Returning From Level 900

Chapter 316 - 316 An Interesting Game

316 An Interesting Game

“How tragic!” Mo Ran said to Chen Hansheng, clicking his tongue.

“Who are you talking about?” Chen Hansheng was puzzled. “The one who cut the queue or those shadows?”

Mo Ran smacked his lips. “They’re all pretty miserable. Look at that bald man. He cut the queue and lost his life. These shadows are even worse; they have to work for others even if they’re already dead.”

“Are you going to stop Wang Wen?” Chen Hansheng looked at him suspiciously.

“You must be joking!” Mo Ran was as surprised as if he had just met Chen Hansheng. “Why stop such an interesting game? I’m getting restless!”

“What are you doing?” Chen Hansheng wiped his sweat.

“He’s a chivalrous man!”

Just as he finished speaking…

Arguments could be heard on the other side of the street.

On closer inspection, they seemed to be a young couple.

The man was carrying large and small bags in his hands as he chased after the lady and begged, “Please, please don’t go. I know I was wrong. I’ll buy it as soon as I get my salary next month!

The woman shook his hand off and said coldly, “You see, this is where the problem lies! Why do you have to wait until next month’s salary to buy a bottle of face cream? Why do you have to treat grilled fish as a reward? Why is buying clothes considered an indulgence? Why do I have to struggle over whether to take the bus or a taxi? Why do you use your phone so carefully, afraid that it’ll break? If it breaks, you can repair it instead of changing it for a new one.”

The man’s lips quivered, but he could not say anything.

The woman turned around and looked at him with a complicated expression. “You know what? I do love you. But you’re the one who’s always unreliable and never improves. Do you know how insecure you make me feel? He’s not from a rich family, but I feel very grounded with him. I feel grounded, you know? He knows what his future path is, and he knows how to give me a stable life. Can you do that? Just like this bottle of face cream. It’s not that expensive, but he can buy it for me anytime. Can you do that?”

The repeated questions made the man feel a little embarrassed. He said, “I can! I’ll go back and tell my parents to give me the money!”

The woman lowered her eyes and shook her head with a bitter smile.

“You see, in the end, you still have to ask your parents for money. Forget it. I just want to have a stable life. I don’t want to think about whether I can afford a meal.” She started to cry.

“I just want a carefree life and not be bound. I want to buy the clothes I want to buy, eat the food I want to eat, see the scenery I want to see, and live the life I want to live. I don’t want much; I really don’t! It’s a pity you don’t understand. Forget it; let’s stop here. Don’t look for me again; I’m tired.”

The woman turned around and left after saying that.

The man chased after her but could not think of any reason to keep her.

Wang Wen appeared in front of the woman and smiled. “If you’re tired, then let me help you free yourself.”

“I’ll do it!” Mo Ran rubbed his hands.

Chaotic screams came from the bus in the distance.

Wang Wen looked at the progress bar above the woman’s head and shrugged to make way.

Mo Ran said to the woman, “Hey, hey, at least show me some respect!”

After saying that, he stepped forward, grabbed the woman’s head, and broke her neck.

After he twisted it, he realized his left hand was covered in slippery powder. He wiped it on the woman’s clothes a few times in disgust.

They came and went like the wind.

The woman’s body lay on the ground, her head turned a full round circle. She did now know what had happened until she died.

The boy approached her body in a daze.

When he saw the woman’s twisted neck, he was about to scream in horror when he felt as if an invisible scalpel had cut his brain. He fainted on the ground.

In the distance, Mo Ran looked at Wang Wen in confusion.

He was puzzled as to why he had to do something so unnecessary.

Wang Wen saw that people were gradually gathering around the man and woman, so he nodded and said, “You can’t involve the innocent when you’re serving justice. The man will wake up in a day, and everything will be settled by then.”

Zhu Xingguo ran over excitedly, saying, “Master, Master, I found this level quite interesting. I want to come again next time.”

“You’re already on the 700th floor, and you’re still thinking about this low level?” Wang Wen looked at him with a smile.

Zhu Xingguo said, “It’s fun. The ordinary people here are very ordinary. They are polite and only scold people without fighting. They don’t even dare to say a word when someone cuts their queue. I helped them kill the person who cut in line, but they didn’t thank me and instead turned around to scold me. It’s really interesting!”

“You two, stop talking and come over. There’s a good show to watch!” Mo Ran’s voice came from the other side.

He looked at the small dining room inside through the glass wall.

A child ran out of his parents’ control and pulled the tablecloth at the next table. He shook someone’s glass, and the wine fell on the phone.

A young woman sat at the next table.

That happened when she turned around and took out a tissue from her bag. She hurriedly picked up her phone and wiped it with a tissue, only to find that the screen was black and could not be switched on.

She seemed to be waiting for someone.

Her phone was very important to her.

She was so anxious that her eyes were filled with tears.

The child’s parents heard the commotion and looked over. After seeing the scene, they silently pulled the child back.

“He knocked my cup over,” the woman said.

“He’s just a little boy,” the mother said nonchalantly. “He’s always a little mischievous.”

The lady raised her phone. “But my phone was damaged by the water. I am waiting for an important call today. I can’t answer it now.”

The child’s mother frowned unhappily. “What do you mean? My son just happened to touch your table, and your phone broke? How can things be so coincidental? Young lady, don’t try to scam me, understand?”

The woman’s voice was filled with tears as she anxiously explained, “I’m not trying to scam you. I really have something very important—”

The child’s father impatiently slammed his hands on the table and shouted at the woman, “Then what do you want? The child is naughty and insensible, and you want to pursue him? If you want to answer a call, your phone’s broken, but the card is not. Can’t you just change your phone?”

The roar scared the woman so much that her body trembled.

She shrank back in her seat and did not dare to say anything.

Tears streamed down her cheeks.

She quietly packed up her things and prepared to leave.

Wang Wen and the others walked into the restaurant.

He came between the two tables.

Mo Ran smiled at the child’s father. “Children are insensible, but adults are always reasonable. Did you compensate her with a new phone when your child broke it?”

The child’s mother glared at Mo Ran coldly and asked, “What does it have to do with you? If you’re so free, why don’t you help the homeless?”

Mo Ran saw that there was still no progress on the other party’s head, so he decided to give her a little punishment as a warning. He slapped the child’s mother so hard that a few teeth fell out, half of her face swelled up.

The child’s father stood up angrily, picked up the knife on the table, and stabbed Mo Ran.

His smooth movements and aggressive appearance indicated he was used to doing that.

Unfortunately, ordinary people were reckless when competing with tower climbers.

Chen Hansheng raised his blade and cut off the man’s arm.

Blood gushed forth.

There was finally a cry of surprise in the restaurant.

The woman, who had wanted to thank them, was so scared that she hid far away.

The waiter and manager finally arrived.

They quickly called the police.

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