511 Self-Preservation

“Are you going to stand there all day?” Leon said as Luca remained on the spot without making a move. After Arianna gave him the order to keep Leon company, all he did was lean against the wall and pretend he doesn’t exist.

“What’s wrong with my position?” Luca asked with a disinterested gaze. No, the frown on his face could give the impression that he hated Leon’s ass even though this was the first time they were ever meeting.

“Your mistress’ order was to keep me company, but I’m so bored that I could die,” Leon pointed out with a sigh, stabbing his cold food with his fork nonchalantly.

“The last time I checked, keeping someone company doesn’t necessarily involve talking. If you’re not satisfied with my presence alone, you can dismiss me and we both save ourselves the headache. I need a nap as well.”

“You need a nap on duty?” Leon looked at him with a teasing smile, “Marcel is going to kill you once he hears you left his woman unprotected.”

“However,” Leon added immediately, his lashes lowered before lifting his head to take in Luca from the top of his head to the sole of his feet and then back up again, appreciating his body, “You could sleep in my bed, it’s extra soft and feels like heaven and Marcel wouldn’t even know,” He hinted at something Luca clearly understood because his gaze was now staring intently on the man who was not hiding he was interested in him.

“Thank you for the tempting offer, but no,” Luca said with his jaw clenched and his gaze hardened.

“It’s a no then,” Leon nodded, looking visibly hurt by his offer as he gulped down a glass of water.

However, if there’s anything that Lucas’ learned in this profession, it was the fact that looks were deceiving. So even when he saw the hurtful expression on Leon’s face, he looked away. He has made up his mind already, he was not going for Leon even if he was hot as fuck and the attraction was pulling him along.


“You hate me.” Leon pointed out, holding his gaze as he asked, “Why?” He wanted an answer.

Luca gulped, wondering why he was finding it hard to say it. However, after a few minutes of awkward silence between them, he finally said, “I don’t hate you, I only hate your personality.”

“You hate my personality, huh?” Leon mulled over his words, finding them quite amusing, “Interesting.”

“What aspect of my personality do you hate?” Leon looked really serious when he asked that, as if he would change if Luca wanted him to.

“Your numerous boyfriends,” Luca asked, “Does people’s heart seem that easy to you?” He pointed out that he has heard and read his rendezvous printed all over the tabloids for everyone and anyone to read. The papers always seem to find a new topic to talk about him every day. However, the title of “fuckboy” was bestowed on him.

“Oh, a loyal one I see,” Leon muttered, confusing Luca. He then pushed his seat back with a squeak, standing up to his feet.

“You’re scared then,” He pointed out, making Luca glare at him.

“I’m not scared of you,” Luca said firmly, his gaze hardening. Saying that he was afraid was equivalent to saying that he was weak. He was a well-trained soldier from Luciano’s family, what could he be possibly afraid of? He wasn’t even afraid of death. Luca was provoked by that comment.

“If you aren’t afraid of me, you wouldn’t be scared of taking a chance on me, Luca,” Leon called his name for the first time and Luca had a boner instantly. Fuck, he sounded too sexy, calling his name.

No, this was bad. Code red. He couldn’t get entangled with this womanizer. Sure, there was a shortage of the kind of people he liked out there, but that doesn’t mean, he would date anyone that comes along his way. Leon King was too bad for him.

“It’s called self-preservation,” Luca told Luca and watched intensely as he came in his direction.

Leon came to stand right in front of him and then said, “Self – preservation, is that it?” He smirked, “I call that cowardice.”

Luca growled in warning, Leon was inciting him to action and it would be quite bloody if he responded. However, blinded by his anger, Luca didn’t know that he took a step forward in a haste to intimidate and rise to his challenge Leon. And now, he is Leon’s space such that bodies were brushing against each other intimately and he could see him from up close.

Close to each other, Luca could see each one of his handsome details and a shiver went down his spine whenever their chest touched, he could feel his hard chest – someone does work out, and not fuck all the time. Well, fucking was also a form of exercise...

Christ Jesus, focus on the task, Luca! He had gotten far too distracted and he had to check up on Arianna and make sure she had taken a nap as she claimed. Well, not that she could slip out of here, nor could Daniel Walz into here and kidnap her.

There was a reason no one dared to cross Leon’s family, they were wealthy themselves. Just as Luciano’s family was an old Mafia family, Kings Clan was blessed with the ability to make wealth. The family was so rich that even politicians came to them for funds during elections. In one word, they owned the financial sector and had numerous banks to their name across the globe.

And guess what, the heir to all of this, was no other than Leon King. Yep, one more reason Luca was not going there. He wanted a life partner, not one he could have a bit of fun with and Leon was not the one for him. Moreover, their worlds are different, it just wouldn’t work out for both of them.

“Your eyes speak of anger,” Leon said.

“Exactly,” Luca acquiesced, “Provoke me again and you wouldn’t look so pretty anymore,” He warned him.

But Leon laughed to his surprise,

“Who told you I don’t like it rough?” He added, “Moreover, your eyes speak of another emotion....”

Leon drew so close that their breath was exchanging, and they were staring into each other’s eyes,

“Lust.” He said.

Luca gulped, lowering his gaze instantly, “That’s not going to happen,”

“Why?” Leon cupped his left cheek and kept his gaze on him so he wouldn’t look away. Luca could have pushed his hand away, but he didn’t. He couldn’t. For reasons unknown.

“Because of what you read in the tabloids? You should know better than to trust the newspaper nowadays always looking for contents without crosschecking the facts.”

“Fine, you’re not a fuck body as the tabloids describe you, but that doesn’t mean any of your relationships has lasted and that is the difference between the both of us. I’m not here for a one-night stand, Leon King,” He placed much more emphasis on his surname and his background. Luca was hinting at his responsibilities and the fact they couldn’t be together.

“Then make me understand,” Leon said with so much sincerity Lucas’ heart hurt for him. He finally understood that someone from such a background could never have a normal relationship. People always wanted someone from him and he couldn’t tell which one he could trust – or love.

Luca gulped, he could feel his walls crumbling down and he couldn’t tell if that was a good sign.

“Don’t tell me you don’t feel this attraction between us, Luca...” He whispered his name again sexily, his lips brushing across his with the faintest touch. Hence, when Leon’s lips pressed against his firmly this time, he didn’t fight him and let him in.

His lips were the softest he had ever tasted and the tentative kiss soon turned passionate as Luca reached for his blonde locks and clutched a fistful of his hair as he kissed him harder. Leon groaned in pleasure, then ground against his arousal.

“Fuck!” Luca cursed against his lips, quickly pulling away.

Surprised at his action, Leon gave him a questioning look, wondering if he had changed his mind already. However, without warning, Luca turned him around and pushed him into the wall.

Alright, he was loving this, Leon was smug.

But Luca didn’t give him the chance to smile because his lips were upon him once more and he kissed him harder, pushing his tongue into his mouth. Leon might be older, but Luca knew he was dominant in this relationship. Wait, was it a relationship?

However, Luca was distracted from his thoughts when Leon tugged on his polo and pulled it over his head, tossing it away to the corner. He kissed him once again, before trailing kisses down his neck.

Leon then kissed his nipples and Luca knew he was a goner. He couldn’t resist him any longer.


“Yes, of course!”

They both looked for privacy knowing it was going down for real.

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