The Bloodline System

Chapter 1154 Siphoning Memories

Author's Note: Unedited Chapters


Her eyes looked sharped as she peered directly into the spacecraft like she was looking for someone.

"Miss Aimee?" Gustav voiced with a tone of surprise.

Miss Aimee who happened to be the ethereal looking deity that took everyone by surprise and caused the spacecraft to halt in space.

She floated closer to the spacecraft made use of her finger to draw a rectangular door on the wall.


Miss Aimee instantly moved into the spacecraft along with another person who seemed to be behind her all this time.

"Are you okay kids?" Miss Aimee questioned while floating towards Gustav.

-"Who is she?"

-"Is she?"

Some candidates had no idea who Miss Aimee was while some had looks of astonishment and realisation.

"We're fine," Gustav replied with a smile as she arrived before him.

"That's a relief," Miss Aimee said while ruffling Gustav's hair.

"Yo its miss Aimee," E.E voiced from the side as the others gathered around her with smiles as well.

-"I heard she's a goddess,"

-"Yeah man she created a whole planet with life,"

-"Damn just how powerful is she?"

The candidates discussed about miss Aimee in the background.

"What are you doing here?" Gustav questioned.

"Your spacecraft was reported missing... " Miss Aimee replied.

"And it has alredy been a week," Gradier Xanatus added from behind.


Gustav wasn't the only one who voiced out in shock, the others were stupefied as well.

"We've only been gone for a day," Falco stated from the side.

"We set out to find your spacecraft on the fourth day from earth and it has been three days since then, making it a total of one week," Gradier Xanatus explained.

"That would mean the sticky void also affects time," Gustav came to this conclusion.

"It does... your atoms and everything within shrinks including time. Since the laws of the sticky void shrinks time therefore making it slower, the original time outside the sticky void moves at a normal pace," Rick who was still in a kneeling position explained.

"Sticky void? You all were trapped in the sticky void?" Gradier Xanatus's eyes widened as he questioned.

"Yeah... for almost a day," Gustav replied.

"How did you even manage to get out?" He was even more shocked after the confirmation.

"We just did," Gustav wasn't ready to go over the details.

"Is this person amongst the people responsible?" Miss Aimee asked while moving to the side and lifting Rick.

"Miss Aimee don't..." Gustav was about to warn her about the scarf covering part of Rick's face but was too late.

Miss Aimee immediately pulled it down after lifting Rick.

"Oh? Half of your face is the gateway to another realm," Miss Aimee uttered with a look of interest.

"She's... unaffected," The others in the vicinity said with looks of astonishment.

Rick was just as shocked himself. The moment a person stared at this part of his face, they would instant get sucked into the realm.

"This is not enough to stop me from obliterating you for putting Gustav in harm's way," Miss Aimee stated as her fingers wrapped around Rick's neck.

"Hold on," Gustav quickly pulled Rick from Miss Aimee's grasp before she could send him to the afterlife.

"I still have something to do with him before he dies," Gustav quickly wrapped the scarf back around the half of Rick's face which held an unknown realm.

"Hmm? Which is?" Miss Aimee questioned.

"It's private," Gustav replied before dragging Rick away.

He headed towards the room area amidst the stares of everyone and soon was out of sight.

They wondered what was on Gustav's mind but couldn't figure it out.

"Oh yeah, he didn't come out at all during the ruckus," Gustav recalled something as he arrived before the room door.


The door slid open and he walked right in with Rick still in his grasp.

There he was, floating above a bed with a look of serenity while his forehead gleamed a bright green light.

It was Endric who had been totally missing during the entire battle that went down.

Gustav was well aware that he was in the room but didn't bother to disturb him knowing that the others could handle the problem.

Endric seemed to be in a state of trance and Gustav was well aware that he was probably doing something important.

"Another monster..." Rick muttered the instant Gustav dropped him.

He could already sense a mystical and quite unfathomable energy from Endric as he floated above one of the beds with his eyes closed.ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

"Why did you bring me here? Why not just let them kill me?" Rick questioned.

