Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 674 - Way to Split the Pie

Chapter 674: Way to Split the Pie

In his previous life, the monster civilization had Nine Great Supernatural Entities.

Among the nine, there was most likely one known as the monsters’ mastermind, and it could even die together with Battle God Lei Zongchao.

After returning from the apocalypse, Meng Chao witnessed just how strong the White Spirit, Earthquake, Demonic Abyss Eye, and Vortex were.

What about the other five?

Of course, Meng Chao believed that his return had disrupted the rhythm of the monster civilization’s development, and the remaining five of the Supernatural Entities definitely had yet to evolve to their full form just yet. They were not as mysterious and powerful as the ones in his previous life.

However, during the pitched battle, the monster civilization had decided to stake everything, and regardless of how far along the modifications of the remaining five Supernatural Entities were, they should have joined the battle.

Honestly speaking, if there was another Supernatural Entity aside from the Vortex in the lair, Meng Chao would definitely be unable to change anything.

This was definitely a mistake in the mastermind’s strategy.

She was too confident. She believed that the Vortex was enough to destroy the order in the lair.

Also, did this mean that the mastermind had decided to make the other five Supernatural Entities join other battlefields?

Over the past half a month, Meng Chao carefully researched all the Apocalyptic Beasts that were killed during this pitched battle.

Basically speaking, they were all traditional monsters with all brawns but no brains and only knew how to growl like animals. There was no creature among them that could be known as a Supernatural Entity.

Meanwhile, the progress of the Mystery of the Supernatural Entities was fixed at 81% in his brain.

That meant the Supernatural Entities were not all dead yet.

‘This doesn’t make sense, though. If the monster civilization really wants to continue fighting against the monster civilization, there’s no reason for it to bring out all its main forces in this battle and subsequently let it be killed.

‘Without a monster horde that fills up the world, how can the five remaining Supernatural Entities and the mysterious mastermind win?’

Meng Chao could not figure it out no matter what.

Fortunately, this was not a critical problem just yet.

No matter what, humans were the victors of this battle.

From now on, the monster civilization’s living space could only be suppressed even further. Regardless of the five Supernatural Entities or the mastermind, they could not hope to evolve into stronger forms while starving.

Meng Chao temporarily cast the problem of the monster remnants behind.

He just focused on thinking about Dragon City’s future.

He was not the only one. After winning the decisive pitched battle that would decide Dragon City’s future and knowing that they could now completely destroy the monster civilization before it could grow into something else, a number of experts in Dragon City cast their gazes into the world further ahead and the distant future.

There were still only two main strategic paths—the colonization path and the home defense path.

The Colonization Party believed that to win the Monster War, it had already been carrying out the path of having all its citizens serve as soldiers and prioritizing military acts. This rumbling war machine was already at maximum power, and it could not possibly stop now.

It must expand nonstop outward. This was Dragon City’s destiny.

The fighters who risked their lives and contributed to the city must be rewarded.

The citizens who tightened their belts and starved to buy a large number of military bonds to support the army and superhumans must be rewarded as well.

Even the businessmen who used up all their wealth and even got as much leverage as they could contribute to the war effort.

Everyone needed to continue expanding and get more resources to stave their hunger.

All the amazing and impractical promises must be fulfilled with steel and blood.

If Dragon City stopped its war machine after the Monster War, the interest in the war bonds was enough to destroy the entire financial system, and it would stir up a financial crisis that was even worse than the Monster War. In fact, it was highly likely that the Survival Committee would be destroyed, and Dragon City would return to the lawless, bloody jungle where order collapsed.

What was even worse was that plenty of archaeologists, geologists, and biologists agreed unanimously that it was impossible for the Other World to only have monsters as its only other carbon-based life form.

Monsters were even not the strongest, most intelligent, and brutal carbon-based life forms in the Other World, otherwise, they would not stay in Monster Mountain Range and would rather fight to the death against humans instead of moving to other places.

Besides, monsters were not carbon-based life forms that naturally evolved into their current state. They looked like biochemical weapons that the ancient civilization created.

And here was the question.

Had the ancient civilization just created one type of biochemical weapon known as monsters?

The Other World was dangerous, and they must be careful when it came to their survival.

It was impossible for Dragon City to stop operating as a war machine. In fact, it could not slow down at all.

But every second of using the war machine required an astronomical amount of resources.

A civilization that only had a few ten million people could not support a powerful, ruthless army of a few million for a long period of time while refusing to let them conquer the world.

And once the war machine stopped operating, the weapons were put in warehouses, and the people returned to their homes, when new enemies arrived, it was impossible for it to be activated again at maximum power within a short amount of time.

Meng Chao learned through Lu Siya’s channels that the nine mega corporations had even been ready to form an elite armored airship squad to explore the world before the pitched battle happened and force their way out of Monster Mountain Range to explore the world beyond.

This time, after destroying the main force of the monster civilization, it increased the morale of the Colonization Party.

Quite a number of them wanted to strike while the iron was hot and explore the world outside.

But the Home Party had a different view.

