The Bloodline System

Chapter 1161 Race Winners

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


Gustav raised the tree with everyone at this instant and quickly swerved fifty feet towards the left.


At the same instant he left his initial position, a massive figure landed there.


Cracks spread across the icy path, causing Gustav to look down.

'Damn it... this is the worst place for a fight,' Gustav thought as he looked up ahead at the group that had just arrived.

"Mixedbloods... Hmph!" The rocky captain voiced out as he held the massive tree like a stick with his subordinates latching onto it.

pαndα`noνɐ1--сoМ "Get them disqualified captain,"

One of his teammates yelled from the top of the tree.

"Okay hold on tight,"

They of course were speaking in a different language but the language transmitting device interpreted it to Gustav and the others.

"Looks like they bear a grudge," Teemee voiced.

"It's the Klaxosapes..." Falco stated.

"Everyone hold on tight," Gustav said to the others as he tightened his grip around the tree and stared at the twenty feet tall rocky giant.

"Rrriiaahhh!" The Klaxosapes captain roared as he charged at Gustav while swinging the massive tree.

Gustav turned at this point and sped forward.


The Klaxosapes captain hit nothing but air as Gustav sped away from his initial standing point.

'The ice can give way at anytime,' Gustav said internally while the cracks spread.

The klaxosapes captain began giving chase from behind but was having a hard time catching up.

The cracks on the ice spread across the vicinity even more as Gustav began to slowly leave more gaps between himself and the other team.

Just when the earth candidates were starting to think, they were out of the Klaxosapes hair...


A blast rang out from behind as the Klaxosape captain leapt across the air from behind.


The icy ground began caving in and spreading across a wide distance.

Fortunately, Gustav was able to outrun the area of effect but they couldn't celebrate yet as the Klaxosapes captain landed right in front of them.


He swung the tree forward again like it weighed nothing and this Time Gustav was forced to respond by spinning the tree he was lifting.


The tip of the earth candidates Blovan tree clashed with that of the opponents and Gustav was forced sliding backwards.


New cracks appeared as he slid backwards for nearly a hundred feet and stopped right before the edge of the ice ground that seperated them from the caved in area.

Right behind them was the exposed body of water underneath.

'As expected of the Klaxosapes... known to be the physically strongest lifeforms in the universe,' Gustav thought while placing the tree on his head.

He had calculated the angle of the clash to help him create a small distance between himself and the captain instead of causing a real destructive effect.

However, he was still surprised the Klaxosapes captain didn't even get forced a little backwards.

He was already charging at him once more...


Gustav made a turn and dashed forward to avoiding the oncoming opponents.

The Klaxosapes had every opportunity to surpass them in this race but instead choose to try and disqualify them.

Gustav could only narrow this to a grudge they had against earth.

He charged forward and swerved repeatedly, trying to escape the onslaught of the Klaxosapes captain.

The Captain swung once more as Gustav arrived before him but he already saw this coming and instructed the others to climb and hold on to the top of the tree.


Gustav body lowered as he slid across the icy ground with his knees and the Blovan tree perfectly balanced on his left shoulder.

The tree the Klaxosapes captain swung, directly swept above him and the others.

This was one of the times Gustav was glad to be facing a large opponent.

"Grrrhhh!" The Klaxosape captain groaned loudly after realising Gustav had gotten ahead once more.

The icy terrain only had around three hundred feet of ground left which was really nothing for people on their strength level.

Gustav pushed forward as quickly as he could without activating any abilities.

Thomp! Thomp! Thomp!

He left footprints in the ice as he sped away.ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

The Klaxosapes captain who witnessed how much distance wss being left between them once more, leapt forward again.

"Riaaaahhhhhhh!" He roared while holding the tree like a hammer which he was prepared to slam down forcefully.

Gustav who was only a hundred feet away at this point had already sensed the incoming giant in mid air and turned around at this point.

"There is no way out of what is coming guys... hold on tight," Gustav warned as he moved his hands to the stem of the tree.

He had asked everyone to move downwards as they left a space of more than three hundred feet at the top.

Gustav squinted as he threw his gaze upwards at the descending Klaxosapes and in the next instant, he swung with all his might.


The Klaxosapes captain was also swinging their Blovan tree downwards at this point and both clashed.


It sounded like a thunderclap as destructive ripples spread across the vicinity.


Chunks of ice got blasted across the air as the entire expanse of the icy ground caved in completely.

This wasn't the end as the ripples from the clash spread across the tracks and even caused some candidates to get knocked down.


Before it could spread to the audience, a golden barrier appeared, which covered the entire racing area.

Fortunately, it trapped the shockwaves and prevented the spectators from experiencing any form of harm.


The entire spectator area had numerous lifeforms with their jaws hanging losely after witnessing what had just happened.

-"With Physical strength alone?"

-"Such is expected of the Klaxosapes but how did that earthling manage to contend?"

-"The earthling is definitely seriously injured or dead by now,"

Voices of disbelief and could be heard from all across.

The spectators could see that a small hurricane had formed from the water body below after the icy covering above got blasted to smithereens.

Gustav and the others who had found themselves at the bottom, stared at what was left of the Blovan tree.

'I thought it would be strong enough to withstand the impact,' Gustav thought as he noticed, only his right hand still held onto a part of the tree.

The others who were also floating a little bit above the bottom of the water body stared Gustav with looks of confusion.

They couldn't speak to each other since they were at the bottom but Gustav gave them a signal that said, 'Let's get out of here,'

They began swimming forward at this point as they spotted the end of the water body up ahead.


The water rippled intensely as they made their way across and soon arrived on dry land.

"We're too late," Falco stated as they looked up ahead and could see the Klaxosapes arriving at the finish line.

"Let's go," Gustav stated as everyone sped forward with a branch or a small part of the Blovan tree in their grasp.

Right behind them was another group that had closed in.

However, the group was faster now that each of them had a piece of the Blovan tree in their grasp that had split apart upon the impact.

They soon arrived at the finish line as they no longer needed to bound by the Blovan tree.

"Second Place, Planet Earth!"

A loud voice rang out across the arena in the next instant.

There were both cheers and disappointment from the crowd after the announcement.

The Klaxosapes had won the race.

"Third place, Planet Foheng!"

Gustav stared at the Klaxosape captain who had just put down what was left of their Blovan tree with his other teammates on it.

"I miscalculated... he might stronger," Gustav realised why their Blovan tree had nearly blasted to smithereens upon the impact.

"Puny Earthling," One of the Klaxosape stated with a haughty tone before they began walking away with prideful looks.

'God Eyes would have helped with calculations but abilities aren't allowed,' Gustav thought but didn't dwell too much on it.

He had a rough grasp of the Klaxosape captain strength and would be more prepared if they were ever to engage each other in the next category.

"Damn, I thought we were disqualified," E.E stated with a look of excitement as he raised the two feet log in his grasp.

"Me too..." Matilda added.

"Tuns out since we all continued holding onto a part of the Blovan tree, we didn't get disqualified," Falco pointed out.

It was just as Falco stated. Upon the clash, their tree got blasted into multiple parts and disconnected.

"Yeah... I really thought we were screwed too," Teemee voiced out.

The group found themselves holding onto a part of the Blovan tree that was separated from the others at the bottom of the water body.

The Klaxosapes who were barely affected by the clash had wasted no time in getting out of the water which caused them to get ahead.

"Good job captain, you pulled through for us in this one," Aildris stated while tapping Gustav's shoulder.

"We still came second," Gustav voiced out.

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