The Bloodline System

Chapter 1191 Falco Vs The Draconets

Looking at the current situation, it seemed nearly impossible to get hold of any Viondur Egg without attracting the attention of the waves of monsters down there.

Despite Gustav's current strength, it wasn't smart to attract the attention of thousands upon thousands of powerful monsters.

"This is the best time to use that..." A grin appeared on Gustav's face as he leapt towards one of the massive diamond looking floating platforms.


"Back off!"

Accompanied with a loud yell, a wave of darkness blasted across a radius of nearly thirty  thousand feet.

The frosty looking trees in the vicinity were instantly decimated as they blasted to smithereeens while the mountains crumbled.

Four illusionary looking figures with multiple limbs and shadowy beings hovering above them stood in the midst of the blast, nearly unaffected.

"That is impressive earthling, however, if you do not hand over the eggs, we will not spare you," One of the figures who had a dark and massive being hovering over her stated with a threatening tone.

"As a fellow leading planet of the alliance, we are trying to be nice here so just comply," Another one of the four Draconets stated.

"It is mine. Come and take it if you dare," Falco responded as the mark of darkness on his forehead grew. 

"Don't blame us for being forceful," Another Draconet with a fourteen feet tall shadowy being hovering over him yelled before charging.

The other two who also had odd looking shadowy beings behind them charged forward as well.


The first to arrive before Falco was the shadowy being built like a minotaur behind the female draconet participant.

"Kiaaaahhh!" Glowing beams appeared in its mouth and eyes as it forcefully swung both fists in a clapping format, attempting to crush Falco's fragile looking figure in between its massive hands.

Thirrhhhh~ Thhiirrrhhh~

Two dark hands bursted forth from Falco sides, stopping both fists before they could make contact with him.

At the same instant, one of the Draconets appeared from above as both him and his shadowy being hacked downwards with glowing blades.

More dark hands phased out of Falco's figure and this time with claws as they slashed upwards to meet with the glowing blades.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Clang! Clang! Clang!

The battle had only begun a few moments ago, yet the surroundings were already in a state of destruction.

The other two Draconets has ambushed Falco from behind and at this point Falco had to turn around to block an attack himself.

Bang! Bang!

Throwing a couple of fists at their real selves, the female draconet, blocked Falco's attacks while the fourth draconet participant sent four arms swinging towards Falco at the same time.

Falco managed to jump backwards, dodging the onslaught of multiple limbs but he still had to focus due to the shadowy beings that had hovered above the draconets.

Multiple hands swung towards his back the instant he landed on his feet which he quickly deflected with more dark arms phasing out of his being.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Falco barely managed to dodge their hits and was slowly starting to take damage without being able to successfully land a single attack on any of them.

The longer the draconets engaged Falco, the more he kept getting pushed back. Since they were not in anyway weak, one of them managed to land a hit on him.


Falco's figure was sent flying and at this same moment, one of the gigantic shadowy figures which was up to two hundred feet tall descended upon him from above.


Destructive shockwaves spread across the vicinity bringing along cracks as the already descimated surroundsings caved in even more.

The massive shodowy being stood in place with a condescending gaze as the Draconets heaved a sigh of relief.

"Finally, that earthling got crushed,"

"Good job Cirula..." 

They praised the female Draconet who happened to be the anchor of the massive shadowy being that stomped Falco.

"Siva, Than..." Cirula was about responding when her face froze.


She vomited a mouthful of green blood in the next instant.

"Cirula!" Siva yelled just as a loud ripping sound reverberated across the air.


A figure tore through the massive two hundred feet shadowy being, from the bottom to the top, causing it to slowly dissipate like smoke. 

Falco could be seen hundreds of feet above after ripping through the shadowy figure. The dark mark on his forehead increased in size as he descended with a look of anguish.

"So that is your weakness," Falco mutterred as dark wings sprouted out of his back.


Stretching his right hand to the side, a massive blade of darkness phased out and he slashed forward the instant he arrived before the minotaur built shadowy being.

The being tried to counter by shooting out pillars of beams from it's mouth and eyes but Falco evaded swiftly with his slash traveling forward intensely. 


The head of the minotaur built shadowy being was cleanly severed as it slowly dissipated after the damage just like the last one.

Another one of the Draconets with orange shaped stars all across his body, puked out a mouthful of blood as he fell to his knees.

"Two down, two to go," Falco muttered as he turned to face the third.

"The bastard is going for our Encours! Stop him!" Siva yelled to the other one as they turned illusionary and leapt into the air.

Fwwwhooommm~  Fwwwhooommm~

Falco was met with resistance as he arrived before the third shadowy being. The other two Draconets had arrived by his sides and were sending out fist strikes.

Eight fist were approaching different parts of his body at the same time from the sides while he had already conjured up a powerful attack for the shadowy being in front of him.

Falco could tell that, if these shadowy beings received a certain level of damage they would dissapear and their bearers would also take damage.

He had two choices at the moment, go on with the attack and cause the third encour to dissapear or block the attacks of the two on his sides.

While he could try to do both, if he made use of lesser force due to trying to defend when striking the encour, it would still be standing and it would make the draconets more careful.

Falco decided to put more power into his attack, as the dark blade phasing out of his side turned into a gigantic claw which he swung down upon the thirty two legged shadowy being in front of him.

Slaaassshhh! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The entire shadowy being was cleaved into multiple halves as the ground split open from the intensity of the strike.

However, at the same instant...

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Multiple fist slammed into Falco's body sending him flying like a ragdoll as blood oozed out of his nose and mouth.


One of the two Draconets who had just successfully landed hits on him, puked blood in mid air and began falling to the ground as he turned light headed.

"Pulah!" Siva yelled with a tone of exasperation as he descended swiftly and caught his teammate before he landed on the ground.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Falco's body slammed into multiple trees thousands of feet away as he got blasted away, causing them to snap and break into smithereeens.


Dark tentacle like strings shot out of his body and stabbed into the ground, forcefully bringing his body to a halt before he could break through any more things.

"Kor! Kor!" Falco coughed twice, staining his outfit with blood.

"...One... left," His heavy breathing slowly reduced as his body descended.

He stepped on the ground and slowly stood to his feet.

"You will pay for harming my teammates!" Silva yelled from up ahead.

"You should have thought twice before coming after me," Falco spat blood to the side with a look of determination.

The shadowy figure behind Siva grew in size, becoming more muscular as it sprouted more limbs with glowing blades in its grasp.

Twwwhoosshhh! Twwwoosshhh!

They charged at each other in the next instant, sending ripples of destruction across the vicinity. 


'It's working,'

("You're only lucky... this would have gone way worse if you didn't have this,")

'You can't just admit that I'm smart,'

("That would mean I am feeding your delusion if I did,")

'Fuck you,'

A snake like whitish creature could be seen flying upwards, across the side of a frosty mountain.

It's physical features were no different from that of a frost raikin so even with the hundreds of frost raikins swimming in the air around this floating frosty moutains, it blended in with them.

Although it wasn't as massive as they were, it was no doubt a kindred.

The creature soon arrived at the summit of the floating frosted mountain which happened to have a multicolored three feet tall egg sitting atop it.

("Here comes the tricky part,") 

'So long as I am fast enough, they shouldn't notice the switch,' 

The smaller frost Raikin approached the multicolored egg which happened to be a Viondur egg.

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