"Don't be so hasty to die... before you meet your end, be of good use to me first," Gustav responded as his eyes turned cold.

"What are you..." Rick who had been calm since the start couldn't help but feel a little chill upon meeting Gustav's gaze.

[Mental Manipulation Has Been Activated]

"Memories siphoning..." Gustav muttered as he suddenly reached out and grabbed Rick's head.

"Ugghhhhh!" Rick groaned in pain as a seering pain tore through his mind.

Gustav was now able to use Memories Siphoning without having to take a bloodline boosting drug for the damaged mental manipulation bloodline like he used to in the past.

He could now use it on command.

Rick memories began to flow into his mind at a very quick pace. Unlike the last time in Aribia City where he was still a little slower in siphoning memories, this time was way quicker.

In a couple of minutes, Gustav had siphoned up to two years worth of memories and kept going.

"Kiarrrrhh!" Rick kept yelling in agony as he felt like his brain was getting split apart.

"Make it stop! Arrrrgghhhh!" He kept screaming in pain.

The scarf had fallen off his face at this point due to all the shaking but this didn't deter Gustav in the slightest as he kept at it.

Rick was in so much pain that he preferred death at this point. Now he understood why he felt the chill that went down his spine earlier.

It turned out that thie was what he was going to be facing.


An hour later, Gustav let go of Rick"s head and his body fell limply to the floor of the spacecraft.

Blood was seeping out of his right eye which was the only eye he had as well as his left nose and side of his mouth.

His body twitched repeatedly, proving he was still alive but barely and his entire being was soaked in sweat.

Rick had just gone through great hell in just an hour.

Gustav stood in place at this point with a smirk on his face, "Thanks for the Knowledge... Intergalactic bounty hunters,"

Gustav had turned this experience into one that brought rewards for him instead of seeing it as a problem.

Knowing that someone like Rick would have a lot of experience in space travels and knowledge that came from touring space for years, he decided to steal his memories.

At the moment Gustav now had more knowledge about the Intergalactic space than a seasoned space pilot due to Rick's memories.

" j-us...t k--ill me,"

Gustav could hear the faint whispers of Rick who was couldn't bear living anymore.

"Don't worry you'll meet your end soon enough... one last thing before you go," Gustav squatted and placed his hand on Rick's neck.


His fingers stabbed into Rick's neck and he waited for a bit.

[Contact With New Species Have Been Made: Tecophibes]

"Oh? So you're an alien," Gustav initially thought Rick was a earthling but with the system new notification, he realised this wasn't so.

[Does Host Wish To Acquire Tecophibe Ability?]


"Now I can take their ability without taking their form? Interesting," Gustav was glad to see the new changes.

He hadn't tried taking an alien ability since he defeated the kilapisole during the MBO entrance exams. This was mostly because he hadn't fought with an alien since then so he was unaware of the upgrade.

"Yes," Gustav answered.

[Host Has Decided To Acquire Tecophibe Ability]

[Absorbing Tecophibe Ability:]

Seconds later...

[Tecophibe Ability Has Been Successfully Acquired]

Gustav stared at the notification with a slight grin as he stood to his feet.

The half of Rick's face that was completely missing and darkened due to being a gateway to an unknown realm had disappeared.

Instead his face returned to how a normal human would look as skin and another eye appeared.

"Now you can die," Gustav stated.


Within the seating area of the spacecraft the candidates were seated and some of them had been waiting for Gustav arrival since. Miss Aimee included.

"You killed him didn't you?" Miss Aimee questioned as she watched Gustav return.

"Of course. He has served his purpose," Gustav replied.

"You cheeky little..." Miss Aimee pulled Gustav's cheek as she voiced out.

"We have a problem," Aildris stated from the side.

pαndα`noνɐ1--сoМ "What is it?" Gustav inquired.

"We're one week behind travel schedule... this means we will arrive at Galaxy Flalencia days after IYSOP has begun,"

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