487 You Failed The Test

On the bright side, Mimi and Winters didn’t have to wait for long before a staff member came to attend to them.

“I’ll bring the children down,” The staff told them and left.

“You’d take care of the kids while I search the house,” Mimi said to Winters, causing her jaw to almost drop to the ground.

“What?” Winters was stunned when she said, “But you’re the one good with kids and I have sharp eyes to deduce where they might be hiding Chloe,” She argued with her.

“And then what?” Mimi asked haughtily with her brows arched, “What would you do when you see Chloe? We know between the both of us that I’m the one with the words and might be able to convince Chloe to come back home when I find her. So tell me then, who should go?”

“Fine, do whatever you want,” Winters snorted, folding her arms. To think that she would have to spend the rest of the day with spoilt, entitled brats. It annoyed her but there was nothing she could do, this was a mission and Reina would hunt her down to any surface of the earth she hid if anything happened to her kids.

Mimi and Winters turned almost immediately when they heard the stomping of feet down the stairs and in a blur of motion, three kids were standing right in front of them.

“Welcome to our humble home, our new nanny,” The kids said in unison, bowing their heads and surprising the both of them.

Winters narrowed her gaze at the children wondering what they were up to while Mimi was completely won over by them. God, the children were so beautiful and adorable! Who said they were devils?


Although they were triplets, the two young girls were identical twins while the third was a boy and non-identical. Even at that, all of them were so cute and Mimi envied Spencer’s good genes. She hoped to have kids as cute as them one day. However, when Mimi thought about her future child, all she could picture was Victor’s brunette hair and her own eyes with those chubby cheeks she could touch and gently pinch for her child. Damn, why was she thinking about a child now?

Concentrate on the mission, Mimi!

“Huh?” Diego was the first to lift his head, “How many nannies do we have this time?”

The girls looked at them next, checking them out as if they were fresh meat on the market, and Winters couldn’t help but notice the smirk on one of the girl’s faces and she knew at once that one was the gang leader and was trouble.

“So, we have two nannies this time, mummy must love us too much,” The troublemaker said with a devilish smirk.

“Alright children behave, those are your nannies for today,” said the staff from earlier who brought the kids downstairs. She then gave Mimi and Winters an apologetic smile before introducing the kids, “These are the triplets, Diego is the eldest....”

It was hard to believe that the boy was the eldest considering the way his sisters dominated him. He was too gentle to be the eldest or so they thought.

“And judging from the ribbon on their hair, the eldest one -”

“You don’t need to bother about that, Gabby,” The trouble maker interrupted her, “A responsible nanny should have done due research about us to show their capability, isn’t it so? Hence, they should identify us themselves,”

Yeah, the kids were super intelligent as well. Winters was challenged and she had never backed out of one.

“And what would I gain if I do so correctly?” Winters stepped forth, trying to stare her down but the young girl stood her ground.

“If you do so correctly, then we would be good to you guys for the rest of the day,” She shrugged, “What do you say about that?”

“Deal,” Winters gave in without thinking twice. The young twin was so rude that she wanted to put the girl in her place. Moreover, you heard her, once Winters wins, she and Mimi would have less stress taking care of them.

As expected, Winters already did her research on the twins and found out that the twins were identified by the ribbon or clip on their hair. Red marks Elsa and the pink identifies her younger sister, Ella. Moreover, she read somewhere that Elsa was the most outspoken among them.

So Winters answered boldly with her head held high, “You are Elsa,” but then, she remembered Reina’s words at the last minute, but it was too late.

“Wrong, I’m Ella and she’s Elsa,” She giggled mischievously, pointing to the real Elsa behind her who had been quiet all this while and that was when it struck Winters, they tricked her.

The children switched their characters and Elsa who was normally opinionated hid her character this time and took up the identity of her much-reserved sister, Ella. Moreover, Winters forgot Reina’s warning never to trust the ribbon on the girl’s hair. They tend to change it up and like a fool, it didn’t cross her mind in her haste to win.

At that moment, the real Elsa finally stepped out with a devilish smirk that showed off her sparkling white teeth that gleamed like a shark’s right now. Oh no, Winters didn’t like that vibe she was giving off. Why were they after her and completely ignored Mimi? What did she do wrong?

Elsa came to tug her hands, shaking them playfully as if Winters would fall for that act. The kids had proved to her that they were very smart and right now, she was being circled by vultures that wanted a piece of her.

“You failed the test, now you have to play,” Elsa announced to her, “But first, you have to catch us!”

Before Winters could even blink, the children had vanished before her eyes, running from her like the flash and leaving only the dust in their wake.

“No, no, no, don’t go!” Winters shrieked as she ran after them like a mad woman. If anything happened to them, Reina was going to kill her.

Left all alone, Mimi stretched her body, filled with anticipation. With the attention moved from her – thanks to Winter’s sacrifice, it would never be forgiven – it was time to look for Chloe.

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