Day Forty-One…


Nathan joined Abigail and Ethan. They were done registering for three different games. The first game was the sack race. There were six families who registered to join this game. The game facilitator called the participating groups. Ethan pulled his father and Abigail to the starting lane.

The game facilitator explained the mechanics of the game. Nathan was not familiar with this kind of game. He never played anything like this before. When he was young, he already started making robots. He was more exposed to computers.

"How are we going to run while inside this sack?" Nathan asked his son and Abigail.

Both Abigail and Ethan shook their heads while staring at Nathan helplessly. "Dad! You are so innocent. You have to jump, not run."

Abigail clicked her tongue and said, "Ethan, it's best if we will put your dad in the last line."

Ethan bobbed his head frantically and said, "Dad, watch and learn!"

The players proceeded to their respective positions. Ethan would run first. Abigail was standing behind him. Nathan was in the last spot.

The game master blew his whistle signifying the start of the sack race. Ethan started jumping while tugging the small sack up to his waist. Abigail cheered on him. Ethan was competing with other children.

"Go, Ethan! You can do it!" Abigail raised her fist, still cheering on Ethan.

Nathan just watched Abigail and Ethan. His heart was moved by this heartwarming scene. The way Abigail was encouraging Ethan brought a wonderful feeling inside his heart. Ethan finally found a mother in Abigail's presence.

Nathan was inspired to do his best today as Ethan's father. Just a while ago, Ethan whispered to him, "Dad! Win all the games. Let's make Miss Abi proud!"

Nathan focused his attention on Ethan, analyzing his moves. After a while, Nathan learned what to do. But the game master surprised them with a twist. After the children reached the starting line, their parents would do the race using one large sack. They had to place their legs inside the sack and jumped together. This would test their coordination and teamwork as a couple.

Ethan was leading the race. He reached the starting line first. Now, it was Abigail's and Nathan's turn to do the race.

"Follow my lead, Nate. Don't be a hindrance to Ethan's victory!" Abigail warned Nathan when they put on the sack.

"I know what to do. You don't have to worry." Nathan uttered, fixing their position inside the sack.

"We will see. Now, Jump!" Abigail urged Nathan to do as she say. At first, Nathan staggered and he almost fell. Fortunately, Abigail grabbed his shoulder.

"C'mon, Nate. Be careful. We have to win this for Ethan. Okay?" Abigail encouraged him. She could tell that Nathan was not exposed to this kind of game. Fortunately, other players were also the same. Some of them were elites who never play a game like this.

Nathan was having a hard time catching up with Abigail's movement. Instead of speeding up, the two of them slowed down. Then they heard Ethan's voice cheering on them.

"Dad! Miss Abi! Just enjoy the game! You can do this both!"

Nathan felt guilty. It was his fault for slowing down. He didn't want to disappoint Ethan so Nathan thought of a method that would help them increase their speed. He stopped Abigail from moving and he motioned for her to ride his back. He wanted to give her a piggyback ride while doing the sack race.

Abigail's lips curled up into a mischievous smile. She loved Nathan's idea. But she wondered if Nathan could jump while carrying her on his back.

"Are you sure? Can you handle my weight?" Abigail teased Nathan.

"C'mon. We are losing the race. There is no time to spare." Nathan offered his back to her.

Abigail pounced on his back and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Hold me tight because I'm grabbing you and the sack," he reminded her.

"Aye, Boss!" Abigail responded cheerfully.

The game master and the other players were rendered speechless after seeing Nathan's and Abigail's strategies.

"Wait! Is that okay? Are they cheating? They are not supposed to do that, right?" One player complained to the game master.

"This is not cheating. This is called strategy," The game master responded. He was clearly biased because the player whom they accused of cheating was Nathan Sparks. They didn't want to offend him.

Meanwhile, Ethan could only scratch his face while watching his dad and Abigail. "Smart move, Dad. You just want to score on Miss Abi."

