692 Safe
Although there were many dangers here, as long as the Earth Dragon did not turn over again, she would definitely be able to leave alive.

She would live. Definitely.


Gu Ming rushed all the way and finally caught up to his companions.

Someone saw him panting and said mockingly, “Gu, where’s the person you saved? Why don’t I see her?”

He said that he was going to save her, but they did not know what dirty things he could have done. That voice sounded like a girl. Everyone was in a hurry to escape. Who would have such good intentions?

Who knew what he wanted to do? What if he was using the excuse of being a good person to do unspeakable to a little girl?

Gu Ming looked at that person coldly and ignored him.

When Gu Ming ignored him, the man pursed his lips in embarrassment and did not say anything else.

Gu Ming’s friend slowed down beside him and asked in a low voice, “How is it?”

Gu Ming replied softly, “I got her out. She seemed to be injured. I didn’t care later. If she’s lucky, she should be able to recover and survive. As long as there’s no more earthquakes, she’ll be fine.”

She was just a young girl, but she couldn’t be that simple to be brought in here. He believed that as long as she wasn’t restrained, she had her own way of surviving.

“You did your best. That’s enough. There are so many of us. We can’t compare to you. After all, we didn’t even dare to stop.”

Gu Ming’s good friend patted his shoulder and said solemnly.

Those who had not saved anyone had no right to make wise remarks. Gu Ming was better than all of them and was worthy of respect.

Gu Ming smiled faintly and did not say anything else.

Everyone rested for a while before continuing on their way.

When everyone saw the people not far away, their footsteps slowed down.

“Those are the Wisdom King’s men. They haven’t gone out yet. If they’re resting there, does that mean we’re safe now?”

“Isn’t it a little bad for us to go over now? I feel ashamed.”

“There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. We’re not his people. We just chose different paths. The path of the foreign land doesn’t belong to anyone. If he walks it, we can walk it too.”

They discussed for a while before finally walking towards the crowd.

Zhou Zhi quickly discovered them.

Jin Liu reported to Zhou Zhi, who only replied calmly, “Don’t worry.”

When he gave the order to retreat, there were still more than 200 people who gradually left the team midway. Only about 30 people were still alive now.

They knew what had happened to those who failed to come out.

“Greetings, Wisdom King. We were ignorant and shallow previously. Please forgive us, Your Majesty.”

When they met again, they were in a sorry state as if they were fleeing. The people who followed Zhou Zhi also recovered their spirits after resting.

It would be a lie to say that they did not regret it.

It was nothing to suffer for a while. When they were lazy, they almost lost their lives.

They were lucky to be alive, and those who died inside would never have a chance to speak again.

Zhou Zhi’s expression was calm. He said calmly, “There’s no need to be like this. You’re free people.”

He recruited them, but what they obtained did not belong to Zhou Zhi. How much they could obtain depended on their own abilities.

Zhou Zhi would not care about them, so when he gave the order to retreat and they did not listen, Zhou Zhi did not say much because there was no need. They were not his subordinates or soldiers in the royal court. They were free to do whatever they wanted.

After greeting them, they dispersed to rest.

Gu Ming specially searched around and realized that Hu Changshou was still alive. He thought for a moment and walked towards Hu Changshou.

“Are you all right?”

Gu Ming asked Hu Changshou.

Hu Changshou smiled gently and replied, “Thank you for your concern. I’m fine.”

Gu Ming sat down beside Hu Changshou and asked Dao Seeking, “Did you get to know a girl here?”

“When we came out, we met a girl asking for help. I saved her and she asked me about you.”

Gu Ming explained why he asked.

Hu Changshou thought of Bai Xu almost instantly and asked anxiously, “How is she now?”

Seeing Hu Changshou like this, Gu Ming thought he didn’t look like he wasn’t familiar with the girl. Gu Ming thought for a moment and told the truth. “She’s injured. I was busy traveling after saving her and didn’t bring her along. I don’t know how she’s doing now.”

Hu Changshou was a little worried, but he quickly let it go.

He smiled at Gu Ming. “Thank you for your kindness.”

His fate with Bai Xu had ended on that day. Bai Xu had her own path, and so did he.

When Bai Xu was saved, he was also saved. No matter how hard it was, he survived in the end. He was like this, and he believed that Bai Xu must be the same.

If they were not fated to meet again, then he wished her a good life.

Gu Ming also smiled and stood up to leave. He only passed the message to Hu Changshou. As for what happened between him and the girl, it was none of his business.

Everyone gathered together again. Seeing that Zhou Zhi’s people did not move, the people of the martial world also rested in peace.

They went hunting to roast meat.

At night, the Earth Dragon turned over again, but the movement was very light and there was nothing to be afraid of. Initially, they were a little uneasy, but seeing that Zhou Zhi did not move and that they were not far from leaving, no one moved.

At night, there were occasional trembling movements, and the movements became softer and softer.

By dawn, everyone had recovered their spirits.

Some people had noticed early on that the suppression had disappeared and everything had returned to normal.

“There’s nothing abnormal. It should mean that the earthquake turnaround is over.”

Someone asked.

“It’s like this. Every time the Earth Dragon turns over, the commotion will become smaller and smaller until it disappears. Previously, the pressure we felt should be an omen of the Earth Dragon’s turnover. Now that the suppression has disappeared, the disaster should be over.”

Someone replied. After saying that, he looked up and pointed. “Look, the birds are flying back.”

Animals were the best at sensing danger. If they were all flying back, that meant it was over.

Seeing the birds fly back, everyone completely relaxed. However, when they saw that Zhou Zhi’s people were all serious, they felt tense again.

Soon, Chu Jin stood up and walked to the center. He moved his neck and said loudly, “Everyone, the birds have all flown back. Those fleeing spiritual beasts are also starting to go home. Our position is not bad. Everyone, be prepared to intercept them.”

Everyone understood what Chu Jin meant.

Chu Jin chose a tall tree and carried Hu Changshou up. He grinned and said, “Brother Hu, I really can’t take care of you now. Just stay here. I’ll pick you up after I’m done packing. If you’re bored, think about how to absorb the poison in your body for your own use.”

Hu Changshou nodded. “Thank you.”

Chu Jin fixed Hu Changshou to the tree and went down.

Hu Changshou looked down and was surprised to find that his view was very good. He immediately perked up. He couldn’t help much, but he had the energy to look. If he looked carefully, he might be able to remind them to avoid danger. It was better to do something than nothing.

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