True King's Ecstasy

Chapter 388 Killing Parasites

Velian cautiously stepped into the unfamiliar village, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of distress or chaos.

To his relief, the village appeared to be untouched, its streets bustling with people going about their daily routines. The scent of freshly cooked meat filled the air, mingling with the laughter and chatter of the villagers.

As he took a deep breath, Velian couldn't help but let out a sigh, his tension easing away. Relief washed over him, knowing that nothing disastrous had befallen this peaceful place. He moved further into the heart of the village, curious to learn more about its residents and their way of life.

Noticing a group of villagers gathered near a cosy tavern, Velian approached, hoping to strike up a conversation. A kindly old man with a weathered face and a twinkle in his eyes noticed his arrival and greeted him warmly.

"Welcome, stranger!" the old man exclaimed, his voice carrying a hint of curiosity. "What brings you to our humble village?"

He was wary and it was rather obvious as Velian had a sword on his sheath, but at the same time, the old man wasn't disrespectful just because Velian is a stranger to them.

Velian returned the smile, feeling more at ease in this friendly atmosphere.

"I happened to stumble upon your village, seeking refuge and perhaps some answers. I must admit, I am relieved to see that everything seems to be in order here. Have you always lived in such tranquillity?"

The old man chuckled, leaning on his cane.

"Aye, lad, our village has been blessed by fortune. We have weathered storms and stood strong through the ages. There have been hardships, of course, but nothing too dire. We believe in fostering harmony and lending a helping hand to those in need. It seems fate has smiled upon us."

Velian nodded, impressed by the old man's words. "It is truly remarkable. I have come from a village plagued by strife and darkness. It warms my heart to see such peace and unity here."

The old man's face quickly turned into something of a sadness, as he already hears the news about the other villagers from the people that escaped and entered here.

"Monsters are too ferocious for some reason, I hope they won't come here, even though we have some hunters, I don't think they can face the monsters,"

He was anxious, as he didn't know what to do. They could escape to the capital or ask for help from the capital, but they were too out of touch with the world because of how far they were from the capital that even tax collectors came only a few times to collect things from them.

"No worries old man! You can send a message to the capital, they will send knights that will be able to help you," Velian said and looked at the village with his eyes on everywhere.

"Old man! Is there an empty but that I can use? I will pay with some food," Velian asked as he wanted to take the tamer and question him.

"Hmm~ you can use any of those huts we use them to store wheat, but it's not the time for us to farm them yet,"

Bowing at the old man, Velian entered the hit and quickly made sure nobody was there to spy on him.

Then he left the hit and quickly sneaked into it with the tamer and quickly held his head and used his violet flame in a very small amount.

"Ughhhhh~ ughhhh~" He wanted to about saying it hurts but only groans came out as his mouth was gagged.

" I know cell users can pinpoint other cell users, so I won't ask for a second time, tell me where the others are,"

Hearing his words the tamer hesitated but with how the odour of the flame increased, he suddenly told what Velian wanted to hear.

"There's someone close by, please stop this, I will tell you,"

Velian narrowed his eyes, studying the man's pained expression. He released his grip slightly, allowing the man to catch his breath but maintaining enough pressure to keep him subdued. The violet flame flickered in Velian's hand, casting an eerie glow in the dimly lit room.

"I appreciate your cooperation," Velian said, his voice low and commanding. "Now, focus. Can you sense any specific person or area within this village where you feel this presence?"

The man hesitated, his breathing ragged. The pain had weakened his resolve, and fear crept into his eyes. He glanced around nervously before finally responding,

"I... I don't know exactly where, but it's somewhere here. I can sense someone hiding, but the feeling isn't strong enough for me to pinpoint the exact location."

Velian's grip tightened momentarily, causing the man to wince. "You better be telling the truth," Velian warned. "I have ways to make the pain even more unbearable."

"I swear, it's the truth!" the man pleaded, his voice filled with desperation. "I can only sense their presence, but I can't determine their exact whereabouts. Please, believe me."

Velian knew he was telling the truth because one of the main reasons they had been destroying the land is to attract other cell users and if they could pinpoint the exact location, they wouldn't need to do that.

Velian released his hold completely, taking a step back and extinguishing the violet flame. He surveyed the man, contemplating his next move.

If there was someone in this village, it was crucial to find them swiftly. Velian had a mission to fulfil, and he couldn't afford to waste any more time.

"Very well," Velian said, his tone grave. "I'll give you one chance to prove your worth. Lead me to the outskirts of this village, to the area where you feel this presence. If you're lying or try anything foolish, you'll regret it."

The man nodded vigorously, relieved that Velian was willing to listen. He understood the gravity of the situation and the consequences of deceiving someone like Velian. With a renewed sense of purpose, the man swallowed his fear and gestured for Velian to follow him.

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