100 Days to Seduce the Devil

Chapter 327 Abigail's Decision

Day Thirty-Nine…


Abigail couldn't utter a word. She didn't know whether to object or not. Ana and Santra just looked at her with questioning gazes, asking her if she would agree. They knew that Abigail was staying in someone else's house. They didn't even know her current address at this moment.

Though they assumed that Dave was a special guy to her, they were still surprised when Dave finally admitted the real relationship between them.

Santra and Ana could understand why Dave wanted to take care of Abigail. They somehow felt guilty for not being able to secure Abigail's safety before. It was a miracle that she stayed alive even after falling off the 13th floor of the building.

On the other hand, Abigail's bodyguard stepped forward and butted in. He would be in trouble if he returned to the mansion without Abigail. "I have to bring Miss Abi back to the mansion. My master and young master will scold me if she won't come home."

Dave furrowed his eyebrows the moment he saw the bodyguard. "Who is he?" Dave asked them. Ana and Santra immediately shifted their eyes to Abigail. She should answer this question.

Abigail glanced at her bodyguard, signaling him to stay quiet. She didn't want Dave to know about Nathan and Ethan. She would also be in trouble. Then she spoke up, answering Dave's question. "He is my bodyguard."

Dave understood why Abigail needed a bodyguard but he was curious about the master and young master the bodyguard mentioned a while ago. "But who are the master and the young master? And which mansion he was referring to?"

Abigail felt like Dave was interrogating them. This was one of the reasons she felt uncomfortable with him. He was a police officer. And an assassin like her was allergic to them. Abigail just smiled awkwardly, trying to come up with the best alibi.

"He is referring to my fans… loyal fans. Actually, they are the ones who recommended him to become my bodyguard. I am supposed to meet them later, that's why he mentioned that he had to bring me to the mansion." Abigail stared at her bodyguard with a warning glare. She was asking him to play along with her lies.

The bodyguard could only nod in agreement. He was intimidated by Abigail's sharp gaze. He sensed that he would experience Abigail's wrath if he said another word. To save his ass, he just remained quiet.

Deep inside, the bodyguard was having conflicting thoughts.  What would he do if Abigail decided to go with the man? How would he explain this to Nathan, most especially to Ethan?

"If you want, I can accompany you to the mansion," Dave suddenly volunteered.

Abigail quickly shook her head frantically. "No need! You don't have to come. I will just inform them that I am not available today."

'Damn! I can't afford to be seen by Nathan together with Dave. He might misunderstand us. Same with Dave… I can't let my mission destroy the relationship between Dave and the real Abigail.' Abigail was put in a complicated situation wherein she had to choose and compromise something.

"Okay," Dave simply replied. He could sense that something was off with Abigail. 'Is she hiding something from me?' Dave had known her for a long time. He could easily see through her. She was acting a bit strange. Maybe because she lost her memory.

"Can you leave us for a moment? Dave and I will just discuss something," Abigail requested them. She needed to talk to Dave and set some boundaries between them because she was not the real Abigail, his girlfriend.

Santra, Ana, and the bodyguard obediently complied with her request. The two were left alone in the living room. The three of them proceeded to the kitchen.

"Dave… regarding your proposition of me staying in your place… May I think it over first? As of this moment, I feel uncomfortable with people I don't remember… even you. I am no longer the Abigail you used to know… I'm a different Abigail." Abigail had no other choice left but to give Dave a clue that she was different from the Abigail he knew.

Dave's expression was saddened when he heard that. "This is my fault. I feel somehow responsible for this. Please, allow me to take care of you… Be with me… so that you will slowly remember me. Don't worry. I will not do something that will make you feel uncomfortable. Just treat me as your friend."

Dave was so determined. He wanted Abigail to stay by her side and compensate her for the time they missed together when he was not around. Furthermore, he wanted to secure her safety. He already applied for one month of vacation so that he could spend time with Abigail.

"Please Abi…" Dave held her hand tightly, begging her.

After a while, Abigail heaved a sigh of defeat. Putting herself in the real Abigail's shoes, she knew that she won't be able to refuse Dave's request. "Fine… I will stay with you at the moment."

Dave's eyes lit up. He felt so glad that Abigail finally agreed. "Thank you, Abi! For giving me this opportunity!" he couldn't contain his happiness. He hugged her once more. He found hope because of Abigail's decision.

Meanwhile, Abigail made this decision considering that she had an argument with Nathan. She realized that she needed to distance herself from Nathan for him to realize her absence. She couldn't figure out Nathan's feelings for her.

She wanted to believe that Nathan was somehow developing feelings for her but he was still in denial. Besides, Nathan wouldn't kiss her willingly if he wasn't attracted to her. Part of her was hoping that Nathan would fix this engagement issue first. She had some priorities to do.

Dave's sudden arrival reminded her that she was not the real Abigail and she was only borrowing this body in the meantime. So before she could complete her mission, she wanted to do something for the owner of her body. She agreed to stay with Dave because of the real Abigail.

"But Dave… can we continue hiding our relationship from the public? As long as I can't recall our memories together, can we consider ourselves friends?" Abigail made another request from him.

Dave fell silent for a moment. He couldn't promise that he would be able to control himself. He had been missing her for a month. He didn't expect that once he came back, Abigail would no longer remember him. However, he had no choice but to respect Abigail. "I don't mind… as long as you don't push me away."

"Thank you for understanding my current situation," Abigail softly said, expressing her gratitude. Though she didn't know him, she could feel his genuine concern for the real Abigail.

'I guess, he truly loved her. But I still need to make sure that he has no involvement with the incident that happened to the real Abigail.'


[ 5 Hours Later… ]

At Sparks Mansion, the bodyguard returned home without Abigail. He immediately sought Nathan's presence to report what happened. Nathan was in his study room when the bodyguard entered the house.'

Butler Li was the first one who noticed that the bodyguard arrived alone. "Where is Miss Abi? She is not with you."

The bodyguard put on a pitiful face before nodding his head. "She is not coming home. A guy took her."

Butler Li's eyes widened and gasped, "WHAT?! But why? Who is the guy? Why did you let him take Miss Abi away?! Master Nathan will fire you!"

The bodyguard became more anxious when he heard Butler Li's last remarks. "I have no choice. It was Miss Abi's decision. Can you help me relay this information to Master Nathan? I don't think I can report this alone."

Butler Li clicked his tongue and shook his head helplessly. "Tsk, Tsk, Tsk… Master Nathan is not the only problem… but also our young master Ethan. He will look for Miss Abi. How are we going to explain this to him? He might throw a fit once more."

"Go and report this to Master Nathan. I will have to ask the maids to hide and keep the porcelain vases, otherwise, young master Ethan will target them again, breaking them into tiny pieces!" Butler Li said with urgency.

The bodyguard could only scratch the back of his head. 'I knew it. Big trouble might happen. I should have brought Miss Abi back.'

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