Chapter 672: Great Victor

The Survival Committee would definitely support the Red Dragon Army, but they only supported the Red Dragon Army to exist as a public security army, city defense army, and bastion soldiers.

This meant that they would only equip them with the standard weapons of individual soldiers based on the standards of the mid 21st century of Earth, and they would send them to the residential areas of Dragon City to fight in low-intensity urban warfare against monsters that could invade Dragon City at any moment while stationing themselves in buildings, barricades, and forts.

At most, they would only send them to the mines near Dragon City and station them at fully automatic steel defenses to fight against the first wave of monsters while they waited for the superhumans to arrive.

It was enough for them to have that bit of strength.

Basically, they were just militia.

Building this sort of army was not wrong.

After all, when they faced monster hordes that came from everywhere, the abnormal beasts that appeared and disappeared elusively, or the Apocalyptic Beasts that could make the forests howl and the weather change, no matter how many normal humans made up the Red Dragon Army, they could not deal a decisive blow.

It was not impossible for them to increase the standards of the Red Dragon Army, though.

However, that meant spending an astronomical amount of resources on them, and it was enough to make all the politicians want to hang themselves the moment they thought about it.

Over the past half a century, Dragon City had always suffered from a lack of resources.

Plus, the resources that slipped through the cracks of the nine mega corporations were even less.

Besides, the nine mega corporations themselves had their own armed forces.

They were all friends who slaughtered their way out of the lawless, bloody era together with the creators of the mega corporations.

These friends could also get the guidance of the creators of the nine mega corporations, which meant that aside from Battle God Lei Zongchao, they also obtained guidance from other Deity Realm superhumans.

They also had a share of the advanced technology and spoils that Blood Alliance left behind after it collapsed.

They could also monopolize the industries that kept Dragon City alive as well as get an endless stream of benefits from it.

They had all the advantages, so they naturally cultivated more powerful people than the Red Dragon Army, along with developing more advanced technology and super armor.

Even though they could not compare to the Red Dragon Army in terms of the total number of soldiers, their soldiers were elites.

No matter which elite squad the Red Dragon Army brought out, it might be unable to get an upper hand against the armed forces of the mega corporations.

Hence, over the past thirty years or so, all those who wanted to defend their home and also stand out would prioritize joining the armed forces of the mega corporations, unless they were poor people with nowhere else to go.

If they were rejected by the armed forces, then they would only settle for second best. Otherwise, they would not think about joining the Red Dragon Army.

The Red Dragon Army definitely wanted to change this passive situation they were stuck in.

They created the railway guns to walk down the path of artillery troops, and they had also launched several expeditions deep into Monster Mountain Range.

These were the two efforts the Red Dragon Army made to upgrade their status after pooling all their resources.

The problem was, railway guns were large but impractical. They could only be created after spending countless special wartime fees, and before they won the northern offense, they never had enough ammunition, which made them into literal pretty decorations that were huge but were heavy burdens.

The expeditions into Monster Mountain Range caused the multiple problems that the Red Dragon Army faced to be exposed, such as their lack of high-end combat power, their severe limitations when it came to the supply lines, the weak combat power of the normal soldiers, and their high reliance on organization and discipline, which could be easily destroyed by the monsters.

In the end, while the expeditions had allowed the destruction of numerous monsters’ nests, the Red Dragon Army also lost a lot of soldiers and suffered major losses.

In fact, they had to ask for help from the armed forces of the mega corporations and rely on the Deity Realm superhumans in the nine mega corporations to fight against the Apocalyptic Beasts to prevent the tragedy of having their entire army wiped out.

After suffering terrible setbacks during the expeditions, the Red Dragon Army had to suppress their indignation and become the affiliations of the armed forces and powerful fighters.

Later on, during the expeditions, they gained relatively beautiful results.

This also further verified the powerful people’s thoughts.

“Only Deity Realm superhumans can take care of the Apocalyptic Beasts. Only Heaven Realm superhumans can take care of the Hell Beasts. And only Earth Realm superhumans can take care of Nightmarish Beasts.

“So, the Red Dragon Army just has to obediently play the part of a public security army and militia. They just need to follow behind the powerful fighters and help us take care of the mooks around the powerful enemies.”

From then on, it became increasingly harder for the Red Dragon Army to get more fees in the name of creating more railway guns and creating a new ace squad.

The military budget and special wartime budget increased every year, that was true, but were they supposed to use the limited funds to expand the Red Dragon Army or increase the strength of their strongest?

This was a question that the Red Dragon Army could not answer.

After all, even if the railway guns could really kill an Apocalyptic Beast with a single blast, there was no Apocalyptic Beast that would stand around stupidly to be blasted!

No matter what, Apocalyptic Beasts like the Demonic Mountain were few and far in between.

Most of the time, when the Red Dragon Army spent a large amount of funds to deploy an army of one hundred thousand and thousands of armored vehicles as an attempt to surround a mountain where a high-end monster stayed, in the end, when the high-end monster heard the roars of the human’s steel army, it would just leave with a little wave.

