680 Kindness

He did not want to speak because he felt that Bai Xu did not want to talk to him. In fact, he thought Bai Xu hated him.

However, seeing that she had been drenched in the rain, Hu Changshou still reminded her.

If Bai Xu did not move, he would be no different from the surrounding trees.

The rain washed away the blood on her body. Hearing Hu Changshou’s words, she turned to look at him. Hu Changshou had already become very thin. Bai Xu smiled sarcastically. “You can’t even protect yourself, yet you still have the time to care about others.”

“It’s just a reminder. It’s good if you listen, but it’s fine if you don’t want to listen.”

Hu Changshou was very calm and did not mind Bai Xu’s sarcasm at all.

“There are still two days left. Aren’t you afraid?”

Bai Xu suddenly asked. She did not understand why Hu Changshou was so calm without any fear. Was he not afraid of death, or did he think that she would not abandon him?

Hu Changshou only smiled at Bai Xu’s question and replied calmly, “There’s nothing to be afraid of. It’s all fate. I’m already satisfied that I could live for another month.”

“Why do you think that? Grandma—”

Bai Xu was very curious. Thinking of Grandma, the curiosity in her eyes dimmed and turned cold. She turned around and said coldly, “Forget it. It has nothing to do with me. I don’t want to know.”

The atmosphere was extremely cold. Neither of them spoke again. Only the sound of raindrops falling on the leaves decorated the night.

Hu Changshou also closed his eyes in a daze. He was about to fall asleep when he heard Bai Xu suddenly speak.

“In two days, I won’t bring you along anymore,” Bai Xu said.

Hu Changshou swallowed and replied softly, “Yes, I know.”

After a moment of silence, Bai Xu spoke again. “Do you have any siblings at home? Will your parents despise you for being a burden that can’t move?”

Hu Changshou did not respond immediately. Bai Xu continued, “If they don’t mind, I can send you out.”

“There’s no need to trouble Miss Bai Xu. I’m not going home.”

Hu Changshou spoke. Bai Xu looked cold and strange, not like a normal woman, but she was not that bad. She did not leave him behind. She did everything she could.

Hu Changshou looked at the dark night and said softly, “When I was nine years old, my father passed away. My grandmother’s health isn’t good, and I have a younger brother. He’s already eleven. The world isn’t peaceful now. It’s too much of a burden for me to go back. I am prepared to die here.”


Bai Xu replied calmly.

It was still raining, and they both fell silent.

After a long time, perhaps thinking that Hu Changshou had fallen asleep, Bai Xu said in a low voice, “I don’t know who my parents are. Ever since I could remember, there has only been Grandma.”

“Grandma was very strict with me. She taught me martial arts and brought me to many places. Grandma doesn’t like women and hates men. I’m already very grateful that she raised me. She’s my only family. She’s my grandma and my Master. I hope she can be happy. I’ll do whatever she asks me to do. I swore that when I grow up, I’ll definitely avenge her and eliminate all the enemies she hates.”

“I never thought that she would abandon me. I thought that no matter what she had experienced, we were each other’s only family. When we encountered danger many times, Grandma never abandoned me. I thought that she would never abandon me.”

“But this time, she didn’t take me with her. She doesn’t want me anymore. Why is she heartless enough to abandon me after all I’ve done? Could it be that she really doesn’t have any feelings for me in the past ten years?”

By the time Bai Xu finished muttering to herself, her words were already filled with resentment and hatred.

In the quiet night, the only response was the sound of the rain.

Bai Xu looked at the forest in the distance, clenched her fists, and gritted her teeth.

Hu Changshou did not sleep. He pondered for a long time before deciding to speak. He said softly to Bai Xu, “Miss Bai Xu, your Grandma has never really doted on you. She only treats you as a tool to be used. Since you are useful, she brought you along. When you are useless, she will not hesitate to abandon you and replace you. Perhaps the next time we meet, there will be a replacement for you by her side.”

“I don’t know if you’ve ever farmed before. Ordinary people farm every year. In your Grandma’s eyes, you’re just a farming tool. If it’s broken, she’ll repair it when she can, but when she can’t, she will throw it away and replace it.”

Hu Changshou made an analogy and Bai Xu laughed when she heard that.

“Hehe, is that so?”

Bai Xu mocked herself coldly. She looked up at the sky and swallowed.

Tears mixed with rain fell. The truth she was unwilling to admit was exposed by Hu Changshou. There seemed to be a big hole in her heart. It hurt so much.

The world was so big that she couldn’t seem to find a place to stay. She didn’t even know what to do in the future.

She couldn’t find the meaning of her being in the world.

She was the knife in her grandma’s hand. She would hit wherever Grandma wanted her to hit. If Grandma threw her away, she would not be able to find her meaning.

“Miss Bai Xu, the world is vast. Perhaps you feel terrible now, but it will pass eventually. One day, you will definitely find yourself. You are you, not a tool that anyone can use.”

Hu Changshou’s voice was soft and gentle.

Bai Xu suddenly turned around to look at him. Under the night sky, she could not see his expression. There was only his dark outline. Bai Xu had a strange feeling in her heart. She could not help but ask, “What about you? What will happen to you when I leave in two days? Are you really not afraid of death?”

Hu Changshou chuckled and shook his head. “I am afraid. Before you leave, I beg you to bring me to a dense forest. I’m afraid of death. I won’t give up easily. I can’t move, but if insects crawl past the corners of my mouth, I’ll eat them. If it rains, I’ll drink the rainwater. If I’m lucky, I can last for eight to ten more days. Perhaps in these ten days, my luck will improve again.”

Hu Changshou did not lie to Bai Xu. This was his plan. If he was lucky, he might really get better and get out alive.

If he was unlucky, he would live for a few more days. No matter what, he would not lose out.


Bai Xu responded lightly. It was unknown if she was satisfied with Hu Changshou’s answer.

This time, neither of them spoke again.

In the end, Hu Changshou could not persuade Bai Xu to avoid the rain. The two of them stayed silent.

The sky gradually brightened. Bai Xu stood up and left. Not long after, she returned with blood and minced meat at the corner of her mouth. As usual, she fed the minced meat to Hu Changshou.

On this day, the two of them did not say a word, as if the conversation last night did not exist.

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