1483 He Had Felt Something

After Chu Qi finished his bowl of congee, Ji’er took the empty bowl from him and asked, “How does it taste?”

Chu Qi did not answer her. His gaze fell on the back of her hand. It was very red and looked like it was burnt.

His expression immediately turned dark as he grabbed her hand and asked quickly, “How did you hurt yourself?”

Ji’er did not hide it from him when she saw he had noticed it. She decided to show the injury to him openly. “I accidentally burned myself on the pot while cooking the porridge, but I’ve already put medicine on it and it’s no longer painful. There’s no need to worry.”

It was impossible for Chu Qi not to worry. The little princess had never done chores like this ever since she was young. Now that the back of her hand was reddened from the burn, how could he not be upset and worried about it?

He touched the back of her hand gently with his fingers. “Does it still hurt?”

Ji’er leaned in a little closer to him. “Are you feeling upset for me, Lil Qi?”

Chu Qi lifted his gaze to glance at her. His thumb pressed gently onto the burnt spot and Ji’er immediately hissed with pain. She looked at him, teary-eyed. “It hurts.”

Chu Qi pursed his lips and said nothing. He pulled her hand close to his lips and gently blew on her wound.

Ji’er could not help quivering when the man’s breath touched the back of her hand and goosebumps appeared on her arm.

Chu Qi stopped when he noticed something unusual about her and he lifted his eyes to look at her.

Her face was now completely red and her beautiful eyes were looking at him shyly.

Chu Qi suddenly felt himself getting hot and flustered when he caught her glossy eyes looking at him, and he gulped subconsciously.

He quickly let go of her hand and turned his gaze away as he said hoarsely, “Hurry up and go home, Ji’er. I need to get some rest now.”

“Alright.” Ji’er did not object to this as she replied softly and stood up. “Rest well.”

“Okay.” Chu Qi closed his dark eyes slightly.

Ji’er bit her lip. She was about to say something when she saw him lying down in bed.

She had no choice but to walk out the door with the empty bowl.

Chu Qi opened his eyes only after he heard the door close behind him. He was not sleepy at all.

His mind was filled with Ji’er’s every move and expression, all sorts of images of her running through his head.

He was reminded of the night when Ji’er had kissed him

Chu Qi had felt something when Ji’er pulled him into the bed for a kiss that night in Auspicious Palace.

He shut his eyes, feeling even more disgusted with himself than before.

How could he think of Ji’er….that way? How could he?

He covered his face with his hand, feeling despondent about everything.

It was not long before Ji’er returned with a bowl of medicine in her hand.

“Have your medicine before going to sleep, Lil Qi.”

Chu Qi was not asleep. He turned back and looked at her in astonishment when he heard her voice. “Why haven’t you gone home yet?”

“I didn’t say I was going home.” Ji’er blinked at him, giving him an innocent look before walking over to him. She reached out a hand to help him to a sitting position. “Hurry up and finish your medicine.”

Chu Qi avoided her touch and sat up by himself. He took the medicine from her and finished it in one gulp.

“I’ve finished it. Can you leave now?” He tried his best to sound as cold as possible.

Ji’er felt a little dispirited when she saw this. She took the bowl from him and left without saying anything.

Chu Qi was relieved, thinking that she was finally willing to return to the Palace.

However, he somehow felt frustrated when he watched her leave just like that.

The upset look she had given him before she left made him feel even more terrible.

He sighed and lay back in bed.

However, Ji’er returned once again during noontime with food.

This time, Chu Qi was asleep and Ji’er had to wake him up.

“Get up for lunch, Lil Qi.”

Chu Qi saw Ji’er little face close to his the moment he opened his eyes. Her wonderful scent spread over his face gently.

His eyes narrowed as the cold expression on his face gradually became red.

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