Rebound: A 2nd Chance

Chapter 173 - Speed Bumps And Rough Rides: Part-2

After Jason had crossed half court Matt went out from the corner to the top of the wing and called for the ball.

They had ran this play multiple times ever since they had changed their offensive game plan but this time it went a little differently than how they had been doing it.

Jason waved off Matt and instead called for a screen from Udonis. He was surprised at first by the changes that Jason was making but he quickly decided to just trust in him.

He began to make his way to the perimeter from the low block as his defender followed him.

He and Jason were both surprised to see that Rudy was guarding Jason regularly. Ever since he had dislocated his finger High Bridge had set up their offense to try and force Jason toward his left.

Despite their suspicions and doubt Udonis and Jason didn't complain as this made things easier for the both of them.

Udonis went to Jason's right side and set a screen for him. Jason then began driving to the right after seeing Udonis was set up and in position.

Ben was about to drop down in order to both contain Jason while still being in position to tag and cover the rolling Big when he suddenly heard Rudy's voice "Switch!"

Ben instinctively moved up as he followed Rudy's instructions. Meanwhile Rudy had gone under the screen and was now covering Udonis as he rolled toward the basket.

Ben gulped as he looked up and realized that he was left alone on an island facing off against one of the best perimeter scorers in the state.

Jason waved and instructed for his team to clear the floor as he called out for an isolation play.

Ben wiped the sweat from his palms on his shorts as he tried to hype himself up 'You can do this. He's a middle schooler just like you. He ain't nothing special.'

With the floor cleared and the paint opened up Jason began his attack. He began to rhythm dribble as he slowly crossed over from left to right.

The ball wasn't moving quickly but Ben could still feel his palms getting sweaty as he got ready to guard Jason.

Jason pounded the ball into the floor as he crossed over to the right. Ben kept his cool as he didn't move until he saw Jason begin to drive.

After the crossover Jason began to drive towards the right and that was when Ben shuffled his feet as he began to follow Jason.

After two steps Jason suddenly came to a stop with a behind the back dribble. Ben saw this and as he struggled to come to a stop as well.

Jason then threw the ball towards the left with his right hand. Ben thought that Jason was preparing to drive left so he turned his hips as he tried to change directions.

But Jason wasn't driving left. It had been an inside out dribble. After throwing the ball left Jason snatched it back.

In that moment it felt like Ben's body was disconnected from his brain. He knew that he needed to kill his momentum and come to a stop but he couldn't get his body to move the way he wanted it to.

His knee's buckled from the force of trying to change directions so suddenly multiple times in a row.

A second later and Ben found the world around him tilting. But it wasn't that the world around him was moving. He was the one falling to the floor.

After dropping his defender to the floor with his move Jason dipped the ball down slightly before bringing it back up as he took the long two point jumper.

Jason ignored the pain throbbing in his hand as he watched the ball fly through the air. The entire arena went crazy as the ball swished through the net.

Jason pumped his fist after his shot go in. Matt and Nick both went up to Jason and high fived him and slapped him on the back as they all made their way back on offense.

The next few possessions turned the game into a simple shoot out as both teams' offenses scored in back to back possessions.

High Bridge seemed to have changed their offensive game plan as instead of trying to match up hunt like they were doing before to get Jason off of Rudy they were now allowing Rudy to simply go one on one with Jason.

Jason had his hands up as he tried to contest both of Rudy's shots but sometimes good offense just beats good defense as Rudy managed to nail both shots despite Jason's defensive presence.

Luckily for Jason and the rest of the guys from Jefferson High Bridge seemed to be having some trouble communicating as Rudy and Ben would argue after having to defend the pick and roll with Jason and Udonis.

Rudy would yell out "Switch!" despite Ben's instructions to fight through the screen. This ended up with Ben being left on an island multiple times as he was forced to defend Jason alone on the perimeter.

Jason of course took advantage of this miss match as he constantly broke down Ben's defensive stance and scored on him with some amazing highlight worthy shot sequences. 

There was even a shot where Ben had accidently fouled Jason as he shot a three pointer. As he tried to contest the shot he ended up grazing Jason's shooting hand.

This resulted in a important four point opportunity for Jefferson. Jason proceeded to walk to the free throw line and sink the free throw.

 - - -

The third quarter had just come to a close. The score was tied 70 to 70. Coach Kaminsky had a stern look on his face as he looked at all of his players.

"What the hell is this!? How the hell are we still tied with a team that only has 7 players!? Seven fucking players!

