100 Days to Seduce the Devil

Chapter 363 Make The Most Out Of It!

Day Forty-Two...


When Old Man Xu left, Abigail and Nathan got the opportunity to talk about their current relationship. Abigail wouldn't let this chance pass by as she confronted Nathan. She couldn't figure out what was running in his mind. There was a time he was denying it but when it came to other people, he was open to them.

"Nate, what is that all about?" Abigail tugged his sleeve.

pAn,Da n<0,>v,e1 Nathan just looked at her with an innocent look in his eyes. "What?"

"About your father. Did you just lie to him about our relationship?" Abigail pouted her lips.

"No. I didn't." Nathan nonchalantly said.

"But I'm not your girlfriend yet," Abigail complained, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Who said so?" Nathan arched his eyebrow.

"Me!" Abigail promptly responded.

Nathan chuckled softly. "Don't you want to be my girlfriend? I thought you were pursuing me. Ethan's whole school knew you were my girlfriend. Mr. Hiroshi thought we were a couple. My father is no exception."

"But you haven't admitted that you like me!" Abigail retorted, pouting her lips and frowning deeply.

Abigail had the urge to rip the smirk off Nathan's face. However, it was seldom for her to see Nathan smiling like this so she just savored the moment.

Though Nathan seemed to tease her, she decided to let it slide for now. However, she wanted a proper explanation from Nathan.  Was he really serious about making her his girlfriend?

Nathan leaned over while holding her shoulders, his face just a few inches away from Abigail's. Then he touched her face using his right hand, his blue eyes meeting her emerald eyes.

"Give me more time... Let me figure out my feelings first... Don't pressure me, Abi. All I can say for now... is that... you are special to my son... and to me." Nathan was sincere when he uttered those words to Abigail. For now, he wasn't certain if he already loved her or not.

'Special? I'm special to him...' Abigail smiled inwardly. Her heart was already flattered. At least, he already admitted to himself that Abigail was special to him.

'Maybe this is for the best. I still have remaining time to stay in this body. I will make the most out of it.'

"Okay, Nate. Take your time." A subtle smile formed in the corners of Abigail's lips.

They were still talking when Abigail received a phone call. Dave was calling her. He already arrived at the hotel but to his surprise, Abigail was no longer there. He only saw Helena.

Helena didn't mention what she and Abigail talked about. She only informed Dave that Abigail received a phone call and she rushed out of her room without saying goodbye.

'Oh, Sh*t! I forgot about Dave. He might have arrived at Helena's hotel. I didn't inform him that I left the hotel.' Abigail smacked her forehead.

"Is Dave calling you?" Nathan asked her. He caught a glimpse of Dave's name on her phone screen.

Abigail nodded her head, showing him her phone. "I left without telling him. He doesn't know that I'm here."

Nathan fell silent for a moment. He recalled his last conversation with Dave. He was aware that Dave wouldn't give Abigail up. He was so determined to win her back despite her amnesia.

He knew that Dave cared so much about Abigail and he loved her genuinely and unconditionally. He didn't know if he wanted to fight him over Abigail. But one thing was for sure... he could see him as his rival... a respectable rival.

"Answer him. He might be worrying about you now. Tell him about your whereabouts," Nathan said, moving away from Abigail. Though he was jealous of Dave, he could understand his feelings. He could imagine how worried Dave was because Abigail left without even saying a word.

Abigail blinked her eyes while eyeing Nathan in disbelief. She wondered what had gotten into him. He was very considerate of Dave. Was he pitying him just because she chose him over Dave?

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Nathan asked her, lifting his eyebrow. He noticed the strange look Abigail was giving him.

"Nothing. It's just that... It is unusual for you to worry about Dave's feelings. You are very considerate of him. I thought you were jealous of him?"

"Because I believe you. You already told me that he is just your friend. I don't have to get jealous," Nathan responded calmly.

Abigail just bobbed her head. Then she finally answered Dave's phone call.

"Abi. What happened? Where are you? Is there something urgent?" Dave asked her, feeling worried and anxious.

"I'm sorry, Dave... for making you worry. I'm fine. I just went out to see Ethan." Abigail bit her lower lip after lying to Dave. She felt so guilty.

