Tyranny Of Steel

Chapter 592 History Will Remember Me as a True Man of Culture

Chapter 592 History Will Remember Me as a True Man of Culture

After spending nearly a week in Byzantium enjoying a brief vacation with his wife Honoria, Berengar returned home. His relationship with the Byzantine Princess was now better than ever. The results of this trip were fruitful. Not only had he eliminated a thorn in his side, but the German Emperor had also established an alliance with the Kingdom of Georgia.

While Georgia may not be a powerhouse in the region like the Byzantine Empire, it still allowed him greater access to trade in the East, as well as ensuring one less enemy who might act against him. Thus, when Berengar stepped foot in the door of his Palace, he had a satisfied expression on his face.

However, a sight he most certainly was not expecting awaited him. On the ground in front of Berengar was none other than the once pious and proud Empress Adela, who was on her hands and knees. She was dressed in a maid's outfit with a collar tied around round her neck. Attached to this collar was a leash which Linde held in her hands with a smug smile on her pretty face.

The redheaded vixen dressed herself equally scandalously. However, she was sitting on the back of Adela, who struggled to bear her weight. Before Berengar could even react to this sight, the busty spymaster handed both leashes over to her husband and simultaneously spoke the words alongside her newest pet.

"Welcome home, master!"

When Berengar and Honoria witnessed such an unseemly sight, their jaws practically fell to the floor. Honoria immediately flushed with embarrassment as she chastised Linde and Adela for their hedonistic behavior.

"What the hell do you think you two are doing!?!"

Linde gazed at her other plaything and remained silent. Her only action was to motion with her finger at the Byzantine Princess. Her intention was clear, shut up and get in line. Honoria quickly looked between Berengar and Linde, questioning what to do. She now knew that Berengar supported their budding relationship, but she also didn't want to betray her husband's trust. In the end, Linde's face grew stern as she issued a command to Honoria with an authoritative tone.


Upon hearing this, Honoria's spine twitched, and she quickly found herself in a similar position as Adela, where Linde rested her feet upon her back. After doing so, she complimented the Byzantine Princess for her obedience.

"Good girl, mommy is proud of you!"

Berengar gazed at Linde in shock, completely dumbfounded at how well she had trained his two other brides. However, her next statement surprised him even more.

"As you can see, I have properly trained your other bitches for you... Did I do good, master!?!"

Berengar did not know why, but to see his women getting along so well for the first time in ages brought a smile to his face. He hurried to the Angelic beauty seated atop the two other stellar women and planted a passionate kiss on her lips.

"Now this is a greeting befitting of an emperor! You have been a very good girl, Linde..."

Linde flushed with embarrassment as she heard her master's praise, before yanking on the collar around Adela's neck. The one proud Empress now looked up at Berengar with a pleading gaze. She, too, wanted to feel his love, and her mommy had given her the signal to beg for it.

"Darling, please forgive me for my previous insolence. I exist only to serve you, and mommy."

For too long, she had been subjected to the sexual torture of Linde, and she now knew her place in the harem's hierarchy. However, Berengar did not immediately give her his intention, and instead he shifted his gaze to Honoria and kissed her first. He then petted her purple hair and whisper something into her ear.

"Good girl, this is how it should be!"

After saying this, he moved his attention to Adela, who had an excited expression on her face as she waited for her husband's kiss. Berengar had a devilish thought in mind, but remembered they were still technically in an open area of the palace. Thus, he chose not to go with his instinct and instead kissed the girl. As he did so, he also whispered something in her ear.

"If you don't behave yourself from now on, I promise you, I will lock you in a room with Linde and allow her to do whatever she wants to your body. So you better straighten up and fly right, my little Empress..."

Adela merely gulped the saliva pooled in her mouth before hastily nodding her head in agreement. She knew all too well the devious things that Linde could think up of when the two were left alone together and knew better than to speak out of turn. Upon seeing Adela be so obedient for the first time in her life, a wicked grin spread itself over Berengar's lips as he looked around his house for the two absent missing members of his harem.

"Linde, my dear, do you know where Henrietta and Yasmin are?"

In response to this, Linde did not hesitate to reply, and had an eager expression on her face as she did so.

"Henrietta is currently in the bath, and Yasmin is feeding your son. So it is just the three of us for the time being!"

Berengar nodded his head, though he wanted to have fun with these three, now that they were well and truly on the same page. He knew he had some business to attend to first, thus he called out to Linde, informing her of his plans.

"Linde, release Honoria, I need her to help me plan our honeymoon. It is about time I took you all some place nice, and her knowledge of the Atlantic will be necessary for my plans."

Upon hearing this, Linde sighed before shifting her feet off of Honoria's back. The beautiful young woman then rose to her feet and hugged her husband as the two of them walked off to make plans for the evening.

When Honoria and Berengar were gone, Adela pouted as she regretted not being able to be further intimate with her husband. Linde noticed the expression on the girl's face and felt pity for her.

"Sorry kiddo, looks like he is not interested right now. However, I have nothing to do for the next few hours so it looks like you will just have to make do with mommy..."

Adela blushed as she heard this before nodding her head in agreement.

"Yes... mommy."

Upon saying this, the two of them absconded to a more private area to have some fun of their own. All the while, Berengar and Honoria entered the palace's study. Honoria quickly pulled out some charts her crew had made during their journey across the atlantic. She pointed at one island off the coast of what would have been known as Grenada in Berengar's past life.

"This right here. It has nice sandy beaches, and the ability to create a dock capable of housing one of our vessels. As far as we could tell, it is completely uninhabited. Such a location would make an excellent spot for a private residence."

Berengar nodded his head in agreement upon seeing the location. It was close enough to the colony in New Swabia that they could maintain it with supplies and defend it if necessary. After thinking about it for several moments, Berengar spoke of his plans..

"I will dispatch an architect to survey the land and set up the best plan for an estate. Obviously, it won't be to the scale of our home here in Kufstein, but we should be able to establish quite a large manor on the island, which will be more than enough to suffice for winter vacations."

Honoria leaned her head against Berengar's shoulder and smiled as she envisioned the winter manor on a private island across the atlantic. After a while, she broke the silence by asking the question on her mind.

"It should be fun... All of us together, exploring the depths of pleasure as one unit. I wonder what people in the future will think about the Great Kaiser of Germany, and his scandalous relationships with his wives and sister."

Berengar chuckled when he heard this remark, before responding in absolute confidence.

"I like to think that, at the very least, history will remember me as a true man of culture!"

Honoria could not contain her laughter at her husband's absurd statement. She broke out into a fit of giggles before responding to the man.

"Oh? So that is what we're calling it now? Culture. Well, Mr. Man of culture, you have two very frustrated wives downstairs waiting for you to satisfy them. I suggest you get to it..."

In response to this, Berengar sighed heavily in defeat...

"It has only been a week, and yet they're practically begging for it at the door. Just how the hell do you girls manage to survive when I'm on campaign for months on end?"

A sly smile formed on Honoria's lips as she kissed Berengar before whispering in his ear.

"I think you already know..."

After saying this, she departed from the room. When she was halfway down the hall, she called out to him once more.

"Are you coming or what?"

Berengar gazed down the corridor to see his wife practically jumping for the joy at the prospect of getting in bed with him and his harem. He sighed in defeat once more before he unfastened the medals hanging from his neck.

"Sometimes it is too good to be the Kaiser..."

After saying this, he ran off after his wife, so that he could reunite with his women in an orgy of hedonistic pleasure.

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