Tyranny Of Steel

Chapter 903 The Fall of France Part lV

903 The Fall of France Part lV

Berengar gazed into the eyes of King Aubry and what remained of his royal family. For the hell of it, he activated the eye of Horus as he gazed upon the true emotions hidden behind their expressions. Aubry was filled with terror and disbelief. There was not a single ounce of hatred in his aura, only deep regret.

Sibilla's aura was as black as the abyss. Only killing intent appeared within her eyes. For the injustices she had suffered in the past, for the current situation she found herself in, she could only blame Berengar. It was such an overwhelming hatred that even Berengar thought perhaps the woman would become a vengeful spirit upon her death.

As for the other two siblings, they had the same aura as Aubry. The entire royal family had been gagged, not even permitted their last words, as Berengar played a game of Eeny, meeny, miny, moe with his left index finger to determine which of these four siblings he would execute first. In the end, his finger landed on the fat bastard. With a cruel smirk on his face, Berengar announced the result of his little game.

"It appears that this little piggy is destined to die first... Remember to lift with your legs!"

Berengar did not even bother to remember the man's name, nor did he care to do so. The gluttonous pig squealed as he was lifted off the ground by the members of the Leibgarde and pushed towards the guillotine. After shoving the man's neck down into the alotted space, Berengar nodded his head slightly and, in doing so, sealed the man's fate once and for all.

The soldiers of the Leibgarde pulled on the rope, and the blade fell from above, cleanly severing the man's head from his shoulders, where it tumbled into a whisker basket below. Aubry and his siblings screamed as loud as they could, but the rags that were stuffed into their mouths muffled their words.

Upon seeing this, Berengar merely clapped and cackled as if he was witnessing an exciting show. The act of which did not cause the slightest bit of concern to arise in the hearts of the Frankish revolutionaries. After the death of the glutton, Berengar pointed towards his next target, which was the craven fool.

"He's next!"

Without the slightest hesitation, the soldiers of the Leibgarde dragged the lanky man towards the guillotine and stuffed his head into the device. The man's eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets as they gazed upon the fat severed head of his brother.

He screamed as loud as he could, and struggled out of the device, but it was no use. The executioners pinned the man down before pulling the rope. Once more, sending the uneven blade downwards, and in doing so, decapitating the poor prince.

Upon seeing two of her brothers slain in a matter of seconds, Sibilla gazed furiously at Berengar, and struggled with all her might to spit out her gag. Shockingly enough, she managed to do so, where she proceeded to curse Berengar in her most shrill voice.

"Berengar von Kufstein! I endured the torment you put me through in your prison for an entire year. I swore from the first day I was confined that I would have my vengeance against you. It appears that such a thing was not part of god's plan in this life. However, I swear to you that should we meet again in the next life, I will do everything in my power to flay the flesh from your bones!"

The soldiers who held onto Sibilla immediately punched her in the solar plexus after hearing her wicked words, which caused the princess to double over and vomit out her bile. After striking Sibilla, the Leibgarde stuffed her head into the guillotine when they received a shocking order from their Kaiser.

"Wait! This woman's remarks cannot go unpunished! Cut out her vile tongue, then you may execute her with the guillotine..."

The soldier nearest to Sibilla unsheathed his boot knife without hesitation and pulled out the woman's tongue before ruthlessly cutting through the organ as if it were mere butter. Blood sprayed onto the stand as the French Princess choked on the sanguine liquid. Yet, her suffering did not last long, as immediately after, her head was stuffed into the guillotine and the blade decapitated her.

Finally, all that remained of the royal family was Aubry, who fell to his knees in agony over his sister's death. Despite the hopelessness of the situation, the feminine King of France spat the gag out of his mouth and pleaded for mercy.

"My Kaiser, please spare this foolish boy's life. I promise to serve you in any way you desire. Whether it is as your footstool, or as your personal fuck toy, so long as you let me live, I will do anything you desire!"

The crowd reviled in disgust as they heard these shameful words and immediately threw refuse towards the stand. Shockingly, the Kaiser raised his hand and signalled the crowd to cease their hostilities.

He approached the feminine king of France and grabbed the boy's dainty chin. A smile formed on Aubry's face as he thought that perhaps his life would be spared, however in the next moment, as Berengar whispered into his ears, his heart sank into a bottomless abyss.

"In an alternate life, assuming I was gay, and you were not such a filthy slut, perhaps I could have fallen for your feminine charms. However, from the moment I first laid eyes on you, all I have ever felt towards you is pure disgust. This world is better off without your degeneracy! Now go to your death, with the dignity of a man, not that you even know what such a thing is!"

After saying that, Berengar punched Aubry in the face as hard as he could and in doing so broke the boy's nose before giving the order to execute the fallen King.

"Off with his head!"

The crowd erupted into cheers as Aubry was dragged towards the Guillotine. It was clear by the words they shouted that the Frankish people despised their King and his sinful dynasty. In his final moments, all that remained in the feminine king's mind was an overwhelming sense of regret.

The last thing that Aubry saw before the blade fell were the three severed heads of his siblings. Tears fell from the boy's eyes as he was decapitated by the guillotine. Thus, marking the end of the de Valois dynasty and the Kingdom of France.

The cheers of the crowd continued for some time, before Berengar lifted his hand to silence them once more. With the death of Aubry and his siblings, as well as the nobles who once ruled over the realm, a power vacuum was immediately created, but Berengar would not allow this to continue for more than a second, and because of this he made yet another announcement which concerned the fate of the Franks.

"With the death of King Aubry and his dynasty of sinners. I hereby announce the annexation of the Kingdom of Frankia. I shall place my son, Prince Franz von Kufstein as the King of Frankia, where I shall rule as regent until a time where he comes of age. In the coming days, your laws, customs, language, and culture shall be shifted to match those of the Reich. With your annexation comes a solemn promise: From this day forward, not a single Frank shall go hungry!"

Cheers erupted across the city of Paris as these words were swept by as swift as the wind. Now that the nobility was purged, and the previous dynasty was eliminated. Germany would use its food surplus and the migration of its existing populace to re-germanize the French until they were just another Germanic ethnic group. On this day, the Kingdom of France and its unique culture had truly fallen into the annals of history...


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