Supremacy Games

Chapter 1211 The End Of The Conflict! II

If this was Felix's reaction, one could only imagine how the alliance chiefs' were feeling at the moment.

They spent thousands of years defending their territories and doing everything in their power to prolong their inevitable death.

Even the truce was meant to buy them a few centuries of peace before returning to the same constant life-or-death conflict.

Yet now, they hear that Lord Heatiaz was tired from the conquest and gave his word to stay holed up in his territory? It was just too much for them to swallow at once.

"Did you do something to him? Or your master? This isn't right." Chief Xandor turned to Felix while firing a series of questions.

He knew that he was the only variable in this war that could cause such an unnatural drastic change. Unfortunately for him, Felix was really innocent in this matter.

"I am just as bewildered as you guys." Felix replied, "I asked my master and she said that she had nothing to do with this."

Although Felix was still the biggest suspect, the alliance's chiefs trusted his words as they knew that if he had done something to cause this, he wouldn't have hidden it.

After all, to help the alliance finally get peace from Lord Heatiaz's conquest was simply a massive matter that would affect the entire continent!

No one would be dumb enough to not take this credit and receive favor from all the tribes on the continent.

After all, Lord Heatiaz clearly wasn't planning on stopping his conquest with the alliance as he was going to keep going and potentially conquer the entire continent.

"You guys are focusing on the wrong thing." Chieftess Nola said with an elated tone, "Who cares about that bastard's motives? We finally have gotten our peace! This is something to be celebrated and not questioned."

"She is right." Chief Xandor smiled, "We can always ask Lord Heatiaz later on. But for now, this is a moment to be cherished and celebrated."

The rest of the alliance chiefs finally loosened up and broke wide smiles as they went forward and relayed the news to their own people.

When everyone heard that the conflict was concluded and even their territories would be returned, they honestly had no clue how to react or behave.

If the news didn't come personally from their chiefs, they would have disapproved of it instantly.

"Since we are already gathered here, how about we hold a celebration party?"

"Sounds good."

No one disapproved of the idea as everyone's emotions were at their peak and nothing would be better at relieving them than a wild party.

"Then, I will gladly help you with preparing the feast." Felix smiled.

He was also just as happy as them since this situation meant that he could focus completely on training his poison and sand element for the next thousand years without worrying about the conflict anymore.

In addition, he felt that when the news traveled to the rest of the tribes, his reputation would be affected positively, which would help him secure the Thunder and Gemstone Tribes!

"Please don't, you already offered too much food for the war." Mortha Peak Tribe Chief said with a tone filled with gratitude.

"I really don't mind." Felix smiled, "Plus, it will be just wrong to have a party without food."

"Ah...You are really just making it harder and harder to pay you back." Chief Xandor smiled wryly.

"I am not doing this for any payment. I am just happy to be accepted amidst your tribes." Felix said with an honest look, making Asna almost vomit her food at his shamelessness.

"You can consider yourself to be an honorary guest in my tribe." Chieftess Nola offered with a smile, "You can get anything you want from my tribe."


"I will be waiting for your arrival in my village."

The rest of the alliance's chiefs offered the same benefits without any hidden motive.

pAn,Da n<0,>v,e1 At this moment, they really were too gratified with Felix's help in their conflict and they would do anything to repay him.

This pleased Felix to no end as he knew that some of those chiefs must be sitting on extraordinary treasures like the Eternal Firestone!

Those treasures were useless for Elementals, but priceless for him, which meant they would definitely hand them over if he ever requested.

'This is really shaping up a hundred times better than I envisioned.' Felix grinned widely in his mind, 'I really need to kiss the forehead of whoever caused Lord Heatiaz to become like this.'

Eee Eee! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!

Nimo threw a tantrum in the void realm after hearing Felix say this, feeling conflicted about whether to expose everything to get the forehead kiss or not.

Eee Eee...

In the end, Nimo acted against his desires, fearing that if Felix ever found out about the red-eyed entity, he would get rid of him.

One could only wonder if his current two personalities resulted from his fear of separation fighting against his awakening...

Whatever it was, Nimo clearly wasn't on top of this as the red-eyed entity was gaining control slowly by absorbing laws.

Nimo used to grow with void energy, but as the paragon of sins, it was nothing compared to growing with them.

This meant that the only way to keep the red-eyed entity at bay was by not absorbing laws...But clearly, this was impossible as Nimo would never hold back when it came to helping Felix.

In other words, it was only a matter of time before the red-eyed entity get awakened for real.


Nimo was still too naive as he thought that he was being slick about what he did and that no one found out about it.

Nothing in this world escape the eyes of Elder Strauvis, which meant that he had seen him kidnap Lord Heatiaz and bring back a broken shell of his former self!

The first one he told this to was no one but Lady Sphinx.

"Taking him to the void realm without resistance...It must be Nimo, but this can't be right." Lady Sphinx murmured as she stood in front of a well-organized potion-making station inside a lab made out of hardened black sand.

Elder Strauvis's featureless cloudy face was floating next to her with a serious expression.

"Is this going to be causing me problems? I can't be hosting an unstable unigin on my body as he can destroy my body in the blink of an eye." Elder Strauvis asked with a serious expression while having his face come out of the lab's wall.

"I don't know, I need more information." Lady Sphinx answered, not giving any false promises.

On the one hand, she knew that Nimo seemed to be normal. But on the other hand, this situation made her realize that Nimo must have either unlocked more abilities, having his strength get boosted, or his memories, allowing him to finally gain real intelligence.

As much as she hated to admit it, she knew that it had to be the latter since Nimo hadn't shared anything about his new abilities with Felix or them.

This had never happened since Felix had told him to share anything that he unlocked after reaching a milestone in his growth...Nimo was always doing that.

Lady Sphinx knew that if Nimo had awakened his intelligence and locked memories, there should be no way he would be acting like a dumb pet any longer.

After all, he was the paragon of sin replacement, and with his memories unlocked that gave him his purpose in life, it also gave him his identity and the ego of having it.

As much as Felix showered Nimo with love, he was still a unigin with the duty of guarding the laws of sins and void.

"Lady Sphinx, the only reason I came to you with such information instead of kicking out your party is because of my respect." Elder Strauvis said with a stern look, "Regardless if that unigin uses his sins laws on any Elemental in my body again, I won't be as respectful."

"I understand." Lady Sphinx nodded in appreciation at him giving them a second chance, knowing that he was taking a massive risk for them.

The only way to keep them safe from expulsion was by learning more about Nimo's situation...Obviously, she had to study him without alerting Nimo as she still had no idea what she was dealing with.

'I guess my experiments are done here.' Lady Sphinx sighed as she beamed the potion-making tables in her spatial card, planning to return to Felix's side.

She always prioritized her experiments, but in this case? She knew that if they got kicked out after Felix finally got the peaceful time to master his manipulations, it would hurt him badly in the long run.

She had no plans of allowing this to happen even if she had to work on Nimo's case by herself!

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