"Drive, go to the hospital." Huo Liancheng told Lao Wang.

"Huo, you wicked capitalist, come to squeeze my poor labor force again! I just got off the plane, and before the jet lag, you arrange work for me! " Elson was upset.

"Go to the hotel, open a room and let the poor labor sleep." Huoliancheng changed his name immediately.

"Oh, don't do it! I'd better go to the hospital. I can't sleep now Elson was just joking. He didn't expect Hollen to be so straightforward.

Looking at Elson's appearance, Jian Yun could not help but feel funny.

Huo Liancheng pinched Jianyun's hand. Jianyun turned to look at him. He asked, "sleepy?"

"Well." Jian Yun didn't know why he asked. He only truthfully replied that although she had been sleeping all afternoon, maybe after her mother was in hospital, she had been sleeping too little. Now she suddenly lost the pressure, and she seemed to be sleeping enough every day.

Huo Liancheng gently took Jian Yun's head, let her lean on his generous shoulder and put her in his arms. "Then you should sleep for a while, and I'll call you when you go to the hospital."

Jian Yun did not refuse, because she knew that even if she said no, he would not pay attention to her. This man is too strong and overbearing.

When Jian Yun leaned into Huo Liancheng's arms, her body could not help shaking. Her strong male hormone breath wrapped her tightly. She could even hear the vibration from his chest, which gave her a sense of peace of mind.

Jian Yun slowly closed her eyes, but in her heart, she thought that if she had met him six years ago, she would not have been as cautious and timid as she is now. No matter what the outcome is, she will devote herself to it.

But now she, a heart already full of holes, she dare not love again, because she can not bear to be hurt again.

At first, she heard the voice of Huo Liancheng and Elson lowering their voices. Later, she fell into a complete dreamland, until Huo Liancheng gently patted her face and woke her up.

She opened her eyes and found that the light was bright and her vision was wide. There were many people. She rubbed her eyes and found that it was not in the car, but in her mother's ward in the hospital.

"Awake?" Huoliancheng's deep voice is ringing in my ears.

Jian Yun looked up and saw that Huo Liancheng was looking down at her. His dark eyes were deep and his eyes were very focused.

Jian Yun blinked. She thought Huo Liancheng had something to say to her, so she also looked at him. However, Huo Liancheng didn't say a word for a long time. Jianyun wondered what he wanted to do.

It was only when Jianyun suddenly found that there was a nurse looking at her with envy and the strange look of Bai Ze who was standing with Elson, that she realized that she had been in the arms of Huo Liancheng all the time. He just hugged her and sat on the sofa with his clothes on her

Jian Yun's face turned red and her long eyelashes drooped. She didn't dare to look at Huo Liancheng any more. Her voice was like a mosquito humming, "let me down."

Huo Liancheng didn't force him. Yiyan let Jianyun go. Jianyun sat on the sofa beside him and looked at the room full of people. He was very embarrassed and asked, "why didn't you wake me up when I got out of the car?"

"Yes, you're sleeping like a pig. You can't wake up Huo Liancheng put his clothes aside, stretched his arms and leaned against the sofa.

Hearing that he even compared himself to a pig, Jianyun immediately glared at him.

"It's just that. You're not only snoring, but also drooling. Look at this pool of saliva on my shirt." Huo Liancheng pointed to his shirt chest, a look of disgust.

"You, get out of here Jian Yun's face was so flushed that she could not help but stand up and give Huo Liancheng a good look and warn him not to make any arrangements.

In fact, Jian Yun knows better than anyone else. Huo Liancheng would say these things just to divert her attention. He didn't want her to be nervous because she saw a room full of doctors around her mother's hospital bed to study her illness.

But how could Jian Yun not be nervous? She stares at Elson almost without blinking, pricking her ears to hear what he is saying.

After hearing this, Jian Yun found that several doctors were communicating in English. Baize, Ouyang Fei's chief surgeon, knew her best. He had been talking to Elson.

"Elson doesn't know a lot of Chinese characters." Huo Liancheng whispered in Jianyun's ear.

Jian Yun's heart leaped and subconsciously turned to see Huo Liancheng. How could he know what she was thinking?

"Don't worry. Look at their faces. It's not as bad as you think." Huo Liancheng holds Jianyun's plain hand in the palm of his hand. He and Jianyun stand side by side, quietly comforting her.

Jian Yun nodded. She lowered her eyes and forced herself not to care.

I don't know how long after that, Elson came over. He looked relaxed and said to Jian Yun: "I know all the disease records. It's not as bad as I thought. I'll have a comprehensive examination tomorrow and have a consultation. If it's OK, I can operate the day after tomorrow."

Thank you Jane Yun breathed a sigh of relief.

"Jane Yun, don't worry, your mother will be OK!" Baize also came to comfort Jian Yun."Thank you, director Bai!" Jian Yun gratefully gave him a smile and said, "I'm sorry to trouble you. I still have to work overtime so late."

"Ha ha, no trouble, no trouble. Thanks to you, we can meet Dr. Elson. He is No. 1 in our business! What's more, we only know today that Dr. Elson can speak Chinese so well. " Li said with a smile that his words also made the atmosphere relaxed.

"Come on, it's almost two o'clock. Let's all go. I have to go to work tomorrow. You can stand it, and my old man can't stand it either." Old Yin yawned and took the lead to go outside.

Jian Yun saw that the doctors and nurses in the ward were almost gone. She pulled Huo Liancheng's clothes and whispered, "I want to stay here with my mother."

"Good." Huo Liancheng agreed very simply. Seeing that President Li was talking to Elson, he went over and said something to President Li and whispered to Elson. They shook hands. President Li and Elson gradually walked away.

If Jian Yun wanted to stay, she asked the 24-hour nurse to go back. As soon as she took off her coat, she heard the door ring. She thought it was the nurse who came back, so she said, "go back. Come back tomorrow."

There was no one to speak and no door rang. Instead, the sound of footsteps was getting closer and closer. Jian Yun turned to the door to see who was coming.

That is to say, when she turned out from the corner, her eyes suddenly became dark, and she suddenly bumped into a warm embrace. The next second, her lips were also blocked.

With such a strong breath, Jian Yun did not have to open her eyes to know that it was Huo Liancheng. She did not struggle because too many lessons told her that it was useless to struggle in the face of him. #####

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