The Cursed King

Chapter 184 - Alexei Again!

The crowd went wild as cameras started capturing Hilde leaving the stage as the first batch of models strutted down the runaway in their outfits. People all around Elise stood up to give a standing ovation despite the fashion show just beginning.

Elise was about to do the same and join with the others, smiling and clapping her hands together until she saw a person right across the crowd whose gaze was completely on her. 

Alexei was looking straight at her as he clapped. His face was expressionless, but as soon as their eyes met, a faint smile curved up on his lips.

Panic started within Elise's chest and she hoped that Alexei didn't pay much attention to Loriel beside her. If the man ever stepped towards them then Elise didn't know what she'd do.

Elise chewed on her lip. Oh my god… what should she do?

Maybe it was a good idea to confront the man?

Elise wasn't sure if Alexei would actually approach her and Loriel.. However, with the way that the man was staring at her and didn't have eyes for anyone else… even with the world-renowned celebrity being onstage, she thought it was obvious Alexei thought she was more interesting than the show and all the beautiful models on the runway.

What if he came here????

It made Elise too anxious.

What would Loriel think if he discovered Elise's secrets through Alexei? Elise couldn't just sit still here and wait for something to go wrong at all… Elise needed to prevent them from even happening in the first place.

That was something Elise picked up from Alex as she worked as an assistant. It was better to be prepared and make contingency plans when things didn't work out.

"Loriel, I think I need to go to the bathroom," she said suddenly.

"Huh?" Loriel turned his gaze away from the stage to look at Elise. "Would you like me to go with you?" 

"No. Of course, not. Men are not allowed in the ladies' room. Stay here, Loriel, and enjoy the show." Elise smiled. "I'll be back as fast as I can."

Elise didn't know that Loriel actually didn't enjoy being in the show and would prefer to leave, as much as she did, to avoid Alexei. If they had the chance to actually leave the fashion show right now, Loriel would actually like it and just didn't want to say it aloud. 

When Loriel recognized the energy yesterday, he thought it was fine to ignore it as most of them preferred to keep to themselves. Most gods, even those in hiding didn't bother to meet with other immortals.

Hilde wasn't going to be like that.


When Alexei saw Elise leave her seat… the young man already figured out what was going to happen. The woman was easy enough to read like that. He pulled himself up to his feet and made his way out of the fashion house.

It took them a couple of minutes to see each other, the woman was smaller than him and difficult to find but Alexei looked amongst the crowd and saw her. 

Instead of calling out Elise's name, Alexei found himself instinctively reaching out and grabbing her wrist. "I found you."

Elise's eyes widened and she spun around to meet Alexei. "Let go of me."

"Oops, sorry about that." Alexei quickly released his grip and found himself smiling sheepishly. It wasn't like Alexei was some child lost in the crowd who found his mother, he shouldn't be doing things like this.

"Apologies accepted," Elise said and then looked around them. Many people were still coming in and out of the main room of the building. "Shall we go somewhere quieter?"

Alexei was surprised at how straightforward Elise was compared to when they first met in the back alleys in New York. Compared to then, Elise was more confident and reassured. So, he nodded and soon led her out of the crowd.

Baron finally became helpful by giving Alexei this tip earlier, and so, Alexei and Elise were now in one of the quieter and less crowded rooms. 

This wasn't a private room for the models to change their clothes in, but it was a room where the models and assistants got to relax before the set started.

Elise looked around in surprise, but then calmed herself down. There was no time for her to be startled and instead, she gave him a look. "You must be curious as to why I suddenly approached you, Alexei."

"Hmmm… I actually have some thoughts about it." Alexei said and glanced at the woman. He noticed a ring on her finger and then smiled. "Ah, so you were here on a honeymoon? Wedding? Congratulations."

Elise blinked at the man's sharpness in noticing minute details but then nodded. "Yes, I've gotten married to a wonderful man."

"Because he's wealthy?" Alexei asked with an annoying smirk.

"No." Elise frowned at him. "It's because he loves me and accepts me for who I am. That's why I'm asking you to please refrain from saying anything and also to keep our distance from each other."

"It's kinda funny since you approached me first." Alexei coughed but then bit back from his remark. "I might have wanted to learn a little more about you, Elise. But that's also fine. Is your husband ordinary?"

"Yes." Elise nodded. "He doesn't know anything about my powers. So, please, stay away."

She especially stressed the last two words, almost clenching her jaws.

Alexei frowned and thought that the energy from earlier came from the man close to Elise, but a woman would surely know more about her husband instead of him. 

"Okay. That's kind of rude to say to someone who helped you before, but you have your reasons and I'll respect that," Alexei said.

"Thank you," Elise bowed her head lightly as a touch of vulnerability entered her tone. "I don't know how he'd think of me… if he knew what I was capable of. I don't want my husband to be afraid of me because I'm different."

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