100 Days to Seduce the Devil

Chapter 338 Does He Have A Child?

Day Forty...


Cherry and Aiden were the only people present in that valley. She could confide her feelings with Aiden and the nature surrounding her. No one would stop her. No one would judge her. Cherry was in her helpless state at this moment. Her mind was in turmoil.

"Aaaaaaaah!" Cherry screamed so loud, her voice echoing in that valley.



Cherry repeated her actions thrice until she was satisfied. Screaming in that unknown place was quite refreshing. She just released her stress by shouting out loud!

Aiden just watched her silently, a subtle smile curling up on his face. He was glad that Cherry was listening to his advice today.

When Cherry was done yelling, Aiden patted her back to comfort her. Though he was clueless about what she was going through at the moment, Aiden would like Cherry to know that he was there for her. She could rely on him. He was also dependable like his best friends, Nathan and Stephen.

"So how does it feel?" Aiden asked her, his eyes shining with delight.

"I feel a little bit better now. Thank you, Aiden."

Aiden couldn't contain his happiness when Cherry expressed her gratitude toward him. He looked like a kid who got praised by his favorite teacher.

"I'm glad I could be of help..."

Cherry nodded her head with a faint smile on her face. "Can we stay here for a moment? I want to immerse myself in this scenic view as I admire the beauty of our mother nature."

"Of course. Just take your time. I will just stay here to accompany you."

Aiden and Cherry sat on the bushy ground, under the big old tree. They kept silent while appreciating the beautiful view of the green fields, blue sky, and trees.

After a while, Cherry finally spoke up, breaking the silence. "Do you come here often? How did you know about this place?"

"Honestly, I didn't expect that someone like you knew this kind of place. I could only imagine you visiting clubs and other entertainment establishments." Cherry added.

Aiden chuckled softly and said, "See. You have a lot of misconceptions about me. This is just one of my true sides I wanna show you if you will just give me a chance to get to know me more." Aiden managed to mention his original agenda.

Cherry hadn't forgotten Aiden's request so she just smiled at his last remarks. Even Abigail talked to her, encouraging her to give Aiden a chance. She hadn't made her decision yet. But it seemed like today's encounter helped her to see Aiden in a different light.

"Kidding aside, answer my question first. How did you know this place? Do you go here often?" Cherry repeated her questions. She was glad Aiden was with her, diverting her attention away from the shocking discovery she found out at Stephen's clinic

"Actually, this is my secret hiding spot. I often go here when I am avoiding some troubles in Towerville City. As you know, among the three of us, Nathan, Stephen, and I... I'm the big troublemaker." Aiden admitted while scratching his face. He felt a little bit embarrassed.

"Yeah. I'm not surprised. You are indeed a great troublemaker." Cherry seconded.

"I bet you always come here when you are running away from your girlfriends," she added, teasing him further. She already heard about Aiden's bad reputation when it came to women and romantic relationships. He changed girlfriends almost every month.

"Sigh." Aiden heaved a deep sigh. "I'm afraid that your bad impression of me would last forever... I hope that I can still change your negative views about me." Aiden put on a pitiful look while staring at her. He looked worried and afraid. What if he would fail to change her views and first impression of him?

Cherry just shrugged her shoulders while giggling. She didn't deny nor confirm it. She had no idea how sincere Aiden was. She couldn't even understand why this guy wanted to get close to her.

"Your feelings are unreal. You just want to get my acknowledgment just because you can see me as a challenge. Perhaps, you seldom receive a rejection from women. So when I treated you badly like you didn't matter to me, your interest in me grew. Sooner or later, you will get tired of this challenge and go back to your habit... habit of collecting women." Cherry patted his back before she lay down on the grass to take a short nap. The atmosphere there was so refreshing. She would like to savor this moment and unwind.

​ Aiden just heaved a sigh of defeat. He was still far from changing her views about him. He didn't say a word. He just let Cherry take a rest. She had a lot of things in mind so it was best for her to take a nap.

Three hours later, during sundown, Cherry asked Aiden to stop by the rural side tavern. She wanted some booze. She was in the mood to drink. With her request, Aiden couldn't possibly say no to her.

Aiden parked the car in that small town, in front of the tavern. There were only a few customers because it was Weekday. The majority of people in the town were busy with their respective jobs. Aiden and Cherry chose the most isolated table inside so that they could enjoy their privacy.

As soon as their orders arrived, Cherry began to drink her beer. Aiden could only watch her silently.

'This scene looks familiar. Why do I feel like I became a drinking buddy of troubled women? At first, it was Abigail. And now, it is Cherry.'

Staring at Cherry intently, Aiden began to wonder how Cherry would act when she was drunk. A mischievous smile formed on his lips as he imagined Cherry in her drunken state.

'I think she will look prettier with her reddened face.'

A few minutes later, Aiden realized that Cherry had a low alcohol tolerance as compared to Abigail. The silent woman began to open her mouth, engaging in a conversation with Aiden. She started asking him a ridiculous question.

"Aiden, you are a man. A playboy with so many experiences with women, am I right?"

Aiden didn't know whether to feel proud or ashamed of the way she described him. Maybe he would go with the latter.

"Why do you ask?" Aiden felt like he was being bullied verbally by her. He didn't like Cherry to call him a playboy. The word felt so different when it came from her mouth.

'Why do I feel like I am a bad guy?'

"I want to ask you a question since you are an expert in this field." Cherry chuckled lightly, raising her bottle.

"Okay. What is your question then?" Aiden asked her.

'She only finished two bottles and she is already drunk...' Aiden shook his head helplessly.

"How can a woman with no interaction or relationship with any man get pregnant?"

"Cough! Cough!" Aiden choke on his drink when he heard her innocent question. 'Seriously, she is asking me this?'

"Hey! Don't just look at me. Answer me!" Cherry demanded in her drunken state. She even grabbed Aiden's collar, tugging him closer.

'Even in her drunken state, she is still violent,' Aiden thought to himself.

"Fine. Let go. I will answer you."

Cherry giggled in satisfaction. Then she let go of him.

Aiden, on the other hand, cleared his throat and fixed his collar before answering her.

"Of course, she got pregnant because she had sexual intercourse with a man. She had sex with a man for sure. If that was not the case, then maybe the woman had undergone artificial insemination."

Cherry paused for a moment just staring at Aiden with her blinking eyes. She was trying to process Aiden's words.


"Ouch!" Aiden grunted because Cherry hit his head.

"Dumbo! Of course, I know that!"

"If you know... then why are you still asking me how a woman could get pregnant?" Aiden spat back at her, rubbing his head.

"I mean... my sister doesn't want to get pregnant. She has no plan of marrying someone nor doing artificial insemination! How can she get pregnant?!"

"Maybe she fell in love at first sight! A one-night stand." Aiden nonchalantly responded before taking a sip of his whisky.

He almost dropped his glass when Cherry pulled his collar once more, turning him to face her. "Tell me the truth. Does Stephen have a child?"

"Huh? Stephen? You mean Stephen, my best friend?" Aiden asked, confusion resurfacing from his eyes.

Cherry bobbed her head frantically. Meanwhile, Aiden wondered why Cherry was asking him about Stephen. 'Wait... don't tell me she is interested in him? She has a crush on Stephen?'

"Eh? Why do you care if he has a child or not? Do you like him?" Aiden questioned her.

"Don't dodge my question. Just answer me," Cherry said with a warning gaze.

"Sigh. Stephen doesn't have a child. I don't have a child as well. Only Nathan is a single dad among the three of us!"

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