The Bloodline System

Chapter 1266 Indulus Prime Is Up To Something

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


Her opponent met Angy thrusts with some of hers, causing them to collide more than a hundred thousand times in just a single second.

Before sectators could finishing uttering a single word from their mouths, these two had already circled the battle stage eighty thousand times.

Currently they were averaging at a speed of around four hundred and fifty thousand feet per second.

'She shouldn't make use of that power again... or at least for now,' Gustav said internally as he watched them occasionally move faster.

("She has other things at her arsenal... i think she is just probing her opponent limits for now before trying anything,") The system voiced in Gustav's mind.

'Hmm... she doesn't want to be taken by surprise if she takes it up a notch... Angy is getting pretty smart these days,' Gustav nodded in satisfaction. 

"As the battle continued, their speed kept climbing.

500,000 feet per second~

550,000 feet per second~

600,000 feet per second~

650,000 feet per second~

700,000 feet per second~

Gustav soon noticed that Angy speed has stopped increasing while her opponent grew more and more faster.

'Unless she uses that horn form, she won't be able to go any faster,' Gustav was well aware of this.

Angy attacks were now slower than that of her opponent and soon she began taking damage since she was unable to evade all of the strikes from the Wildrecklin. 

While their battle was ongoing, another of earth's participant was battling in another stage with an opponent that had challenged him.

Yonda was currently battling against a Phixiq participant in a forestry type of area.

Phixiqs were like half biological and mechanical creatures who were structured like part animals. The one Yonda faced at the moment had a lower half that looked like a massive arachnid.

Sixteen metallic looking legs that were shaped like blades continously swung at Yonda, barely leaving him spaces to evade since these legs could extend.

The air was being torn apart as Yonda short figure sidestepped and leapt across the vicinity repeatedly before pointing his index finger forward. 

"Cosmic finger," A surge of crimson stream shot forth from his finger.

Yonda's opponent raised two of his blade like legs to protect itself, crossing them like an '×''.


The crimson surge, slammed into the Phixiq participant's blade, and an insurmountable force ripped through his legs before crashing into his body.

The Phixiq participant got swept across the air as its large body flipped repeatedly while Yonda raised his middle finger next.

This time the stream of crimson energy shot out from the ground while the Phixiq participant body was spiralling in that direction. 


It crashed into him from below, causing the opponent entire body to rise further into the air as he slammed into the barrier.

-"Hey that Yonda guy from earth isn't bad,"

-"Isn't Planet Phixiq like 400 places beneath earth?"

-"Looks like he got an easier opponent to battle,"

-"That Angy girl should have it tougher but I can't see a thing,"

-"All I see are lines,"

-"Well at least Planet Ruhz Ophiener battle seems interesting,"

-"She's fighting against a member of Indulus Prime as well,"

The spectators discussed and debated the current batch which they found pretty interesting. Besides the captains participantating in this batch, there were also other participants they found interesting.

Ophiener of Planet Ruhz hadn't lost a single battle since the start of the Battle Challenge. They had climbed their way from the five hundreds to the top three hundreds during this challenge. 

Although her current battle with the participant from Indulus Prime seemed to be her toughest so far, it still looked like she had the upperhand.

ραndαsΝοvεl.cοm From the looks of things she only got more powerful as the battle continued. The red stripes all over her body like tattooed arrow markings, only glowed brighter.

'The Ruhzians get more powerful with every successful strike,' Gustav took note of this battle as well.

("But their strength decrease by a level if they don't manage to evade an attack,") The system chimed In.

'Actually it could reduce more than a level based on the amount of damage the attack causes...' Gustav had God Eyes activated so he could analyse properly.

At this moment, on Angy's stage a crazy phenomenon occured.I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm


Everyone had their jaws dropping as Fildil who was Angy's current opponent happened to be moving in very slow motion. 

They stared at the yellow figure with hornet shaped lower body and stick legs, moving in literally frames. She looked like a lagging game character as her right leg which was currently above the ground, took seconds to descend.

'Hmm good thing she didn't activate that other ability... I think her body can handle this one,' Gustav said internally as he stared at Angy whose left horn was emitting a silver glow.

Swwwwhiiii~ Bam!

Angy sped forward and drove an uppercut into Fihdil's jaw.

Filhdil fish like mouth was slowly opening as her reaction to the damage Angy had just inflicted on her happened to be slow. Her body was slowly sweeping off the ground as well.

However, Angy wasn't done...

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!

Angy drove fists into her opponent body repeatedly. Fihdil hadn't even gotten the chance to react to the first attack due to her current speed, yet ten more had disoriented her entire being.

Gustav noticed Angy was moving only a little faster than a regular person as she dealt these strikes and came to a realisation. 

'Her speed is reduced when she activates this ability...' He noted.

("But if she activates that form where her horn increases... She could break that limiter,") The system voiced.

'Hmm that might be true... but that mjght also sap all of her energy... I want to see how long she can last in this state,' Gustav responded.

Angy soon deactivated this ability but at the time she did so, she had inflicted lots of damage on her opponent. 

It didn't take too long before she won the battle. Her abilities had left the spectators wowed. It felt like cheating to them but she won regardless.

Yonda on the other side had devastated his opponent and even finished his battle before Angy did.

Ophiener who Gustav was also taking note of won her battle which left Gustav a little startled. Ophiener hadn't lost any battle which was why she was placed on a pedestal in the minds of a lot of spectators. 

They weren't surprised that she won but Gustav knew for sure that she wasn't supposed to. Not only were Indulus Prime currently ranked third overall, none of their participants also happened to be weak.

Every single one of them besides their captain were on the same level of strength and only Gustav seemed to have realised this.

If Ophiener could defeat anyone of them, it meant that she could defeat all of them besides the captain which was impossible since Gustav had watched the others win opponents that were more powerful. 

'He purposely threw in the towel... they don't mind losing,' Gustav came to this realisation. 

("And you know why they wouldn't mind losing,")

'Because winning IYSOP isn't their reason for participating,' The moment this thought drifted into Gustav's mind he realised he could no longer give them the benefit of the doubt.

'Indulus Prime is up to something...' He was now a hundred percent sure.

The other batches went on while Gustav's mind remained the dwelling place of a million thoughts as the hours rolled by.

What we're they after?

What is their aim and objective?

Is there a reason to go to such lengths?

Is the whole planet in whatever scheme they're plotting?

Or is it just the participants that are up to something?


The Battle Challenge ended for the day and evergone moved to their various accommodation quarters while Gustav excused himself once more.

He had gone to his agreed meeting point with a friend.

"Why are you wearing a patch?" Gustav questioned as he noticed an eyepatch on Stark's left eye.

"It's just a little burn, it will heal up.soon," Stark responded with a wry smile while rubbing his brow.

"Was it... you got injured from that?" Gustav was instantly able to tell where the injury came from.

"Don't worry, it's just a minor burn," Stark dismissed while waving his hand.

"You should get that looked at," Gustav said with a tone of concern.

"I will for sure, just don't worry about it," Stark nodded.

Gustav was troubled that Stark got injured because of his request. He turned to Stark as they paused their movement with an intrigued expression.

"It was more difficult than I expected and I started to feel the corrosion of my eyes after forcibly trying to see what was happening in their room last night," Stark began to recount the tale of events.

"Did you manage to see anything?" Gustav inquired.

"Yes... I did see something," Stark responded with a very troubled look.

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