The Bloodline System

Chapter 1120 Heading Back To Aribia City

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter



("The casualties are still a lot less than it would have,")

"Indeed..." Gustav responded while looking around.

"Hmm..." Gustav squinted hid eyes as he spotted a couple of suspicious figures.


In the conventional centre the concert was still ongoing and even Yusha was unaware of the ongoing battle between the Genxodus and the MBO.

Gustav had told her beforehand to focus on her performance and make it like she usually would. He wanted to make sure there was no hint of suspicion that the Genxodus could hold on to beforehand.

She was currently in her domain with her mind on nothing else except for releasing beautiful melodies.

She connected with the crowd as she continously sang hits after hits that caused the fans to cheer loudly.

The poduim was currently moving around as she stamped her left foot on the ground while performing one of her unreleased songs.

_"Danger creeps, Yet you're unfazed..."_

_"The enemies flee, when you are freed..."_

The fans bopped to her unreleased song as she sang with such a melodic tune that would make even angels jealous.



Two figures in masked leaped out of the crowd in goddess Yusha's direction.

This action had taken everyone by surprise and the fans only reacted by the time they spotted weapons in the grasp of these two unknown masked figures.

The instant the landed on the podium, a figure appeared right in between Yusha and the masked assailants.

"Not today," The cold voice of this figure drifted into their ears before they could even properly notice his facial features.

Bang! Bang!

Before they could both react, Gustav had already sent out two palm strikes, sending them flying back into the crowd.

'Oh shii... I didn't control my strength...' Gustav only noticed this after the attacks had hit.

Since he knew he was injured, he had expected his strength to be weakened.




The crowd up front yelled in terror as body parts and blood rained down upon them. Both figures had been blasted into pieces with a single palm strike each from Gustav.

("So much for trying to keep things under the wraps,") The system chimed in.

With the current incident getting displayed all across the world where the concert was being streamed, there was a huge uproar on social media.

-"Two people just got blasted to pieces! I saw it live!"

-"Oh my God is goddess Yusha okay?"

-"Protect goddess Yusha!"

-"If she is trulya goddess she doesn't need protection!"

-"Just who is that guy?"

--"I think he was protecting her,"

As the live transmission got disconnected due to the incidents, the fans watching worldwide discussed about the possibilities all across social media platforms.

In the main event centre there was ruckus everywhere and now more MBO officers swooped in to calm the situation.


"Yes, I deactivated it," Gustav reported through a communication channel.

-"Phew, thank goodness you were able to pull it off in time,"

At this point the MBO had been alerted of Gustav's success in deactivating the nanites.

They were taking care of the incident that had been broadcasted across the world and the concert that had to come to an abrupt stop due to it.

Gustav didn't bother helping the officers clean up with the rest of the mechs. He was ready to leave after he had played his part.

"I have to go now," He said to Yusha backstage.

"Wait... can you... spend a little more time here? With me..." She stuttered while voicing out.

"I'm sorry I can't. I have to return immediately, it's urgent," Gustav replied.

"Oh alright..." She mumbled with a dejected tone.

"When will I see you again?" She questioned.

"Hmm... I can't say for sure. IYSOP is around the corner. I might not have time till afterwards," Gustav held his chin as he responded.

"Stay safe okay," She said while walking into his embrace.

"Sure I will. You should be more worried about the enemies," Gustav stated while hugging her back.

"Are they dating or what?"

"I think she likes him,"

The assistants sitting behind whispered back and forth to each other.

"You guys do know that I can hear everything happening from a mile away, right?" Gustav disclosed after separating from Yusha.

"Huh? What were they saying?" Yusha eyebrows creased up as she turned around to stare at her assistants.

They froze up with looks of surprise and quickly scurried away.

"Nothing important..." Gustav stated before placing his right hand on his left wrist.ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom


A bracelet with a blueish screened surface suddenly appeared on his wrist.

'Finally...' Gustav couldn't help but display a smirk while tapping on the screen of his new dimensional bracelet.

("You are so lucky they were able to make another level 7 dimensional bracelet,") The system said internally.

'Had to use up the favour great commander Shion owed though... but its kinda worth it since this new one has an upgrade,' Gustav responded internally before tapping on the location he was heading for.

<Dimensional Travel in...>



"Bye," Gustav bid farewell to Yusha once more.


"Bye," She waved at him.


A flash of blue light encapsulated Gustav's figure and in the next instant he vanished.

Yusha stood in place for several moments before she heaved a heavy sigh.


-"He ruined our plans again?"

-"I knew we should have gotten rid of him a long time ago,"

-"Damn it!"

-"Gustav Crimson! That young blooded bastard!"

Within a dimly lit space, dark figures sitting in a circular format could be heard cursing with tones of disgust.

"Had this been successful, the bloodline devouring nanites would have spread into the world... slowly but surely, the mixedbloods would have gotten eradicated one after the other and we would have rid the world of those vermin..."

The leader voiced out with a tone of regret.

"But because of Gustav Crimson, once more our ploy was unveiled and ruined..."

The entire place turned silent at this point as they could hear the anguish in the voice of the leader.

"He is not the most powerful yet he always finds a way to ruin our plans... He is not the highest ranked MBO officer, yet he always gets his way... there is something about him. The MBO would have never figured out our plan or manage to take care of it without him..."

"Our topmost priority right now is to eliminate Gustav Crimson! All other operations must be placed below the elimation of Gustav Crimson!"

The leader stated with a bloodthirsty tone.

"All who are not in support of this should lay their claim,"

-"I support,"

-"I support,"

-"I support,"

-"I support,"

The other four leaders stated one after the other.

"Good, let the members be informed," The main leader voiced out.

-"He will be leaving for the IYSOP soon, how do we take care of him before then?"

One of the leaders questioned.

"That in itself is where our next ploy might come in... the IYSOP..."


-The Next Morning (Outskirts Of Aribia City)

"So you're getting them out of there?" Angy questioned.

"Technically E.E will be doing most of the work but yes, we are getting them out of there... I only have to get them to E.E," Gustav responded.

"But there are at least five hundred thousand slum dwellers... how do you intend to pull it off?" Angy questioned.

"That's why I also have you," Gustav replied with a smile.

"Oh? I... I didn't know you also wanted me to tag along. I thought you wanted to do it alone," Angy couldn't help but blush upon hearing Gustav words.

pαndα`noνɐ1--сoМ "You're the fastest amongst us all but since I'm physically the strongest, I'll be able to move lots of them in one go while you'll handle as many as you can but your speed supplements for your lesser physical strength..." Gustav said with a calculative expression.


Gustav's froze for a bit upon feeling soft lips plant against his face for an instant.

"*cough cough* what did you do that for," Gustav's face was starting to turn a bit reddish after Angy gave him a peck on the face.

"You're cute when you make plans," She said with a smile of adoration.

"I'm tempted to..." Angy began moving closer as she voiced out.

"Are you two lovebirds done?" Aildris voiced out from the entrance as he walked into the temporary accommodation quarter.

"*cough cough* of course," Gustav adopted his straight face once more while replying.

"The operation is set to start within an hour... you should brief the others," Aildris disclosed.

"Sure," Gustav responded while walking out with Angy and Aildris.

Outside the quarters, E.E, Falco, Matilda, Vera and the others were waiting.

"Do you guys recall the plan from last night?" Gustav asked as he walked towards them.

"I and Vera are together in subduing the Genxodus members sighted," Matilda stated while Vera nodded.

"I will find the Genxodus members from above using my purple eye and inform everyone on their location while also taking care of some of them," Elevora voiced out.

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