While Vicente was starting the rebellion, the vast majority of the soldiers in Long Bay Correctional Facility had no idea what he was starting.

That was the case with the high-ranking Commanders who were in charge of running the prison.

But that was about to change, and not just because of Vicente's actions!

While some of the High-level Mages were scattered around the prison, the two strongest men in the army there were in the command room receiving an urgent call.

"Declare a state of emergency in the prison! Infiltrators have managed to disguise themselves as soldiers! They probably are acting to create some kind of rebellion or escape!" A soldier's voice sounded from the main communication device in that place, with a tone full of nervousness.

The two High-level Mages in the room paled when they heard that, not expecting to have such a serious problem so soon after the shift change.

"Is this really serious? But there's nothing wrong here." One of them exclaimed, thinking about the possibility that this could be a mistake.

"Impossible!" The voice said in a more serious tone. "We have already sent reinforcements to Long Bay Correctional Facility. But you'll have to handle the situation on your own for the next two hours. Our Sovereigns won't arrive until after that."

"Sovereigns?" The two Commanders looked at each other, aware that this information could not be a mistake. Sovereigns only moved when something very serious happened!

"All right. Let's start the emergency protocols." The older of the two men said as he rose from his seat, determined to start vascularizing the prison.

As the call ended and the two were about to give their orders, they felt the entire building inside the hill shake significantly. 

The paintings on the walls of this command office fell off while the lamps on the ceiling shook violently. At the same time, the two Mages became a few degrees more serious as they stared at the ground with wide eyes.

"It can't be..."

"Don't tell me that..." 

The two muttered, feeling very bad about this day.

"Oh, shit! What's going on?" One of the soldiers on level 1 shouted in fear.

Meanwhile, Evan was already dressed in prisoner clothes and moving among the many prisoners on the floor of the prison where Nico was.

It took him only 40 seconds from the start of his action to reach Eve's father, and he quickly grabbed the man without giving him a chance to speak or refuse help.

"I'm here to get you out of jail," Evan said into Nico's ear as he stood behind the man, using one of his hands to hold Nico's mouth shut. "The ones that want you out of here are related to someone named Eve Ostell. I don't know who she is, but the name must mean something to you." 

'Eve?' Nico stopped struggling when he heard that.

Meanwhile, the prisoners on the outskirts were rioting on level 1 of the prison, having already spread to the living areas on that level but also to the places where the soldiers were.

Sounds of screaming and breaking furniture could be heard from all directions while fighting and desperate attempts to escape took place on this level.

Evan told Nico, "I'm going to let you, but don't make a stir. I'll take you to where we're going." 

Nico nodded and agreed to follow the man, aware that this was his only chance to escape this place and try to make something of his life.

Evan gave Nico a restorative potion and said. "Drink this quickly. You'll need to move faster than you can now later."



Meanwhile, Vicente was in level 2, where a group of soldiers looked at him grimly as he helped the inmates attack the royal forces there.

After starting the rebellion by freeing many inmates, he didn't hesitate to give half a dozen potions to the strongest inmates and break down the defenses in the soldiers' area.

The soldiers there only had time to warn the rest of the prison about what was happening when Vicente and the inmates attacked them.

In just one minute since the riot began, half a dozen soldiers had fallen in level 2, where blood-stained walls and human brains could be seen here and there.

Meanwhile, the mana in the area was stirred as soldiers and prisoners struggled with their powers.

With all the confusion in this place, Vicente saw his opportunity. He didn't hesitate to make his way to the deeper floor of the facility, from where he and his companions would escape.

'Time to escape!'

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