Day Forty-Four...


Abigail didn't have enough sleep last night because of the strange incident that transpired to her body. She still didn't have an explanation for that phenomenon. Until now, Bam-Bam was nowhere to be found. She felt like that magical creature was intentionally hiding from her.

Abigail was lying on her bed, absentmindedly staring at the ceiling. She spent the night at Sparks Mansion. It was already 3:00 in the morning. Her mind was preoccupied with Nathan. She reminisced about the conversation she had with Nathan at Stephen's house.

[ Flashback ]

"Phantomflake is your mentor..." Nathan asked her, the crease on his forehead deepened.

Abigail just bobbed her head frantically. She just hoped Nathan would buy her lies. Nathan was smart. He could easily see through someone's lies. Fortunately, Abigail, or rather Phantomflake was an expert in concealing her emotions if she was on her important mission as an assassin.

Nathan stayed quiet for a long moment, just observing Abigail's facial expression. After a while, Nathan broke his silence and questioned Abigail.

"What will you do if I want to kill her? Will you go against me?" Nathan gazed at her intently, not breaking their eye contact. He was waiting to hear her response about this. He was assessing whether Phantomflake would be the reason for them to argue and fight in the future.

Abigail took her time to answer his question. She was contemplating what were the right words to say, not offending Nathan.

'Hmm. So he is still hell-bent to make me suffer and kill me with his own hands. He will never stop until he gets his revenge. How much resentment he has for me? Is Monica worth it? But she might have lied to Nathan.'

A chilly glint flashed through Abigail's eyes just thinking about Monica. Until now, she hadn't got any clue on how Monica became Shining Star. She wanted to fast-track her investigation.

"Since... I'm a good person... it is right for me to stop you." Abigail declared to Nathan, her lips curling up in a taunting smile.

Nathan was unhappy with her response. He pursed his lips and his eyebrows were drawn together in a frown.

"I don't want you to kill someone... I can't let you do that." Abigail grabbed Nathan's hands, squeezing them gently. "I promise. I will do everything so that you will change your mind. I will give you reason not to kill Phantomflake." Then she flashed her smile, reassuring him.

Nathan was tongue-tied. It looked like Abigail meant her every word. He could only sigh in defeat. He didn't want to argue with her so he just ended this conversation.

"Go and change your clothes first. We will go home after this."

[ End of Flashback ]

After reminiscing about their conversation, Abigail just grabbed her pillow and hugged it tightly. She closed her eyes, trying to sleep for a few more hours.


[ At 8:00 am... ]

Abigail was awakened by the continuous knocking on the door.

pǎпdǎ Йᴏνê1,сòМ Knock! Knock! KNOCK!

Abigail groaned inwardly, covering her ears using both hands. She felt annoyed by the noise coming outside. Since the person outside was so determined to wake her up, Abigail had no choice but to get off the bed.

"WAIT! Just give me a minute..."

Abigail forcefully dragged herself up and headed to her bathroom. She was yawning as she entered the bathroom. She turned on the faucet and washed her face. After a few seconds, Abigail lazily brushed her teeth, her eyes still closed.

"Miss Abi? Are you not yet done?" Butler Li could no longer wait. He yelled behind the door, asking about her whereabouts.

Abigail gurgled and washed her mouth before she spoke up. "I'm coming. Why are you pestering me early this morning?" she lamented.

Wiping her wet face with a clean dry towel, Abigail traced her steps toward the door. She opened it only to see Butler Li's anxious face.

"What's wrong?" Abigail asked him confusedly.

Butler Li scratched his face and smiled awkwardly at her. "Miss Abi... Master Nathan is asking for your presence. He is waiting for you in his study room."

"Okay. Just let me take a quick shower first. I haven't even eaten my breakfast yet." Abigail nonchalantly said. So it was Nathan who wanted to see her early this morning.

Abigail was about to close the door when Butler Li stopped her by stepping his right foot forward, blocking the door. Then he rubbed his palms together as he begged her. "Miss Abi. We don't have time to spare. This is urgent. Master Nathan wants to see you... Now!"

"He might go on a rampage if you keep him waiting," Butler Li added.

Abigail raised her eyebrow, eyeing Butler Li suspiciously. "What is this all about, Butler Li?" She folded her arms over her chest, urging him to spill the beans, giving all the details.

Butler Li awkwardly handed the tabloid newspaper he was holding over to Abigail. She accepted the newspaper and scanned the content. In the Entertainment News section, she saw the headlines about her Comeback. But what caught her attention the most was the other article about her scandal with Richard Chang, the CEO of Star Corp Entertainment.

Abigail's eyebrows furrowed into a deep frown when she saw her photo together with Richard entering the executive suite. When she read the content, she learned that Nadia Patel and Richard Chang broke up last night. And she was the one being blamed for what happened.

Abigail's fingers clenched the newspaper tightly. Someone took their photos and leaked them to the media. She had already proven last night that she had no romantic relationship with Richard. But it seemed that someone wanted to challenge her, tarnishing her name and reputation.

'Damn it! Abigail is now being called a mistress... a relationship wrecker! Whoever did this?! I will give them a lesson! I think the Yan Family has something to do with this.' She didn't want those people to bully the real Abigail. Phantomflake would defend her and she would clear her name no matter what.

"Miss Abi... Just to give you a heads-up... Master Nathan is in a grumpy mood today... so good luck with your confrontation with him." Butler Li raised his fists, wishing Abigail a piece of good luck.

Abigail could only massage her temples. 'Don't tell me Nathan is jealous and mad because of this article?' She shook her head helplessly while clicking her tongue.

"Fine. I'll go meet him now."

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