3034 Be Friends with You

If she hadn’t come back to this incarnation, then bygones could be bygones, but since she was back and even before the tragedy happened, she must do something.

On that day, Leng Yuqi and Chu Jianan would do the same thing to her, so they wouldn’t let her leave a peaceful life even if she wanted to let them go.

However, right now, she was angry with Xi Keyi.

Luckily, the Leng family was unaware of Leng Yecheng’s romantic relationship with Xi Keyi. In fact, not many people knew about it. If too many people knew, it would be humiliating if the drama became a sensation. Now, they could deal with it secretly to prevent Leng Yecheng’s reputation from being damaged.

Leng Xiaoyao’s leave was over, so she had to go to school the next day. The majority of the school had lost interest in her total score in the monthly test, but some were still discussing it.

Especially when Leng Xiaoyao showed up, they would bring it up.

At the gate of their school, Leng Xiaoyao met An Chenmeng. Actually, An Chenmeng waited there for her.

The moment Leng Xiaoyao walked over, An Chenmeng said, “Leng Xiaoyao, I gave up. I don’t want to join you, but I want to be friends with you. You can’t turn me down this time.”

“Why can’t I? No, I don’t agree,” Leng Xiaoyao said at once.

Hearing that, An Chenmeng was embarrassed, but she wasn’t surprised. However, that wasn’t the answer she wanted to hear. “Why?” She argued.

“It’s up to me whom I want to make friends with. It’s not up to you,” Leng Xiaoyao said.

“I…” An Chenmeng was struck dumb for a moment. She understood that she couldn’t force Leng Xiaoyao to be friends with her, but she really wanted to be close to her.

“What will make agree to be friends with me?” An Chenmeng asked.

“I don’t know. It depends on my mood. I don’t want to be forced to do it. The more you force me, the more I will dislike it,” Leng Xiaoyao said. Afterwards, she ignored An Chenmeng and directly walked away.

“…” An Chenmeng wanted to say something else, but eventually said nothing, because Leng Xiaoyao plainly said that she disliked being forced to do anything. The more she forced Leng Xiaoyao to be friends with her, the more Leng Xiaoyao would dislike her.

“Boss, she completely ignores you. Why do you still want to get her attention?” Lin Xiaoxiao couldn’t stand it any longer and criticized An Chenmeng.

“Right. Boss, Since she’s unwilling to accept you, you’ll only make a joke out of yourself if you continue,” another girl agreed.

The other girls said nothing, but they had the same thought.

They admired Leng Xiaoyao because she was good at fighting and studying, but that didn’t mean they were willing to regard her as their leader.

Since Leng Xiaoyao didn’t hesitate to embarrass An Chenmeng, they became angry at An Chenmeng.

“Alright, it’s my business. You don’t have to judge.” An Chenmeng was in a bad mood, and was even more irritated when they criticized her, so she interrupted them and left.

“Boss!” Lin Xiaoxiao and the other girls immediately chased after her. They were displeased that An Chenmeng shouted at them, but they were angrier with Leng Xiaoyao. It was all because of Leng Xiaoyao that An Chenmeng shouted at them angrily.

Even though they were mad at An Chenmeng, they didn’t dare to show it. Besides, An Chenmeng always vented her anger on them, and they were already used to it.

Because Leng Xiaoyao carried a laptop with her all the time, it aroused other people’s curiosity.

“Boss, why are you carrying a laptop everywhere?” Xiong Manxin asked.

“Right, do you want to play games?” Wu Minmin asked.

“I need to collect some information,” said Leng Xiaoyao. She didn’t tell them details, so they stopped asking.

In the morning class, Leng Xiaoyao helped her classmates review as usual. When they had the morning classes, their head teacher directly let her do the job.

Xiong Manxin and the other girls were slightly worried. “Boss has been teaching us for a long time. Can her throat bear that?”

“Why don’t we go buy some medicine that is good for the throat for our boss after the classes?” Wu Minmin suggested.

“Great!” Gao Lele agreed.

It didn’t damage Leng Xiaoyao’s throat at all when she explained the questions to her classmates, but she was still very touched by her friends’ care.

During the break after the third class, Leng Xiaoyao called Mu Yufan. She asked him whether he had time at 12:30 pm. If he had, they could meet in a café.

In order to prevent other students from seeing her, Leng Xiaoyao chose a café further from school. It took five minutes to get there by taxi.

Mu Yufan was waiting for Leng Xiaoyao’s call, so he was undoubtedly free and immediately agreed.

After the morning classes were over, Leng Xiaoyao directly walked out of school. Because she couldn’t help them review that afternoon, she told them beforehand.

At 12:20 pm, Leng Xiaoyao arrived at the café, where Mu Yufan was already waiting for her.

Although the appointed time was 12:30 pm, Mu Yufan couldn’t wait. He arrived at 12:10 pm, then went to a private room.

At 12:15 pm, Mu Yufan sent Leng Xiaoyao a message and told her the number of the private room he was in. So as soon as Leng Xiaoyao arrived, she went to the private room.

Mu Yufan didn’t come alone. There was another partner, Zhou Yunkai, with him.

They were both twenty-seven. They were still young and graduated from the same university. They were also classmates.

Because they were very close, they decided to build a company together after working in other companies for a while.

Leng Xiaoyao knocked on the door. Mu Yufan and Zhou Yunkai knew that it was the potential buyer, so Mu Yufan got up to open the door at once. Zhou Yunkai also stood up and turned to look at the door.

If he stayed seated when the guest arrived, it would be impolite.

When Mu Yufan opened the door, he saw a young girl. He was surprised, and thought that she must have knocked on the wrong door.


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