Chapter 405 Low-Level Mage?

In the blink of an eye, two days had passed since Vicente's seclusion began.

As one grew stronger, more mana and elemental affinity would be required for successful qualitative and quantitative progress.

Ordinary people would need one to three weeks of seclusion to achieve a breakthrough from the end of the 2nd stage to the beginning of the 3rd stage. However, Vicente was anything but ordinary, and in just 2 days of hard work meditating at the Mazzanti estate, he had achieved his breakthrough!

Early this afternoon, the entire Mazzanti estate was thrown into turmoil as the surrounding mana stirred and the entire building shook under the influence of the family patriarch's powers.

The azure sky above the city closed in with heavy clouds as thunder rumbled for all the locals to hear the approaching storm.

Amid Vicente's influence on the local weather, his first pentagram evolved qualitatively, reaching the second pentagram classification, orange!

He was now standing in the cultivation room of the Mazzanti estate while his two pentagrams were circulating in their surroundings. The first, smaller one, was a bright orange, with new inscriptions around it, things that had not been there before.

Meanwhile, the second pentagram, the larger of the two, was still yellow but had green lines and inscriptions here and there, indicating it was also evolving along with the rest of Vicente's powers.

It wasn't yet time for this other essence of his to advance qualitatively. Still, it was clearly improving so that one day, it would go through what the first pentagram had just gone through.

While these pentagrams showed Vicente's new power and his possibilities, the men in the room watched him with wide eyes, some more anxious than the head of the family himself!

As for his understanding of the elements of Earth and Lightning, as well as what he had learned about the forge, everything he thought he knew before had changed. Things he didn't understand before had become clearer. And he could easily see mistakes he had made and even better ways to do things he had done well before.

That's how beneficial leveling up was for magicians in general!

After talking with Torne for some time and looking at his new abilities, Vicente gathered his two pentagrams while controlling his mana.

As he did so, Torne gave him some advice. 'Master, it will benefit you to leave Millfall as soon as possible. Your first gem is changing color. As you progress, your true talent will gradually reveal itself.'

Vicente immediately focused on his yellow gem, seeing it had a greenish tint to it at the moment.

Talents stayed the same after Magic Awakening. That's what the literature said, and it had been observed countless times throughout the known history of the Polaris Empire.

However, Vicente had two magical forms, two gems, in other words, two talents.

From what he had seen and heard, his talent associated with the Throne of Darkness was much greater than the talent associated with his first Magic Gem. His talent would remain the same as he grew strong, but his first gem would gradually show his greatest talent, that of the second gem.

According to Torne, this would happen when he could freely use the Throne of Darkness without worrying about negative consequences.

If that were to happen, and Vicente saw that it would most likely happen, he would have to find a way to explain himself to his contacts, or he would have to move.

It wouldn't be possible for him to justify something that had never happened before, so moving to another city would be much easier.

'I know. I'll make my preparations to move before I become Sovereign.' He sighed, feeling it wasn't close, but it wouldn't be long before it happened. 'I intend to move here when Nina finishes the academy, so don't worry. It's already in my plans.'

With that, he ended his conversation with Torne and left the cultivation room.

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