100 Days to Seduce the Devil

Chapter 340 Plenty More Fish In The Sea

Day Forty…


"Is this information reliable?" Nathan asked Aiden the moment he recovered from his deep stupor. Never had he imagined that Phantomflake had a child.

"I don't know. I informed you so that you can verify this information. Furthermore, Black Rose is so drunk. She might be confused since she is under the influence of alcohol," Aiden explained to him.

"So Black Rose is with you?" Nathan sounded a little bit surprised.

"Yes. She's with me. But Nate… what will you do if Phantomflake really has a child? Correct me if I am wrong… when you attacked their headquarters, you didn't kill a child, did you?" Aiden continued interrogating Nathan.

"No. Only assassins were present. No child." Nathan was certain about this.

"If she does have a child, then I must find that kid… I can use that child against Phantomflake once she wakes up. She will not dare disobey me and she might cooperate with me."

"Nate. Her child is innocent. Don't involve the child in your revenge against Phantomflake," Aiden disagreed.

"Furthermore, how will you find the kid? It looks like even Black Rose doesn't know the child's whereabouts." Aiden informed him.

Nathan fell silent. He had conflicting thoughts right now. He wondered if Stephen knew something about this.

'I will confront him tomorrow after the family day event.' Nathan thought to himself.

"Nate, I have to go. I will have to bring my pet Chao-Chao to the vet. He has fallen sick." Aiden said goodbye to Nathan. He didn't want to dwell further on matters related to Phantomflake. He had some priorities– one was the drunken woman in his guest room and the other one was the adorable pet who needed to be treated tonight.

After Aiden hung up the phone, Nathan remained standing in his spot, looking at the night sky blankly. He was spacing out when Abigail approached him.

"Nate…" She called him. Her voice snapped him out of his stupor.

Nathan tossed a look at her. He saw Abigail inching closer and closer to him.

"Hmm?" Nate simply hummed. His eyes scanned her from top to bottom. Deep inside, he was glad to see her back, although this was just temporary. He felt somehow relieved that Abigail and Dave were not together.

"Tomorrow… are we going to pretend a couple?" Abigail paused, allowing Nathan to speak. It was a very direct question.

Nathan blinked, thinking about her words. 'Do we really need to do that? But how are we going to explain her participation in the event? Only parents, guardians, and relatives are allowed to join the Family Day event.'

"Yes, we have to do it so that the school will not question your attendance. Ethan's school is very strict toward outsiders." Nathan responded.

Abigail sneered at him and asked, "But you are engaged to Helena. Do you want people to think that you are two-timing us?" She was teasing him.

Nathan just arched his eyebrow. "So what? You don't have to worry about my reputation, Miss Scarlett."

Abigail just shrugged her shoulders. "Ok, fine. But I don't want to look like I'm the other woman… the mistress… or the third party. I will not gamble my reputation… especially if there is someone who is waiting for me…" Abigail was taunting him.

Nathan's face contorted when he heard that. He didn't need to guess. He presumed that she was referring to Dave, her childhood sweetheart.

Nathan immediately grabbed her shoulders. "Are you playing with me, Abi?"

"No Nate… I'm serious about you. I'm just giving you a heads-up. I am letting you know that if you don't want me… it's not my loss. If you will reject me then I will remind myself that you are not the only fish in the sea. There are many more fish in the sea." Abigail smiled at him confidently.

But Nathan wouldn't back down. He tightened her grip on her shoulder. Using his right hand, he lifted her chin so that she would look him straight in the eyes. "But my Lady, there is only one Nathan Sparks in this world. You won't meet someone like me."

Nathan smirked cheekily when Abigail was rendered speechless. When it came to verbal war, Nathan already learned how to counterattack.

"Yeah. I agree. You are one of a kind… A very rare specie of men. So if ever you will end up marrying Helena for political reasons, then I will have to retreat and give up on pursuing you." Abigail removed his hand that was holding her chin and patted Nathan's chest before she turned around to leave.

Nathan could only glare while watching her back. "What am I gonna do to her? Abigail Scarlett… let me deal with you tomorrow."


[ An hour later at Aiden's place… ]

Aiden returned home together with his pet dog, Chao-Chao. It turned out Chao-Chao had an allergy, causing him to vomit and have diarrhea. Aiden had no talent for naming his pet dog. He called him Chao-Chao because of his breed. His pet dog was a chow-chow dog breed.

He brought his dog to his room. After putting his dog in IV, Aiden proceeded to the guest room to check on Cherry. The maid told him that Cherry was already sleeping in her room. But Aiden wanted to see her before going to bed.

A broad smile broke into Aiden's lips when he saw Cherry curling up in her bed. He decided to watch her, admiring her beautiful feature. She looked pretty even in her sleep. He was totally smitten by her.

Aiden leaned over to fix her blanket. She was now wearing a comfy pajama set. Aiden enjoyed observing her up close. He even tucked her hair behind her ear.

'Damn. She is so pretty. I want to pinch her soft cheeks. Can I touch her? She won't wake up, right?'

Unable to hold his urge, Aiden poked her right cheek using his forefinger. He tried his best to hold his laughter. He wanted to touch her other cheek when suddenly Cherry opened her eyes. Aiden's heart jumped out of his chest when he met her gaze. He got frozen as if he had forgotten to breathe.

'Damn it! She woke up! She caught me in the act." Aiden's face was close to Cherry's because he was leaning over. 'Uh-oh, I'm doomed!'

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