The Mightiest Little Peasant

Chapter 606 - Soaring Popularity

Chapter 606: Soaring Popularity

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Look, Chairman Tang! Someone left a comment!”

A crew member shouted while Tang Hao was discussing with Liu Yan and the others.

“A comment?” Tang Hao was surprised. He rushed to the computer and took a closer look. There was indeed a comment.

Tang Hao read it and laughed.

“That was awesome!”

Just those three words, followed by a series of exclamation marks.

“Look, it’s not like no one is watching! There’s at least one person!” Tang Hao said with a smile, feeling quite pleased.

If no one watched it, that would have been really awkward!

Ding! He received a new comment notification and a new follower just as he stood up.

“Look, not bad! Another comment, and a new follower!”

Tang Hao was amused.

Just as he was about to click on it, he was again surprised by a string of notification alerts. The number of comments instantly rose to more than ten.

The number of followers also increased by ten.

Tang Hao, Liu Yan, and the others were stunned.

“Um... what’s going on?” Tang Hao stammered.

Ding! Ding! Ding! the notifications continued. The number of comments and fans continued to increase. The growth was quite slow at first, but it nonetheless increased.

However, the speed became faster and faster. The numbers increased by three or four every time.

Tang Hao and the others were all dumbfounded.

“It’s increasing again. We’ve just broken through four thousand followers! It’s still increasing faster and faster!”

“Damn! We’re almost at two thousand comments! The retweets are also going crazy!”

Everyone was excited.

They have not done any marketing, but the comments and followers were increasing like crazy. That also showed how impactful the trailer was.

“Chairman Tang, at this rate, I don’t think we need to spend any money,” Liu Yan said.

The numbers continued to rise as everyone was talking.

In the office, cries of surprise could be heard. The atmosphere was very lively.

“Ten thousand...”

“Twenty thousand...”

In the afternoon, everyone gathered there and watched as the number rose from ten thousand to twenty thousand, then thirty thousand, then forty thousand...

The comments were even more heated. Many of the comments were praises and exclamations, but there were also critics.

Among the new followers were influencers with followings in the hundred-thousands or even millions. That boosted the growth rate even more.

In one afternoon, the number of followers skyrocketed from three hundred to one hundred and fifty thousand. The trailer received close to twenty thousand comments.

Haotian Pictures’s popularity was exploding.

Everyone was in disbelief. They had never expected to grow popular that fast.

“Crazy! This is crazy!” The Taoist masters were stunned.

People on Weibo were discussing the trailer.

“Who said this is a bad movie? It’s not bad at all. The trailer is amazing!”

“Who is this Xuan Yang? He’s so good!”

“That’s Haotian Group for you! They never fail to amaze!”

“Wow! Those old Taoist masters are so cool!”

By night time, the number of followers had increased to more than two hundred thousand. The trailer also became the top trending topic.

However, more and more naysayers appeared.

The film critics and directors who had once ridiculed Haotian Pictures said their piece.

“It’s just a trailer! What’s there to be excited about? It’s not a real movie! Think about it. They’ve only shot the movie for less than three months. What good could possibly come out of it?”

“It’s a bad movie. It’ll definitely be the worst movie of the year! After watching this trailer, I’m even more certain! What I said last time was right!”

“They must have blown their entire special effects budget on this trailer. What else is there to watch? It’s a total scam! When the time comes, only idiots will watch it!”

At first, several third- or fourth-rate actors voiced their opinions. Later, several renowned film critics and directors also spoke up.

“Shame! This is the biggest shame of the film industry! Do some directors think that they can scam the public by shooting a trash movie and a half-decent trailer?

“Haotian Pictures is underhanded for doing this!”

Tian Qiuming also retweeted the trailer and commented. “Trash will remain trash.”

Many people began to waver after reading those opinions.

Then, public opinion began to polarize.

Some people firmly supported it, while others mocked and despised it.

Tang Hao sneered when he saw Tian Qiuming’s comments.

“Dammit, this Tian guy is a master of bad movies. Who Is he calling a piece of trash?” Trendy Taoist Master slammed the table angrily.

“He spent more than one hundred million on ‘The Legend of Deification”, but we all know that it’s a real piece of sh*t. Does he think that he can be the box office champion? Dream on!”

The Taoist masters cursed angrily.

Tang Hao smiled and said, “Don’t be angry. When the movie is released, we’ll know who is the real trash!”

He looked at the computer screen and said, “The results are not bad. We have gained so many fans and managed to drive up the hype for the movie. Let’s go. Dinner’s on me!”

“What are we eating, Chairman Tang?”

“Magical cuisine. Let’s go!”

The people rushed out of the office in joy. They drove their own cars toward the main branch of New Magical Kitchen.

Dinner was a very lively affair.

When Wu Tian heard about it, he also went there.

“Boss Tang!”

Wu Tian had changed a lot. He was calmer and more reserved.

“I have to thank you, Boss Tang. Your words have pointed me in the right direction in life! Now, I’m acting in a drama. I need to hone my acting skills further,” Wu Tian said gratefully.

Tang Hao was surprised. He smiled and said, “You have a future! Don’t worry. Once you’re a better actor, I’ll definitely look for you.”

It was almost nine o’clock when they left the restaurant.

Tang Hao’s cell phone rang a while after he left the restaurant. It was from Tang Dashun, the village elder of Tang Village.

Tang Hao was surprised.

“Lil Hao!” Tang Dashun’s warm voice was immediately heard after Tang Hao picked up the call.

“Hey! What’s the matter, Elder?”

“Well... there is something. We’ll be getting new plots of land soon, and you’ll also get a plot of land. When will you come back? We can discuss it,” Tang Dashun said.

Then, he continued, “Speaking of which, Lil Hao, it seems that you haven’t come back for a long time. The villagers all miss you.”

Tang Hao was taken aback. He pondered for a moment and said, “That’s fine. I’ll go over tomorrow afternoon.”

Tang Dashun was overjoyed and quickly said, “Alright, that settles it! I won’t disturb you. See you tomorrow!”


After ending the call, Tang Hao sighed.

Indeed, he had not returned to Tang Village as frequently as he did to Dragonrock village. It had been a very long time since he last returned there.

“I should bring Sis Xiangyi tomorrow too!”

Tang Hao pondered for a moment and made up his mind. Then, he called Qin Xiangyi.

After that, he called Assistant Han and told her to prepare for their trip back to Westridge the next morning.

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