Meanwhile, Nathan could only shake his head helplessly. Ethan's name was used again as an excuse. Poor child. He didn't know that Nathan and Abigail were using him as their good alibi!

"Is Little Ethan okay? Did something wrong happen to him?" Dave also expressed his concern about the little cute kiddo.

"Oh, don't worry. He is just fine. By the way, have you talked to Helena? Did she mention anything to you?" Abigail asked him while signaling Nathan to stay quiet. Nathan just shrugged his shoulders before walking toward his executive chair.

Nathan decided to work on his laptop while Abigail was talking to Dave over the phone.

"She said nothing. She is now eating the snacks I bought. Tell me where I should fetch you." Dave had no plan of staying in Helena's hotel since Abigail was no longer there.

"No need to come and fetch me. I'll go home once I'm done here. Just say my regards to Helena. See you later, Dave." The more she lied to him the more she could feel the guilt.

"Okay. Just call me if you are on the way. Be careful." Dave said goodbye to Abigail and hung up the phone.

Nathan simply stole a glance at Abigail when she stopped talking. She was now reading a message coming from her manager, Ana.

Abigail's eyes widened in surprise when she read her manager's message.

'The Star Gala Night was scheduled ahead!'

"What's wrong?" Nathan asked Abigail when he noticed her baffled expression.

"The Star Gala Night will be held tomorrow. The management and event organizer changed the schedule due to some conflict. It was supposed to be held next week." Abigail informed Nathan.

"Star Gala Night?" Nathan frowned.

"Yes. The one I told you about before. I invited you but you rejected me so I found a new date for this Star Gala. Dave will accompany me."

Nathan's fingers stopped typing something when he heard her last remarks. He remembered it. Abigail indeed invited him but he refused her. Now, he regretted doing it.

Seeing the changes in Nathan's expression, Abigail let out a soft giggle.  "I thought you were no longer jealous of Dave. Why are you annoyed?"

"You didn't ask me twice. You should have asked me several times until I agreed." Nathan complained.

"I'm sorry, Nate. I already invited Dave. He will be my escort tomorrow." After saying that, Abigail heaved a deep sigh. She was a little bit nervous. She felt like she wasn't prepared for this.

Tomorrow's event would also be her comeback as Abigail Scarlett, 'The New Rising Actress'. This would be her first appearance in the entertainment world after her suicide scandal.

"What time will your event start?" Nathan asked Abigail. He was already checking his schedule for tomorrow. He planned on attending the event to surprise Abigail. But before that, he had to talk to the CEO of Star Corp Entertainment for his invitation.

"7:00 pm," She replied.

"Okay. Enjoy." Nathan pretended he didn't care. He started working on his laptop again.

"I'll invite you next time... for a different party," Abigail said to coax Nathan. She thought Nathan got upset because Dave would be her escort during the Star Gala, instead of Nathan.

"It's okay. I don't mind," Nathan lied, hiding his disappointment.

Abigail just bobbed her head.

"By the way, what do you know about Helena? What is her relationship with Dave?" Nathan finally brought up a new topic.

Abigail's eyes lit up. Now she got the chance to warn Nathan. "Dave knew a friend who is very close to Helena. Nate. Beware of Helena. I can feel like she is hiding something. She is not trustworthy and she looks like a scheming and manipulative woman."

"Ahuh. Why do you think so? Are you just badmouthing her to ruin her image?" Nathan asked her with intrigue.

Abigail shook her head. "Believe me or not, Helena is someone whom you shouldn't trust. I am warning you, not because I'm jealous of her...but because I am worried about you."

"According to Dave... Helena is his friend's girlfriend. She has a boyfriend but she agrees to become your fiancé. Her actions are very suspicious. I think... Helena and her father are up to something. Don't trust her, Nate."

Nathan stood up and approached Abigail.

"Okay. I'll listen to you but on one condition..." Nathan didn't finish his sentence. His gaze fell on her lips.

"What conditionâ€"uhm." Abigail was interrupted when Nathan sealed her lips with another kiss. He got addicted to her and he just felt like kissing her over and over again.

Abigail could only give in and kiss him back. The two got lost in their own world once more. Both of them were very passionate as they kissed each other. Before she knew it, Nathan lifted her, bringing her to the room attached to his office.

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