You guys let one kid score ten points that quarter. Ten whole points were scored by one kid! You guys can't stop him?"

Ben angrily raised his head up as he looked at Coach Kaminsky "It ain't my fault Coach K. Rudy keeps switching on the pick and roll.

I got left alone on an island like three different times. What do you want me to do with that kid? I'm a Big not a guard."

Rudy put his hands behind his head as he leaned back in his chair "Jefferson's starting Big was known for being able to guard out on the perimeter.

He could lock you down on the perimeter while also locking down the paint. But I guess that's a bit too much to ask huh?

It is kinda unfair to try and compare you to someone good and ask you to do the same thing."

Ben stood up and kicked over his chair "Say that shit to my face! Go ahead I dare you! You actin like you the only one on the team that knows how to play.

But you ain't been doing shit other than shooting the ball. If you want to make a comparison why don't you try to be more like Jason huh?

That dude can score the ball, make open shots for his team, and he can actually play some D unlike your bum ass."

Rudy finished drinking from his sports bottle before scratching his ear "Did you guys hear something?

It almost sounded like a bitch ass cannon fodder was trying to talk like he actually mattered."

Ben picked up a random sports bottle before spraying Rudy in the face with it "You the only one that acts like he's so much better than anyone else on the team.

Yeah you good at ball. You can dribble and you can score. Ain't no denying that. But everyone hates your guts."

Rudy wiped his face with his towel before looking around at all of the guys on the team. Everyone had a guilty look on their face as they turned away as soon as they made eye contact with Rudy.

Nate was the only one that was seemingly unbothered by what was happening as he sat in his chair silently.

Rudy chuckled "Shit, I mean it's not like it was a secret or anything. I know you guys hate my guts.

But you guys can't do shit about it because you need me. Ain't it funny? You guys hate me so much but you have to put a fake ass smile on your faces and choke on the words that your really want to say to me.

That's the difference between me and you. You guys are disposable side characters while I'm the MC." 

Coach Kaminsky sighed as he finally cut in "Alright guys. I know that we're all feeling a little hot in the head right now.

It's understandable because we're in the middle of an intense game right now. But we need to cool our heads and come together.

At least until the game is finished. After that you guys can go ahead and beat the shit out of each other in the hotel parking lot for all I care. Just make sure we get the win tonight."

All of the guys nodded their heads as they began to listen to their coach talk about their game plan heading into the fourth quarter.

Jason and the rest of the guys from Jefferson just spent the break time in between quarters to rest and drink some water.

The clock buzzed indicating that it was time to start the fourth quarter. Jason made his way out with the other guys.

Their starting lineup consisted of Jason at Point Guard, DJ at Shooting Guard, Nick at Small Forward, Trell at Power Forward, and Vince at Center.

- - -

Tony was clapping his hands as he looked out at the basketball court "This is it ladies and gentlemen.

It is the fourth quarter and things are neck and neck as both teams have struggled to build any substantial lead."

Cameron nodded his head "I couldn't have said it any better myself Tony. Both teams have tried but neither of them are allowing the other to pull ahead.

The way I see it this game might come down to the wir- Wow what a shot by Rudy! He had just crossed half court when he suddenly pulled up for the three pointer.

He must have been at least three feet away from the three point line. Oh, it looks like there is a problem on the court as Rudy and Ben are animatedly talking to each other as they make their way back on defense."

Randel added "I think their Center had a problem with Rudy's shot selection. The quarter had just started and they hadn't even gotten into a set when Rudy just decided to take that shot.

Lucky for him he made it. If this is how their Center is reacting to a make imagine how he would be wildin out after a miss."

Tony nodded his head "You are right about that Randel. Well it looks like things didn't end so good after their little discussion.

The body language from the both of them shows that they are clearly frustrated about something.

It's now Jefferson's turn on offense. Jason is calling for another screen. And it looks like High Bridge is sticking to their plan of switching off of the pick and roll.

Rudy is tagging the Big as he rolls toward the rim and now Ben is once again alone on the perimeter as he stares down one of the most lethal one on one scorers at the middle school level. 

And Jason got him leaning with a stop and go hesitation move! He's pulling up for the three!

Ben managed to recover as he closes out on Jason- And a foul is called! Ben closed out a little too aggressively! 

He seemed to have gotten a bit too close as Jason didn't have any room to land after the shot.

Hopefully Jason is oka- Oh no folks. You hate to see it happen. It looks like things may be serious as Jason is clutching at his leg. It doesn't look like he can get up right now."

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