It did not take long before Nathan and Abigail reached the starting line first and they were declared the winner. The game master congratulated them along with the second placer and third placer.

"Yey! We won!" Ethan jumped and clapped his hands, rejoicing.

Abigail just stroked his hair as she giggled. Nathan already put her down. He was now sweating profusely. He looked like he just finished working out. Imagine… Abigail was a little bit heavy and Nathan carried her on his back while jumping around.

Seeing the beads of sweat on Nathan's forehead and face, Abigail picked up her handkerchief. She moved closer to Nathan and began wiping the sweat from his forehead down to his neck. Nathan was taken aback for a moment. He didn't expect that Abigail would do it.

Without asking his permission, Abigail moved to his back. She also tried to wipe the sweat on his back by sliding her hand under his shirt. Ethan could only smile widely watching this scene. There were several pairs of jealous eyes looking at the 'couple'. They were now convinced that Abigail was indeed Nathan's current girlfriend. The two had been exchanging sweet gestures in front of them.

On the other hand, Abigail didn't know what had gotten into her. She just acted according to her instinct when she saw Nathan soaked in his sweat. This was also her way of rewarding him for his hard work. She could tell that he put so much effort into carrying her while doing the race.

When Abigail was done wiping his back, Nathan turned around to face her. He grabbed her hand and said, "I'm sweating here too." He moved his head downward, looking at his stomach.

Nathan remembered how Abigail stared at Dave's shirtless body intently. This time, he would make her look at his own body, flexing his excellent physique… especially his abs.

Without waiting for Abigail to say a word, Nathan lifted the hem of his shirt, exposing half of his upper body to Abigail. He also guided her hand on his abdomen. Abigail's eyes widened in shock and her jaw dropped.

'Damn it! Why is he flexing his body to everyone!' Abigail noticed that other women were looking at Nathan's body with their lustful eyes, drooling over him. Abigail felt annoyed since lots of women were feasting on Nathan's body.

Glowering her eyes, Abigail pulled down the hem of his shirt, covering his body. "Why are you showing them your body? This is for my eyes only! I'm your girlfriend today, remember?!" Abigail reprimanded Nathan.

"You are wrong. This is not for your eyes only," Nathan retorted, smiling cheekily.

Abigail was about to lash out at him when Nathan spoke again. "This is for your hands also. As my girlfriend today, I'm giving you the opportunity to touch them." Nathan sounded playful. He was clearly teasing her and at the same time, flirting with her.

Abigail opened her mouth to say something. But no words came out of her mouth. She was too shocked to utter a word. She just blinked her eyes in amusement.

On the other hand, Nathan was satisfied to see Abigail's current expression. She looked so adorable when stunned. Nathan lifted her chin, making her close her mouth.

"A fly might enter your lips," he said teasingly, tracing the corners of her lips using his thumb.

Abigail immediately hit his hand, moving her face away from him. "Shut up!"

"Shhh! Keep your temper. We are in front of the public," Nathan whispered after leaning closer to her.

Abigail could only bite her lips, her eyebrows twitching in a deep frown. "You are such a tease."

"Dad! Stop teasing, Miss Abi!" Ethan finally intervened. Though the two were arguing, in the eyes of bystanders, they seemed like having sweet moments, enough to feed the singles some dog food.

Nathan just shrugged his shoulders and raised his hands in surrender. Two versus one. He couldn't win against Abigail's and Ethan's combined forces.

"Okay. What is our next game? I'm finally done warming up," Nathan asked his son while cracking his knuckles. He was in the mood to participate in the games.

"Tag of war and Shooting!" Ethan informed them.

Abigail and Nathan exchanged glances with one another when they heard the last game category- Shooting!

'I love it!'

Both of them were thinking of the same thing. In the end, Team Sparks dominated all the games. They won every category and were declared the undefeated family of three!

"Dad! Miss Abi. I love family day! I hope every year we can attend this kind of event!"

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