If they did not solve the problem of logistics and mobility, even if they had ten times the wartime fees provided for them and expanded the Red Dragon Army by ten times, it would just force the politicians in charge of budgeting to a corner and kill all the taxpayers.

In his previous life, the northern offense was the Red Dragon Army’s final effort.

After they lost the northern offense, all the main squads in the Red Dragon Army, including the Blade Squad, were wiped off.

This army that should represent the most glorious armed forces of Earth’s civilization ended up as a public security army and militia, and they became affiliated to the powerful fighters and armed forces.

But Meng Chao’s return changed everything.

The Red Dragon Army was reborn during the Red Radiance Jade tsunami, and they were in control of their own crystal mine and etherealized plantation. They cultivated more powerful fighters who were absolutely loyal to the Red Dragon Army and broke the ties that had been restraining them for decades.

As long as they overcame the limits, sometimes, numbers could also be a form of power.

During the subsequent two years, the advantage in numbers in the Red Dragon Army finally exploded, and their power kept on increasing like a rolling snowball.

More military tech was developed. More equipment that did not lose to the equipment used by the armed forces were given to the soldiers on active duty. More poor people were willing to join the military school, and the speed at which the outstanding graduates of the military school reached new heights also became faster.

This time, during the pitched battle, the monster civilization chose the fighting tactic that was most suited for the Red Dragon Army to display their advantage in numbers and advantage in firepower.

No matter what, there were just too few superhumans who joined the nine mega corporations.

They could indeed fight on equal grounds with the high-end monsters, but most of the monster horde was still held back, captured, and destroyed by the Red Dragon Army.

The monster nests that were located deep in the forests were also occupied by the Red Dragon Army’s great army.

If they ran into the fog to occupy the monsters’ nests without someone strong protecting them at the peak of the monster civilization, they were just asking for their own deaths.

However, they were in different times now. Practically all the high-end monsters were killed, and those who did not die fled. The monsters who once bared their teeth were now like frightened birds. In fact, when they heard the humans’ gunshots, they would be so scared that they were paralyzed. Even if there was fog all around the place, they could still see them running away swiftly. The humans’ railways, internet, and big data tactical chains also expanded at astonishing speed.

This was a period of time no one was prepared for, but the ones with more manpower could get more spoils of war.

Clearly, none of the forces of power in Dragon City could compare to the Red Dragon Army when it came to manpower.

After all, one of the major goals for setting up the Red Dragon Army was to take in the people who were at the age of working but were not employed elsewhere so that they could give them work to do and food to eat. Then, make them spend all their extra energy during repeated training so that they would not cause trouble.

Who would have thought that Dragon City’s progressive success would arrive so soon?

Hence, aside from Meng Chao, the Red Dragon Army was the biggest benefactor in this battle.

Superstar had worked day and night to harvest a few million tons of monster materials, and the workers pickled and froze them with suitable methods to send them to the Red Dragon Army’s camps and the military-grade canning factories affiliated to the Red Dragon Army.

There were at least five joint harvesting industries that were slightly smaller than Superstar, and they also served the Red Dragon Army as the subcontractors of the army.

If these monster materials were all taken by the army, it was enough for the overall fighting strength of the Red Dragon Army to increase to another degree, and they would stand completely above the nine mega corporations.

It was no wonder why quite a number of proud soldiers puffed out their chests and held their heads high when millions of citizens welcomed them with loud cheers beside the street, and they started shouting that the Red Dragon Army was the sabers of human civilization, and the future of Dragon City would be decided by the Red Dragon Army.

Of course, up to this date, the powerful fighters from the mega corporations remained as the true pillars of Dragon City.

The Red Dragon Army received the most spoils in the battle, but the mega corporations received spoils of the highest quality.

After all, most of the Apocalyptic Beasts were still killed by the powerful fighters.

Aside from that, the intense fights against the Apocalyptic Beasts had caused all the powerful fighters from the mega corporations to gain epiphanies, and they achieved different degrees of breakthroughs.

The mega corporations’ square formations followed closely behind the Red Dragon Army. Even though their numbers were not so great and their steps were not that uniform, they did not hold back on releasing their vitality magnetic fields, and thus they poured out like tidal waves, causing the millions of citizens to sense a nearly suffocating pressure.

They were all superhumans, and they wore high-end motorized armor that was crystalline and had spirit gas rising to the sky. Quite a number of mega corporations had the Heaven Realm superhumans who often appeared on the Hunting Rank and killed multiple monsters stand in front of their formation to show their strength. This grand lineup caused the crowd to fall silent for a while before even louder cheers erupted.

Then, the endless cheers reached their peak when the youth defenders formed by Dragon City University and the alliance of the five universities appeared.

They were young eagles who had just spread their wings, suns that shone on the land. They were the Golden Era!

Even if they could not compare to the Red Dragon Army and the powerful fighters from the mega corporations right now, they represented the future of Dragon City, humanity, and even the Other World!

“Dad, Mom, look! Big Brother is over there!”

Bai Jiacao swung her red palms and pointed at a square formation not far away.

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