The Bloodline System

Chapter 1117 They Figured Us Out

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


"Young miss!" She shouted out but they were both long gone already.

This was the same as what happened earlier. Not like anyone of them could actually stop Gustav but he was just being considerate when asking for permission.

In Capital City, the skies were starting to darken and it was currently sun down. The beauty of the city became more ravishing as glowing stones of light were activated all across the city.

These stones of light floated in the air making it look like the stars were closer to the city instead of orbiting in space.

As the night arrived, a part of the city glowed majestically attracting a city wide attention.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The loud sounds of live musical instruments reverberated across the city like thunder.

It's source was none other than the conventional centre.

-"Breaking news! The Starlight concert hosted by goddess Yusha has began!"

-"Breaking News! Goddess Yusha's concert starts on a high note!"

-"Fans complain about not getting into the venue despite paying for a ticket!"

"Breaking News! Goddess Yusha..."

All across the city and in different parts of the world, new outlets displayed footages from the ongoing concert and spoke about it.

-"A flame is burning deep within,"

-"I'm strengthened, saving galaxies,"

-"The enemies try but they... they can't stop me (can't stop me)..."

The sound of a melodic female voice traveled across the city as everyone sang along as loud cheers also followed.

Yusha had begun her performance and the fans left in the conventional centre were vibing to the performance unaware of the dangers lurking in the shadows.

Gustav stood in a part of the Conventional center back stage as she performed.

God Eyes were activated while he hid his presence and kept an eye out.

("Nine minutes left before the moon appears,") The system announced.

'Let's hope no mishaps happen before then,' Gustav replied internally as be kept scanning the vicinity.

Yusha moved from place to place on the podium like she practiced with the podium moving from place to place in an entertaining manner.

The backup dancers that were supposed to join her, had all been discarded after Yusha found out about the potential danger.

This was why she was currently performing nearly solo. Only her instrumentalists were in the vicinity.

Gustav had already promised to protect everyone if things went haywire but for now he still had to wait before he could try out what he wanted to.

'I can see some suspicious figures...' Gustav noticed some figures within the crowd of millions that were in the conventional centre.

("The moon is out,") The system announced.

'Damn it... such questionable timing,' Gustav had no time to waste now that he knew the moon was out.

-"Officers D and H, check out my the North East corner of the conventional centre... I'll be out for a bit," Gustav still passed on this message through the communication system before he squatted.

After squatting, he placed two fingers on the floor and covered his right eye with his left hand.

[God Eyes Has Been Activated]

His irises glowed up along with the middle of his chest. A golden and crimson glow coated his chest area while his left eye turned completely blue.

'NIGHT VISION... I have to get it this time,' Gustav said internally as his senses left his body.


Gustav's vision became one with the moon and he was once more able to see every part of the earth the moon's glow was currently touching upon.

'I see it...' After focusing his vision on the conventional centre, he was able to see what had been planted within the foundation of the floating platform.

("If the nanites are released it won't only eat into the bodies of everyone here, it will also spread  further, before triggering a collective explosion,") The system analysed.

'It is exactly as I recall in their memories... the only problem right now is deactivating it,' Gustav replied with a contemplative tone.

ραпdα nᴏνa| сom ("The shift in frequency makes it so they cannot be detected but they are set to shift back info the usual earth frequency by the time they are set to be released,") The system added.

"Which means if I had to wait, I'd barely get a second leeway to destroying it before they get released... yeah that won't work,' Gustav ruled out any plan of waiting.

("Looks like the manual option is the only option,") The system stated.

'This might take some time... keep an eye out and update me if anything happens,' Gustav said internally before tuning his focus on a particular part of the conventional centre.


A blueish holographic fiture began phasing into existence beneath the crowd in the conventional centre. This area was where the lots of machines operated and where some of the conventional centre workers had to stay to keep things working above.ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

Gustav night projection was trying to phase into existence within this place and as expected he was finding it difficult.

The workers who were currently there, had no idea that they were right in the spot where the explosive nanites had been planted. They just couldn't see or touch it because it was turned to a different dimensional frequency.

Gustav focused on creating this night projection which was expected to be like a clone that could operate in that dimension without issues.

If he was successful, he could deactivate the explosive nanites. If not, everyone would be snuffed out of existence.


"Officer Crimson mentioned it was around this area... let's fan out and check," An MBO officer in black uniform voiced out to his surbodinates.

The officers nodded and began fanning out in the midst of the vibrant crowd.

-"Don't forget to report in through the comms, if you find anything or anyone suspicious," The officer instructed.

The crowd was really an hindrance for them as they transvered through them trying to spot anyone that seemed out of place.

It was a difficult situation as all sorts of fans ranging from weirdos to overly exertive were present in the conventional centre.

However, since Gustav mentioned it, they were sure they would find something or someone out of place within the vicinity.

The bunch of officers continued to scale through the thick crowd of fans.

After a couple of minutes one of them gave a report through the comms...

-"I found something..."


On the ground below, the fans at the entrance of the portal that would lead to the conventional centre floating about fifty feet above were still trying to get in.

At this point, hundreds of MBO officers were headed towards the area to clear them off the premises.

It had been over thirty minutes since Gustav started trying to create the projection and so far, he hadn't been successful yet.

The MBO could no longer take any chances so the next move was to get everyone within the vicinity, out of the premises.

This time they didn't care about the Genxodus figuring out that they were aware of the nanites planted. The aim was to save as many as possible and there were still millions in the premises that will be affected if the nanites go off.

-"What is going on?"

-"Why are there MBO officers here?"

Some of the fans within the vicinity who were initially dancing and vibing to Yusha's performance, stopped as they noticed the MBO officers arriving in droves.

The instant the MBO officers arrived, they commenced the operation.

Spreading out, each of them placed a circular and metallic looking device on the ground within the multitude of fans.

The fans were clueless as to what was going on but no MBO member gave any form of explanation.

-"Dove C planted,"

-"Dove E planted,"

-"Dove H planted,"

-"Dove V planted,"

The MBO officers reported through the comms one after the other and in a couple of seconds, a command was heard.

"All doves successfully planted, all officers should activate their shielding armors now,"

The officers in the vicinity did as told and in the next instant...


The circular and metallic devices planted on the ground gave off a very bright fluorescent glow.

Afterwards, every single fan within the AOC of this glow, vanished.


The fans that were left in the vicinity and had witnessed the disappearance of the others became wary.

Some of them tried to run and escape the area but of course, the MBO officers were well skilled and more powerful than ordinary mixedbloods so they easily handled the situation.

With every planting of the doves and activation, up to fifty thousand fans would be teleported in an instance.


-"They figured us out!"

"You idiot didn't you report earlier that they were still unaware of our plans,"

Within a dimly lit room with several dark figures sitting around, a dialogue ensued between the unknown figures and the person currently giving a report through an holographic transmission.

-"We were deceived by the singer still walking on stage to perform. We had assumed they would not risk endangering her life if they were aware of our plans,"

The person reporting voiced out with an apologetic tone.

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