481 Lust After Me

Everything happened right in front of her and Natalie couldn’t even tell how she was able to stomach the scene without throwing up, but she somehow did.

Daniel had not been kidding when he said he won’t give him an easy death. He shot the man so many times that she couldn’t keep count anymore and he should be dead already. However, he intentionally missed out on the vital parts meaning that the man was left to bleed out on the floor while suffering the pain of the torture Daniel put him through.

When he was satisfied with his handwork, Daniel finally put him out of the misery by landing a clean shot between his eyes. Once he died, the environment fell still and Natalie couldn’t even breathe carelessly as she finally stood to her feet, her legs almost giving out in the process.

Natalie should be afraid of Daniel having seen what he could do, he brutally murdered her kidnapper right in front of her. But then, she couldn’t erase the fact that he almost caused her death by provoking the man in the first place – she escaped narrowly. So when Daniel came in her direction, she lashed out.

“Are you crazy?! What the hell is wrong with you?! Do you know how close I came to – mmm,” Natalie was stunned when Daniel suddenly dug his hand into her hair and yanked on it, pulling her close to his body and closed his mouth over hers.

For over a minute, she couldn’t think as Daniel’s lips pressed against hers in a kiss, no, she couldn’t believe what was happening. Her eyes were as wide as the moon and she stood at the spot frozen as he plundered her lips. Then it hit her, Daniel was kissing her. Holy bananas, what the hell?

Without a second thought, Natalie tried to push him away, but he wrapped his arm around her waist, pressing her to his body so there was nothing between them except their clothes. She could feel his hard body and was highly tempted to run her hands down his body and trace his hard biceps. No! She shook the ridiculous thought out of her mind.

With a sudden burst of strength, Natalie was able to push him away and landed a slap on his cheek, his face whipping to the side.

“How dare you?!” She was shaking with rage.


But Daniel must be an animal because he grabbed her hair again and crushed his lips on hers. There was no gentle exploration this time which she had let happen earlier thanks to the shock – she had not seen it coming – now it was pure domination.

With the rage fueling her, Natalie tried to push him away but he was as immovable as a wall. The kiss was hard and bruising and that infuriated her the more. So she snapped her teeth together, refusing to part her mouth for him. But that animal called Daniel bit on her lower lips and she yelped in pain and his tongue took that chance to invade her mouth, stealing her breath away.

Natalie let out a garbled protest but he swallowed the sound, and it came out sexual. She could feel her defenses crumbling down little by little and It didn’t help matters that Daniel was a damn good kisser, hence, before long, Natalie was kissing him back.

But even with her willingness, Daniel didn’t ease the brutality of the kiss. He pushed her roughly against the pillar behind her and the pain made her gasp, however, it surprisingly turned into pleasure as he kissed her senseless.

Daniel just kept on assaulting her mouth until he was satisfied that he had driven the message home – he staked his claim on her. Done proving to her that she was his, Daniel eased the brutality of his kisses, softening them. He let Natalie take short breaths, but each time she was close to regaining her rationality, he would swoop down and claim her lips, muddling her mind once again. Hence, Natalie couldn’t catch enough breath and was panting in between the kisses.

What was she doing? She was kissing a criminal? However, the reasonable part of her brain was gone and Natalie could only listen to her body’s urges as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back. Her hands raked through his hair and clutched a fistful of it, and it was as silky as hell.

From his reputation, Natalie thought that he would tear off her clothes or something, exploring her body, but he did none of it, kissing her passionately instead until they broke apart finally and Natalie sobered up.

“Bastard!” She lifted her hand to slap him a second time but he grabbed her.

Daniel told her straight in the face, “I deserve the first slap because I forced myself on you, but you enjoyed it the second time and I’m not apologizing for that,” He claimed.

Natalie saw red, how could he say that? So she yelled at his face,

“You kissed me forcibly! You took advantage of my vulnerability. So even though I responded to your kisses, it was only because my body was designed to respond to lust, nothing else!”

“Good,” Daniel said, “You can lust after me.”

“What?” Natalie was dumbfounded. What the hell was wrong with this guy?

Daniel stepped forward and she walked back, stumbling into the pillar behind her in the process and was unable to avoid him. The bastard took advantage of that and boxed her in so she wasn’t able to escape him.

“You heard the dead bastard, you’re my woman now.” He claimed her as if she was some property that can be owned.

Natalie sighed, rubbing her forehead, “I don’t know what you’re thinking but I’m not your -”

“Do you have a boyfriend?”


“Answer my question,” He demanded.

Natalie was tempted to say yes, however, her gaze drifted over to the corpse of that man and her stomach did a backflip as a thought hit her. What if she told Daniel about Edward and the psychopath went after him? God, she couldn’t let that happen. Edward can’t die because of her. So she lied.

“No, I don’t have a boyfriend, and I don’t need -”

“It’s settled then, you’re my woman.”

“What? That is outrageous! You can’t just -!”

But Daniel was already leaving the warehouse, without listening to her own opinion and Natalie had no choice but to follow after him instead of spending time with the corpse. She would convince him later that she can’t be his girlfriend.

End Of Flashback

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