The Bloodline System

Chapter 1155 Sheila's Restriction

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


"We're one week behind travel schedule... this means we will arrive at Galaxy Flalencia days after IYSOP has begun," Aildris disclosed.

"That's bad... you kids will be automatically disqualified if you arrive there any later than a day before the competition begins," Gradier Xanatus voiced out.

Chatter! Chatter! Chatter!

There was instant panic amongst the candidates upon the revelation of this new information.

"What do we do?" Angy questioned from the side.

Before Gustav could voice any response,  Miss Aimee figure glowed up as she floated off the spacecraft floor.

"Hmm?" Gustav stared at her.

"I will take care of it," She said before flying towards one of the corridors.

In the next instant, Miss Aimee had arrived outside the spacecraft which was currently moving at a crazy speed.


It left a glowing milky trail as it cut through space faster than a shooting star.


Miss Aimee wasted no time in following after it and caught up in a moment. She maintained the same speed with the spacecraft which was many times faster than the speed of light.

Her entire body suddenly lit up with a purplish glow. The glow extended from her figure to the spacecraft and in the next instant, the entire spacecraft had been covered with this purplish aura.

"Give me navigations," Miss Aimee voiced out as she increased her speed.

Within the spacecraft they hadn't expected the speed of the craft to suddenly increase by a notch and it took them by surprise.

Some of them were sent flying in seperate directions from the suddenly speed and activated their spacesuit once more to help them gain balance.

"That's why she is the only woman I will ever call master," A grin appeared on Gustav's face as he voiced out.

pαndα`noνɐ1--сoМ Without Miss Aimee's presence they were totally bummed out and he was sure he wouldn't be able to come up with a way to salvage the situation.

Fortunately, she had truly appeared at a time where she was needed. With this their journey would be faster and they could make it to Flalencia Galaxy even faster.

The only issue was, it didn't seem like Miss Aimee was likely to slow down.


"Oh shiit," E.E exclaimed as space began to crack right before their very eyes.

Lines like broken glass spread across space from what they could see within the spacecraft.

"Her speed is causing a rift to open up within space," Falco stated.

Just as he had said, up ahead more lines had been torn in space and soon a rift appeared.


Miss Aimee wasted no time in dragging them in along with herself.

The soon entered a world of purple with intense space turbulence pulling and trying to rip everything to shreds.

Miss Aimee was not affected in the slightest. The purplish aura spreading from her figure to the spacecraft also made sure Gustav and the others were unaffected as well.


Soon they reappeared in another part of space and Miss Aimee still hadn't slowed down. She kept charging forward with intensity.

-(Within the control room)

-"She has taken the piloting work off our hands,"

-"At least we get to arrive there days before the competition begins,"

-"The rifts she keeps opening are equivalent to the dimensional gateways but more chaotic,"

-"She is too powerful... we are not even affected in the slightest,"

The pilots and navigators couldn't help but express their shock as the spacecraft glided through space with the help of Miss Aimee.


"What about the grand commander?" Matilda questioned.

"What about him?" Gustav said with an unbothered expression.

"Shouldn't we be worried?" Matilda inquired.

"That's an Alpha ranked Mixedblood. There is nothing to be worried about," Gustav replied.

"The old man will find his way," Sheila added from the side.

Matilda felt that since even the old man great granddaughter was unbothered there was no need for her to worry.

Everyone else strapped in as Miss Aimee became the new pilot and flew them away.


In an unknown part of space a middle aged man clad in a silver colored MBO uniform floated above an asteroid as he looked around.ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

The asteroid was half the size of the earth's moon as it floated in space.

The diamond looking item embedded into his forehead blinked with a mysterious glow and a projection of lines appeared before him.

These lines formed a spacecraft upon closer look or what was left of it.

"Oh? The kids decimated them... as expected," He muttered.

There was no sound but he kept speaking since he was speaking to himself.

"Time to leave here now... I should find a spacecraft in one of the checkpoint stations instead of expending all my energy," Immediately after saying this, his figure turned illusionary and he blasted forward with immense speed.


The asteroid exploded to smithereens and scattered across space without any contact.

This of course was due to the impact of his speed.


"Where is my hubby?" Within the spacecraft Sheila kept pushing her finger against Gustav's left cheek as she voiced out.

"where is my hubby? Where is he? I wanna see him? Where is he? Sniff sniff," She kept saying while pushing her index finger against his cheek.

Gustav kept ignoring her like she was a common housefly as his face remained straight.

Eventually Sheila got tired and laid back against the seat right beside Gustav's with a pout.

"You could have ended that whole battle easily... why did you choose to hold back," Gustav questioned from the side.

"Huh? No we couldn't risk destroying the spacecraft so we all had to hold back," Sheila voiced with a light tone.

"That's not what I am talking about... your power, you could have ended it quickly," Gustav stated once again.

"I don't know what you're talking about.  I want my hubby," Sheila folded her arms with a pout.

"Sheila, you can hide it from the others but you can't hide it from me... I see everything," Gustav voiced with a tone that caused Sheila to feel a chill crawl down her spine.

She remained silent and turned the other way so as not to meet Gustav's eyes.

"Your ability to manipulate reality could have contended and altered the laws of the sticky void itself yet you chose not to use it... why?"

She remained silent.

"If you have made use of it we could have easily gotten out of there and probably wouldn't have needed to fight the intergalactic bounty hunters and wouldn't havr lost numbers either

You could have ended the battle almost instantly... why didn't you?"

Sheila remained silent and kept her face turned away from Gustav.

"There something that restricts you from using your full power isn't there?"

Sheila's face showed conflicted expressions upon hearing that.

"Either something restricts the full usage of your reality manipulation or you restrict yourself because of something... its fine if you don't want to say but make sure you don't turn into a liability on the battlefield," After saying this Gustav kept quiet.


"Did we get the full contents of the journal yet?" Within the room Endric suddenly opened his eyes.

The green dot glowing on his forhead, flew out.

"Not completely... it is truly complex. I guess this was why Elle did--"

"Don't say her name!" Endric yelled with a strong tone.

Husarius; ...

"...The Tarmac didn't want us taking it from there because it gathers information from any place it is taken too. Right now we are traveling half way across the universe and it is taking in more information as we speak which is making it difficult to extract the complete information from the area we need," Husarius explained.

"Isn't there any way to seal it?" Endric questioned.

"It is the Journal of the damned... a Galaxy ranked treasure. Only an extremely powerful entity will be able to do such, I fall short," Husarius responded with a sigh.

"Hmm at the very least we know where the next Outworldly weapon is now," Endric voiced as he descended from the air.

He landed on the bed as a mental picture of a location appeared in his mind.

"It won't be easy to get there," Husarius disclosed.

"Yeah for the first time I will be going on one of this missions with my big brother," Endric muttered as he stood to his feet.

"So it will have to be after IYSOP has ended?" Husarius voiced.

"That is the only option we have..." Endric began to head for the corridor after saying.

"Hmm? What is going on?" Endric voiced out the instant he arrived on the corridor and sensed the strange energy covering the entire spacecraft.

His eyed instantly glowed silvery blue as he blinked.


Endric instantly reappeared within the sitting area of the spacecraft with his energy unleashed.

"You're late to the party," E.E's voice was the first he heard as he upon his reappearance.

"Is everyone okay?" Endric felt a bit silly as he noticed their weird stares.

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