Day Forty...


[ Dave's Condo Unit... ]

Little Ethan stayed last night, sleeping in Abigail's room. It was Nathan's strategy so that he could have a reason to come back this morning.

Since Abigail was close to Ethan, Dave agreed to let the child sleep in his house. The three of them bonded together and slept late.

Dave woke up early to cook breakfast for them. On the other hand, Abigail and Ethan were still sound asleep.

It only took half an hour for Dave to finish cooking their breakfast. He still had a lot of time left before waking the two up. He decided to do some research. He wanted to read news articles related to Abigail's case.

Using his laptop, he searched for old news articles. He was shocked to find out that his name got involved in Abigail's suicide scandal.

There was speculation that he cheated on her and he broke her heart. But they didn't argue nor fight on that day.

"This is a murder attempt, staged as suicide! Who wants Abigail dead?" Dave murmured, his eyes skimming all the articles.

'I never heard about this. My last mission forbade me from contacting anyone in Country M, including my girlfriend. This was the reason why I didn't know that Abigail's life was put in danger.' Dave began blaming himself once more.

"I have to investigate this... and catch the culprit... for her safety." Dave folded his laptop when he heard the footsteps coming his way. Abigail was now awake. She got out of her room alone.

"Good morning! How's your sleep?" Dave asked her.

"Not good. I'm still adjusting to this new environment," Abigail responded.

Dave's expression became gloomy. Abigail was supposed to feel at ease in this house since she had been sleeping there for the past few months. Though her memory had forgotten it, her body should recall the feelings of comfort that this place could provide her.

"Don't worry. You will get used to it once more. When are you going back to work?" Dave moved to the side, inviting her to sit down next to him.

Abigail moved closer and sat down. Then she recalled that she had to attend the Star Gala for her comeback.

"I'll go back to work after the Star Gala Night. Do you want to attend with me? Be my escort." Abigail invited Dave to cheer him up. He looked gloomy early this morning.

And Abigail didn't fail. Dave's face brightened up when she mentioned that. "Are you sure? You want me to be your escort?"

"Yes. But as my bodyguard and my friend, not as my boyfriend." Abigail reminded him.

Dave let out a soft chuckle. "I understand. It's my honor to be your escort in that Star Gala."

Abigail just nodded her head. Since Nathan continued to deny what he truly felt for her, Abigail could only take her time in making him realize that he was attracted to her.

She wouldn't be clingy but she would distance herself from him at the moment. Last night, she gave him the magic words. If he would admit that he missed her then she would certainly make a way to see him and spend time with him.

However, Nathan remained tight-lipped last night until they were interrupted by the other residents of this condo building who joined them in the elevator. Abigail and Nathan were not able to talk further.

"I'm going to cook breakfast." Abigail stood up, thinking of making it up for Dave. He had been a thoughtful and generous host last night, serving them well.

However, before Abigail could take a step, Dave grabbed her elbow to stop her. "No need. I'm done cooking. I was supposed to wake you and Ethan up."

"Sigh. You are treating me like a princess. Let me do some household chores as well." Abigail complained a little.

Dave chuckled once more. "You will always be my princess." He glanced at Abigail dotingly. Abigail looked away as she felt a little bit uncomfortable with the way Dave was staring at her lovingly.

"Stop that. You are making me uneasy." Abigail pouted her lips.

"Don't be. It's my fault. I'm sorry. I can't help it," Dave apologized, gently patting her head. Then he pulled her to the dining area. "Alright. I will let you do some chores. You can set the table for the three of us. You can also make me a cup of coffee."

"Got it!"

Both Abigail and Dave headed to the kitchen. She began setting the table by putting plates, spoons, and forks. Dave, on the other hand, just stood there watching her every movement. His eyes were following her around with a subtle smile on his face.

If Abigail didn't lose her memory, he would be allowed to hug her from behind while she was doing this. He would cuddle her and shower her with kisses. Too bad he couldn't do those things at this moment.

Abigail was done setting the table. She moved to the kitchen cupboard to pick a mug. She started making coffee for Dave. Her back was facing Dave and he had the urge to embrace her.

Dave didn't know what had gotten into him. He just traced his steps toward Abigail and suddenly gave her a peck on her right cheek. Abigail was stirring the coffee when she felt his warm lips touching her face.

As her natural reflex, Abigail turned to her side to push Dave away. She ended up pouring the hot coffee on his shirt.

"Aah!" Dave gasped at the feel of hot liquid on his chest.

Abigail's jaw dropped and her eyes widened as she realized what she did. "I'm sorry!"

Abigail marched toward the refrigerator, taking a bottle of cold water. She quickly brought it to Dave, splashing the cold water on his chest.

Dave was at a loss for words. He could only watch Abigail in amusement. He didn't know whether he would cry or laugh.

"I'm really sorry!" Abigail apologized over and over again as she tugged Dave's wet shirt.

"It's okay. It's my fault. Don't feel guilty," Dave chuckled. He was very understanding toward her.

'Yes. It's your fault! How could you just kiss me like that!' Abigail scolded Dave in her mind.

It did not take long before they heard the sound of the doorbell.

Ding! Dong!

Abigail and Dave met each other's eyes. Both of them were clueless about who was the early visitor this morning.

"Abi, I can take care of this mess. Go on and open the door for our visitor." Dave gave her a reassuring smile.

Abigail could only bob her head obediently. She opened the door only to see the gorgeous Nathan standing before her.

'Eh? He is here.' Abigail reflexively checked the wall clock near the door. It was only 7:00 am, too early for him to visit them.

"I came here to fetch my son. He is going to school," Nathan explained right away, after reading Abigail's expression.

Abigail was about to respond when Dave suddenly showed up from behind. Nathan's expression turned dark in an instant upon seeing Dave's shirtless body.

When Abigail went to open the door, Dave took off his wet shirt, leaving him naked on his upper body.

Abigail turned around, following Nathan's line of sight. She was also flabbergasted when she saw Dave's well-toned body. 'Damn! What a Hot... Coughâ€" Morning!'

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