They believed that Dragon Citizens had been fighting ever since they transmigrated. They first started with the zombie crisis, then were engaged in the Monster War that lasted for decades. Everyone’s bodies and minds were stretched to the limit. In fact, the entire civilization had been twisted beyond recognition, and they were diverting from the true meaning of an Earth civilization.

Since the monster civilization was about to collapse, it was time for the injured Dragon Citizens who had been fighting forever to catch a breath and enjoy this valuable period of peace.

Besides, the monster civilization left behind a huge legacy that could not be completely digested within a short amount of time.

Even if Earthlings wanted to focus on resting and recuperating, they would need at least fifty years to fill up the entire Monster Mountain Range with humans.

If they were greedy, they would end up stuffing themselves. They had not even plundered everything in Monster Mountain Range yet, and they were eager to conquer the entire Other World? This was going to make them end up having their manpower scattered, and they would face difficulty in replenishments, thus ending with them facing a disaster where they had difficulty retreating or advancing.

Hence, while the Home Party supported the Colonization Party’s ultimate goal of conquering the entire Other World, they believed that before the steel army charged out of Monster Mountain Range and conquered the Other World, it would first need to rest between ten to twenty years.

During those ten to twenty years, Dragon Citizens could digest the legacy left behind by the monster civilization to heal the wounds left behind by the bloody battles they had over the past half a century. They could recondition the city, solve the increasingly greater difference between small businesses and mega corporations, normal people and superhumans, low-grade superhumans and Deity Realm superhumans, the solidification of the social strata, and other problems.

In other words, Dragon City needed to first train before trying to colonize the Other World.

When they “reached perfection”, they could go out of Monster Mountain Range and sweep through the world.

And in the most optimistic ideal of the Home Party, Dragon City still had a total of twenty years to develop the controllable transmigration technology to contact Earth.

What if they were really able to open up a two-way portal between Dragon City and Earth and could move through it freely to move manpower and resources here?

Once they pooled the Earth’s power together, their chances of conquering the Other World would grow greater.

The Colonization Party and Home Party each had their own stances and sounded really logical.

Right now, the ones who supported the Colonization Party were the superhumans of the nine mega corporations, especially the Deity Realm superhumans.

After all, the nine mega corporations had long since developed plans and research in this area and threw out a lot of bonds to the citizens to expand, and the people supported the shares of the nine mega corporations because of the underlying profit and development potential colonization brought.

This was a colorful and beautiful dream made of bubbles.

It could only be made bigger or popped, not stop moving.

Meanwhile, to the Deity Realm superhumans who supported the mega corporations, they could not stand the thought of cowering in Monster Mountain Range for a total of twenty years.

The path of cultivation was like traveling upstream, and they would regress if they did not cultivate.

Most of the Deity Realm superhumans were already in their fifties or sixties.

Since they did not have such scientific and mature cultivation systems while they were young, they were like Saber Jin Wanhao and had all sorts of hidden injuries in their bodies.

They were in their twilight years but retained high aspirations. They wanted to see the world outside before they breathed their last and see the people who were even stronger than Apocalyptic Beasts. In fact, they wanted to find a secret that could let them overcome the limits of the human body and extend their lives, which was something unique in the Other World.

If Dragon City really recuperated for twenty years for the sake of training their forces, the ones to rush out of Monster Mountain Range to conquer the Other World would definitely not be the powerful people of the older generation.

Then, what other excuse did they have to enjoy their lavish riches, their grand authority, and the astronomical amount of cultivation resources?

Not all Deity Realm superhumans had as noble an awareness as Battle God Lei Zongchao and were willing to give up on everything to stay in the rear.

Those who supported the Home Party were most of the other superhumans aside from those in the nine mega corporations.

Most of them were poor people, in the Red Dragon Army, or were the owners of small businesses.

They were the largest and most solid foundation of this brilliant pyramid that was Dragon City’s civilization.

One of the reasons they supported the Home Party was because most of them did not have any powerful families and legacies. While they were climbing up the thorn-filled ladder of power, they came to understand the internal problems within the structure of Dragon City.

The gap between the poor and rich was becoming wider and deeper. It must be filled or at least, shrunk.

Otherwise, the war machine in Dragon City could self-destruct at any moment.

Besides, the underlying benefits of expansion were all taken by the nine mega corporations.

Based on the current rules of the game, the nine mega corporations were definitely the greatest benefactors of outward expansion.

Everyone would be bleeding for it, and some would even sacrifice their lives for it, but the biggest slice of the pie would be taken by the mega corporations and the Deity Realm superhumans.

After they ate this slice of pie, the mega corporations and Deity Realm superhumans would only become stronger and unshakeable. In fact, they could use the size of their corporations and the advantage they had after monopolizing the market to eat the small businesses belonging to the low-grade superhumans.

Even though the mega corporations would definitely offer a fair price for it, the low-grade superhumans would rather be owners of small businesses than workers of a mega corporation. Not all low-grade superhumans and small business owners would want to become a part of the mega corporations and listen to their commands from now on because they would have no freedom whatsoever if they did.

Before understanding how the pie of the Other World would be split, they only wanted to protect their home and not run out of Monster Mountain Range to work their asses off for the mega corporations and the peerless fighters.

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