1415 How Does He Bully You

“You know very well what I’m talking about,” Long Xuan retorted coldly, his fingers tightening around his cup. “Lin Qingyuan, don’t forget that you’re a married woman. If you do anything out of line, don’t blame me for being merciless!” With that, he slammed the cup down on the table and rose from his seat.

Lin Qingyuan was stunned, but seeing him head outside, she hurriedly asked, “Where are you going?”

Long Xuan paused in his step but did not look back at her. “Back to the imperial capital.”

Lin Qingyuan stiffened. Her lips moved, but in the end, she could not bring herself to persuade him to stay.

Soon, Long Xuan disappeared from her view.

Bai He hurried in, and seeing her mistress sitting forlornly at the table, asked tentatively, “Miss, did you fight with the General again? I saw him leave on his horse.”

“He went back to the imperial capital,” Lin Qingyuan replied glumly.

She did not understand how things had turned out like this.

All she had wanted was for him to spare Chen Xuping, but he thought that it was because she still had lingering feelings for him.

For that reason, she felt indignant.

What was she to Long Xuan, anyway?

Remembering the dreadful things he had said to her in the forest the day before only upset her even more.

She was a fool for forgiving him when he had hardly cared to apologize. In fact, she had even allowed him to have his way with her last night.

As expected, forgiveness offered too easily was worthless. To him, she did not matter at all.

Whatever, he was better off gone. Out of sight, out of mind.

When she and Bai He arrived at the medical hall, Chen Xuping had already been treated all over again.

He no longer rushed toward Lin Qingyuan the moment he saw her. It seemed that he had accepted the idea that Chen Qiyu was his real sister.

Chen Qiyu was surprised to find that she had returned with only her maidservant.

“Where’s that young man?”

“He returned to the imperial capital,” Lin Qingyuan answered nonchalantly.

Sensing her reluctance, Chen Qiyu dropped the subject. “Let’s go.”

“All right.” Lin Qingyuan was in a dismal mood.

After fetching her bags from the inn, she followed Chen Qiyu to Jade Moon Villa.

After Lin Qingyuan had settled down, Chen Qiyu visited her with some fruit and snacks.

“I hope you don’t mind me asking, Qingyuan, but is that young man in Rocky Grounds City…”

“He’s my husband.” Lin Qingyuan laughed bitterly.

Chen Qiyu nodded. “I figured as much.” She laughed. “It seems like he gets jealous easily.”

A self-mocking smile tugged at Lin Qingyuan’s lips, and she said disdainfully, “Don’t even mention that temperamental jerk.”

Chen Qiyu sighed. “Did you two fight?”

Lin Qingyuan fell silent, feeling a little empty inside.

“It was because of my brother, wasn’t it?” Chen Qiyu exhaled wearily.

Having suppressed her grievances for too long, Lin Qingyuan could not stop herself from pouring her heart out. “Don’t you think he’s gone way too far? He keeps saying there’s something going on between me and your brother. He’s being completely unreasonable!”

Chen Qiyu smiled and peeled a banana for her. “That’s because he’s in love with you. He wants you all to himself, and he can’t stand the idea that you might be thinking of another man. Besides, you used to be engaged to my brother, so of course he’ll get upset when you show concern for him and say hurtful things in a fit of jealousy.”

Lin Qingyuan was stunned. After a while, she frowned and said indignantly, “There’s no way he’s in love with me. He’s always bullying me.”

Chen Qiyu chuckled and winked teasingly. “And how does he bully you, may I ask?”

Lin Qingyuan blushed and turned away.

Understanding what her reaction meant right away, Chen Qiyu considerately decided not to press her for an answer. Instead, she said, “If he wasn’t in love with you, he wouldn’t have cared. It’s obvious that Young Master Long cares a lot for you, or else he wouldn’t have traveled all the way here and fought my brother just for your sake. What else could this be, if not love? But I think he hasn’t realized his feelings for you yet – also, you’re in love with him too.”

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