?" Nathan cocked his eyebrows, giving her a playful smirk.

Abigail let out a soft giggle. "Of course, I need your help! You are my boyfriend. So… you have to help me clear my name. Furthermore, I'm planning to take back what is mine… I'm going to reveal that I am the missing heiress of the Yan Family. With that, I will be able to give them a proper lesson."

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