100 Days to Seduce the Devil

Chapter 322 Right Time For Everything

Day Thirty-Eight…


[ At Veronica's Place… ]

Ding! Dong!

Veronica was resting at home when she received an uninvited visitor. She opened the door as soon as she heard the doorbell. She was taken aback for a moment when she saw the guy standing outside her door. He was wearing his black rider suit and holding his helmet in his right hand.

"What the hell are you doing here?" She scowled at him. "How many times should I tell you that you are forbidden to come to my place?" She pushed him. She didn't want to entertain Marco.

"I did what you asked me to do," Marco declared to her. He tried to cause an accident a while ago, targeting Abigail Scarlett. He tried to hit her using his motorcycle. Though he didn't intend to kill her, he wanted to cause a major accident that would cripple her.

Meanwhile, Veronica's uninterested expression changed almost immediately when she heard his statement. She grabbed his elbow, pulling him inside the house.

"Tell me what happened. Did she die on the spot? Did you punish that bitch?" Veronica's eyes gleamed with anticipation. She was looking at Marco expectantly.

Marco placed his helmet on the table and sat down on the couch. He took his time before answering Veronica. He knew she would feel disappointed once she heard the update from him.

Clueless about Marco's failure, Veronica sat next to him with an eager look. She was dying to hear that Abigail would no longer be a threat to her. She couldn't afford to lose Nathan just because of Abigail. She wanted to eliminate Abigail as soon as possible because she was her greatest obstacle in reaching her goal.

Marco turned to face her. He held her shoulders and said, "I'm sorry. I failed today. Someone intervened. But you don't have to worry. I will make sure that I will succeed next time!"

Veronica's excitement disappeared and her mood changed once again. She was very disappointed to hear this. "Who intervened? What did you do? Did someone take the bullet for her?"

"A passerby helped her. I didn't shoot her. I tried to run over her with my motorcycle," Marco explained to Veronica.


Veronica was not able to control her anger. She slapped Marco on his right cheek. "Useless! I told you to kill her. You should have shot her. Use your gun to kill her. Or use a much bigger truck to run her over! Crush her into pieces if you must! Just eliminate her!"

Veronica was feeling impatient. She couldn't wait to remove the obstacle which was Abigail Scarlett. She was afraid of losing Nathan to someone like her. She was just a mere actress!

On the other hand, Marco chewed his cheek inside his mouth, enduring the pain inflicted on him by Veronica's slap. It stung a bit but his ego was hurt more than his cheek.

"Nica, there are lots of ways to hurt or kill your enemy. Firing a gun is not the only way to do that or create a big accident such as hitting her car using a big truck. Abigail was being guarded and Nathan's chauffeur was also with her. Do you want me to kill them as well? Do you want Nathan to take action if I involve his staff and kill them?"

Veronica just glared at him. "Don't be a hypocrite. When did you care about hurting or killing other people aside from your target? You don't give a damn about this trivial thing. Why are you hesitating to kill her? I already slept with you. I gave you what you want! Now, just do your fuckin job!" She was lashing out at him. She was very disappointed because Abigail was unharmed and she was still alive.

"If you can't do your job then I will take care of her myself. If I have to poison her inside Nathan's house then I will do it!"

Veronica stood up and was about to leave however, Marco grabbed her elbow, stopping her from leaving. "Don't be so reckless, Veronica! We still have so many chances to kill her. Just be patient. Let me deal with her."

Marco was worried because Veronica was becoming so moody and impatient lately. If she let her emotions blind her judgment then she was prone to committing terrible mistakes. Marco was cautious not to raise suspicion from Nathan.

What if Abigail started to be an important person to Nathan? If something bad happened to her then Nathan would take action just like how he annihilated the entire assassin guild when Monica died. They had to be careful.

They also did something to harm Monica before. Fortunately, Nathan didn't find out. If he did, then Veronica and Marco would certainly experience Nathan's wrath. They just got lucky because Phantomflake came into the picture. All of Nathan's hatred and anger were directed at her.

"Fine! I will give you another chance! Do your job properly. Now, get out! I don't want you to stay here!" Veronica was sending him away. She didn't want other people to see another man in her house. They might misunderstand their relationship. She wanted to look faithful to Nathan. Her heart belonged to Nathan only.

Marco didn't want to argue further with Veronica so he decided to leave her place quietly. It was so hard to please Veronica. She was only thinking about Nathan. She was obsessed with him.

Though he wanted to confess his feelings to Veronica, he knew that Veronica would never look at him the way she looked at Nathan. Despite this, Marco was allowing Veronica to take him for granted.

'As long as Nathan is alive, Veronica will never choose me…' Marco clenched his jaw, staring at the closed door with his bloodshot eyes. In fact, he hesitated to kill Abigail because he wanted Veronica to see that Nathan would never choose her. He might fall in love again… but not with her.  Once she realized that, he hoped that one day, Veronica would take notice of him and acknowledge his feelings for her.

'Should I just kill Nathan instead of Abigail?' Marco thought to himself. He smiled bitterly before driving his motorcycle away from Veronica's place.


[ At Red Dragon Mafia's New Hideout in Country M… ]

After following Abigail, the Dragon Lord returned to their new hideout. The Syphiruz Mafia destroyed their previous headquarters in Country M so they had to search for another location and set up a new hideout. He found a nice location and bought the whole building.

"My lord, why did you do that a while ago? It would be best if you had introduced yourself to her properly. But you just left after that short conversation. You should have asked her to treat you for saving her," Jack questioned the Dragon Lord's actions. He couldn't understand why the Dragon Lord intentionally missed the chance to get closer to Abigail.

The Dragon Lord just smirked as he recalled his short encounter with Abigail in front of Ethan's school. He was the passerby who saved Abigail from getting hit by the motorcycle.

"You were the one who told me that Abigail Scarlett was not a typical woman. She is sharp and wise. She can easily see through our scheme. I did that in order for me not to raise any suspicion. Just think of this as if I am fishing… In order to have a great catch… I have to be patient. There is a right time for everything. And the next time we meet… I will properly introduce myself to her."

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