653 Take a Look

The Space was her other home, her one and only secret. She cherished every blade of grass and tree here. Now that she could raise living things, the carp and Mantis Shrimp meant a lot to her.

Therefore, no matter what the Mantis Shrimp was, she would keep it.

It was a dreamless night.

The next day, after breakfast, the three of them set off.

The fog in Ice City was not far. The ice and snow on the road had been stepped on and melted. The people in the city knew that they could no longer find anything good inside, but they still wanted to go in and try their luck. What if they were lucky and happened to encounter something that others could not find?

Near the fog, a chill seeped out, mixed with spiritual energy.

Su Xiaolu pulled up her scarf to cover her mouth and nose to avoid the cold aura.

It was too cold inside. The horses outside were not used to the cold weather, so they relied on their feet to enter.

Away from the thick fog, they could see snow everywhere.

The dense trees were covered in snow. It was really cold in these areas.

Most people could not stand the temperature, but humans had always had great potential, so even though they knew that it was cold, people still kept coming in.

The three of them met some people collecting snow.

Su Xiaolu grabbed a handful of snow.

Old Wu said, “After the snow in here freezes into ice, it melts slower than outside. Ice City is famous for its snow. The snow here is useless to us, but it’s useful to them.”

In this foreign realm, there were treasures everywhere. Every breath he took was a treasure.

Moreover, the spiritual energy here was rich. Even if they could not find anything, they could just come here and absorb a few more mouthfuls of spiritual energy.

“Some foreign areas in the fog are more dangerous because there are many beasts, but there are also very calm places. For example, the foreign areas in Ice City are less dangerous, so almost all the citizens of Ice City have come here. Some people go back with some branches to boil water, pluck some leaves, eat some snow, and so on.”

Gui You also said.

They had always been paying attention to the situation in the other world. Coincidentally, he had some good friends who sent messages to each other, so they knew more.

Su Xiaolu smiled and said, “Actually, this makes sense. This world is very magical.”

Su Xiaolu grabbed a handful of clean snow and put it in her mouth.

There was spiritual energy, but it was insignificant.

People did not dare to go too deep into this world. They knew too little.

The three of them gradually walked further and further away. They did not meet anyone else and everything was quiet.

After walking for a day, the three of them found nothing.

Old Wu rubbed his hands and said, “Looks like there’s nothing good here. Let’s eat something and go back. Let’s go to the next place.”

Su Xiaolu sniffed. She swallowed the dry pancake in her mouth and said, “Master, there seems to be a river not far from here. I’ll go to the river and see if there are fish or shrimp. If there are, we can roast fish to eat.”

As long as the fire was controlled well and it was not burnt too much, the grilled fish would be quite delicious.

Old Wu nodded, and Gui You agreed silently.

When they went out, they ate mostly dry rations.

The dry rations only served to fill their stomachs and did not taste good. Although their culinary skills were poor, they wanted to eat something warm.

It was just a little troublesome, but that was what Su Xiaolu was here for.

Since the little girl was not afraid of trouble, they would let her do it.

Su Xiaolu found a river. The river was so clear that she could see the bottom. There were only stones. There was a thick layer of snow on the shore.

Su Xiaolu did not give up. There were no traces of beasts at all. Was there not even small fish or crabs in the river?

She went into the river to move the stones. She froze.

She reached out and touched the stone and information automatically appeared in her mind.

The Interface Stone was located at the intersection of the two worlds. The Interface Stone was used to separate and isolate the two worlds and could not be damaged. If the Interface Stone collapsed, the two worlds would fuse and its use would only be to repair the interface.

She touched others, some with information, some without.

However, there were actually many Interface Stones in this river.

Su Xiaolu couldn’t care less. She searched the river. As long as it was an Interface Stone, she put it in the Space.

She groped along the river and gradually lost track of time.

Gui You and Old Wu came and watched from afar as Su Xiaolu moved the stones in the river seriously.

They smiled at each other.

Old Wu blamed Gui You. “It’s all your fault. You’re usually too harsh on my disciple. It’s not easy for her to go back without finding a fish.”

Gui You pondered for a moment and did not refute.

Old Wu rubbed his hands and shouted with heartache, “Girl, forget it if there’s no fish. We’re only here for a day or two. The water is cold. Come back quickly.”

Su Xiaolu felt guilty.

Damn—she really looked like she refused to leave because she couldn’t find fish and prawns.

She had already lost count of how many Interface Stones she had touched, and there were fewer and fewer of them she could find now. She had also walked a long way along the river. She had forgotten about the cold. In order not to worry her two Masters too much, Su Xiaolu went ashore from the river.

Gui You pinched her wrist and injected a strong internal breath into her to ward off the cold.

Su Xiaolu felt even more guilty. She lowered her eyes and did not dare to look at the two Masters, afraid that she would be exposed if their gazes met.

“Why are you so stubborn? It’s fine if you can’t find it. Master won’t blame you. Why did you suddenly become stupid?”

Old Wu’s heart ached and he felt a little helpless.

Su Xiaolu touched her nose and said obediently, “Good Masters, I know my mistake.”

Su Xiaolu was so obedient that Gui You and Old Wu couldn’t bear to say anything else. They just thought that the girl had grown up and had more emotions and thoughts. It was normal for her to slowly change. As she grew up, it was impossible for her to remain unchanged.

Without any gains, the three of them did not stay in the fog.

After resting in a different inn in Ice City for the night, Old Wu and Gui You left Ice City with Su Xiaolu the next day.

As soon as they left, someone in the crowd turned around and returned.

He reported the news to his master.

Knowing that Su Xiaolu and her masters had already left, Li Yu waved his hand and asked them to leave.

His gaze darkened. Then, he clapped his hands and the secret guards appeared. Li Yu ordered coldly, “Clean up. Let’s go home.”

Su Xiaolu did not tell him about Wan Rong. He only spent a few more days to find out.

Wan Rong was no longer something to be afraid of. He was not interested in her and stopped paying attention to her.

After everyone left, Li Yu sat in front of the table with a cold expression. He spread out the rice paper, picked up a pen, and dipped it in ink. His expression was gloomy. Moonlight shone in through the open window, and he frowned.

He wrote down Su Xiaolu’s name. In this world, not only was there the scorching sun during the day, but there should also be darkness at night. The world was like this, let alone people. Why did people have to be magnanimous? Couldn’t he keep what belongs to him? He could also take her to many places and see many sceneries. Why couldn’t she just go with him?

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