100 Days to Seduce the Devil

Chapter 329 So Lucky To Have Him

Day Thirty-Nine...


[ At Dave's Condo Unit... ]

Abigail felt so uncomfortable inside the unfamiliar place. She didn't know how she would move around. Dave told her to feel at home as he prepared their dinner.

Dave was very accommodating. He used to take care of Abigail when she was in his home. He cooked for her and treated her like a princess.

He didn't allow her to do household chores. He was the one serving her. His place was Abigail's safe haven and resting place before. If she was exhausted from work, Dave would often bring her home secretly and bond with her.

Abigail was not used to this treatment. In her life, she was used to doing everything on her own. She was an independent woman. Even at Nathan's mansion, she was the one working so hard to serve him and impress him. She did cooking and cleaning. But in this place, she was the princess being served by her prince.

She liked Dave's thoughtfulness and sweet side. This was an ideal guy a woman wanted to marry.

'The real Abigail is so lucky to have him as her man. He is a true gentleman,' Abigail thought to herself, admiring Dave's good qualities. She didn't know whether she should help him or not. To avoid awkwardness on her part, she just decided to let Dave do his thing in the kitchen as she tried to keep her distance from him.

She got the chance to explore his condo. It was spacious enough for both of them. Dave's condo unit has two bedrooms with a comfort room, a kitchen, a living room, and one balcony. He was living alone. Just like Abigail, Dave was an orphan. They both came from the same orphanage that's why they were childhood friends.

They got separated when Abigail was adopted by the Scarlett Family. But the two of them continued to keep in touch for several years. They lost communication when Dave pursued his studies.

Someone gave him a scholarship and became his sponsor. His sponsor was the one who urged him to become a police officer. He was indebted to this sponsor so he was willing to do anything for him.

This person was the one who gave him a secret mission abroad, making him leave Abigail behind for a month. He couldn't say no to that person. And Dave felt so guilty, thinking that it was his fault that Abigail got hurt because of him. He should have been the one protecting her.

He wanted to make it up for Abigail. This time he chose to spend more time with her and take care of her. He regretted leaving her without saying a proper goodbye. And now, his girlfriend had no recollection of him. She had forgotten him. Dave was so afraid that Abigail would ask him to break up. He didn't want that to happen.

Abigail was very new to this kind of treatment from a guy. He was very caring. Deep inside, she felt sorry for him because he had no idea that the woman in front of him was not his real girlfriend.

Abigail took a deep sigh. She went to Dave's room, checking his stuff. She was still curious about what kind of person Dave Falcon was. For some unknown reason, her interest was piqued by this gorgeous and caring policeman.

As she assessed his room, she noticed that the real Abigail and Dave were indeed a couple. She could see their pictures together on his working desk. There was also a large photo frame hanging on his wall with their photo, hugging and smiling at each other.

"She is smiling. They are both happy," Abigail murmured to herself as she stared at the picture on the wall. She couldn't help but smile. She suddenly felt relieved and at the same time, she became fond of Dave. He was someone who knew how to take good care of his woman in a gentle way.

Though there was still awkwardness between them, Abigail was trying her best to act naturally in front of him. She didn't want to hurt the feelings of that poor guy, especially now that she realized how much he loved her... the real Abigail.

"Since I am borrowing her body, this is the least I can do for her. I don't want to hurt the man she loves the most," Abigail softly mumbled, touching the surface of the picture frame. "But in order to do that, I need to pretend and lie... as I continue my mission..."

Abigail exhaled once more. She was aware that her situation became more complicated because Dave came into the picture. His sudden arrival would change her prior plan.

Abigail rubbed her temples and said, "Nathan and Dave shouldn't meet. I just need to revise my strategy. But for now, I can't stay in the Sparks Mansion. I don't want to look like a desperate woman who is after an engaged guy. Nathan should break off the engagement first with that woman, Helena!"

Abigail was still having her monologue when she heard Dave's voice calling her. "Love, the dinner is ready. Come. Let's eat."

Abigail cringed a little bit at Dave's endearment. He had forgotten that he was not supposed to call her "Love". She couldn't reciprocate his love at this moment. For her, Dave was still a stranger. And she didn't have romantic feelings for him.

When Abigail didn't respond, Dave figured out that he made a mistake. "I'm sorry, Abi. My tongue slipped and I called you using our endearment. I promise to avoid this..."

Dave was now standing at the door, giving her an apologetic look. He was smiling sheepishly while scratching his face.

'He is cute!' Abigail suppressed the urge to smile. She just nodded her head and walked toward him.

"I cooked your favorite pasta... I don't know if you can still remember but you don't like eating heavy meals during dinner. You prefer to eat pasta because you are very conscious of your diet." Dave was informing Abigail what he knew about her. There was a sullen look in his eyes but he was able to conceal it right away. He still couldn't accept that Abigail lost her memory.

Abigail wanted to be considerate of him so she just nodded her head and expressed her gratitude. "Thank you, Dave. I can smell the food from here. Let's go and eat."

Dave's eyes lit up and his lips curled up in a faint smile. He guided her to the kitchen where the dining area was also located. The table for two was already prepared. Aside from the pasta, assorted fruits, red wine, and chocolate cake were served on the table.

"I baked the cake myself," Dave proudly said as he pulled the chair for Abigail.

"You can bake too?!" Abigail gasped in surprise. She didn't expect Dave to have these baking and cooking skills.

Dave just let out a husky laugh before nodding his head. "See. You got a talented boyfriend here." He joked around as he pointed his finger at himself.

Abigail was rendered speechless. She didn't know how she would respond to that statement. But Dave immediately changed the topic as he didn't want her to feel uncomfortable around him. He could still feel the awkwardness between them.

"Enjoy the food," Dave said after putting pasta on Abigail's plate.

Dave was about to sit on the opposite chair when suddenly they heard the ringing sound of the doorbell. They had an unexpected guest.

Ding Dong!

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