The next day, Vicente and Layla hadn't met, but they had communicated via a short-range communication device they had.

She warned him about the things Newton had told her to pass on to him and informed him about the two things she had in her possession that she was supposed to deliver.

Vicente wasn't surprised by Newton's approach or that such a man would soon be going to Saltstar City, a city much further away from Millfall than Ironcrest.This content belongs to, if the content is missing please go to website to read the full content

So he understood why Newton hadn't accepted his request right away.

What was that request? He wanted Newton to consider becoming Nina's master.

But it would be complicated for that to happen in the short term since the master and student needed to be close to each other, at least at the beginning of the student's journey. At the same time, Vicente wouldn't allow Nina to live so far away from him.

He put that aside for the moment and went back to observing the enemy outposts, having already surveyed two of the three places Sarah had pointed out.

He hadn't decided to act yet, but he was gradually getting a better understanding of the enemies while formulating his plans of action.


While Vicente was investigating his enemies, the situation in Millfall became more tense.

After the arrival of the group of emissaries from The Faceless Ones faction, there had been no fighting for the time being, but the army had made some remarkable discoveries about The Vile Altar incident.

Not only had the army discovered disturbing things about the incident, but the Congregation of Revelation was beginning to understand the deaths of three of their Mages in the area.

As a result, the soldiers from the capital who were in Millfall to set things right, to investigate this incident, to find the culprits and bring them to justice, were now very focused on keeping the army away from what had happened there!

The envoys from the capital were so stressed after their recent discoveries that they had put aside the investigation into Christopher Hogan's death to focus on solving The Vile Altar incident!

"Given your background, I believe you'll be a Commander soon. So, let me tell you, you will most likely be assigned to one of Saltstar City's battalions.

The Red Troop, one of Saltstar City's battalions, used to be commanded by Arthur Hogan. That is one of the best positions for you, so it's likely that you'll be appointed to it." Derek said, helping Nova prepare for the future.

The royal army assigned its soldiers to positions based on need but also based on the soldier's potential and their performance in the test to rise through the ranks.

This test was usually done in groups, which meant there was competition between newly promoted soldiers.

The better you did in these tests, the better your assignment.

New battalions weren't formed unless other groups were disbanded, so new Commanders usually took over vacancies left by soldiers who had changed ranks or died.

If there were no such vacancies, these soldiers were sent to the capital to serve in other ways, sometimes as part of groups led by monarchs or even as special bodyguards for royalty. There were several possibilities, depending on the time, place, and the person advancing in rank.

But with the recent deaths of 3 Commanders within the Scott Province and Nova being one of the 4 soldiers who had recently advanced to the 3rd stage in the entire province, it was very likely that she would take the position of one of the 3 Commanders killed by Vicente.

Derek knew how talented Nova was and expected her to take the best position, the one in Saltstar City.

Nova clenched her fists as she listened to Derek but didn't say anything.


Derek sighed. "Anyway, before you go, I wanted to update you on the local situation since you've been behind this post for several weeks.

I don't know if we will follow your lead on Cesar Mazzanti. We may get something in the future and use that to deal with him. But right now, we're more concerned about the people at the Awakening Temple in Saltstar City. 

Arthur, Alex, and Peter apparently died at The Vile Altar fighting members of the Ironcrest Awakening Temple... We can't let the army get involved in this, so we'll let it be known that these three betrayed the royal forces and were expelled from the army before their deaths.

They betrayed us for offers from The Faceless Ones, so we won't investigate them further, nor will we seek justice for their deaths.

Christopher was Arthur's brother, so he was most likely involved. Let's consider his death as an action of The Faceless Ones to eliminate the witnesses of their crime!"

Nova opened her eyes and mouth wide as she realized that the army would cover up everything that had happened, change reality, and blame those four soldiers and The Faceless Ones.

As for the real culprit, this one wouldn't have to suffer any consequences for their actions!

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