Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 668 - End of the Apocalypse

Chapter 668: End of the Apocalypse

The dense bombing lasted for more than ten minutes before it ended.

The entire valley was reduced to a burning fireball. Not only did no plants survive, but quite a number of rocks that jutted out of the mountain were also flattened or caved in. They also showed rings of cyan that spread out, showing that they had completely melted.

However, as expected of the Demonic Mountain, even after being blasted like that, it did not die.

However, one of its heads and two of its tails were blasted off. The shell on its back was completely destroyed, exposing its metallic bones and the nerves that were as thick as optical fiber cables.

It completely lost its previous might, and it did not even have the strength to fight like a trapped animal anymore. It could only swing its burning tail and claws and let out indignant roars.

Huge Dragon’s Might Cannon did not fire a second time.

One, because Huge Dragon’s Might Cannon used up too many resources just by being used once. Unless it was absolutely necessary, the Red Dragon Army did not want to waste too much ammunition on a dying Apocalyptic Beast.

Two, Huge Dragon’s Might Cannon was just too fierce. Right now, the Demonic Mountain had completely lost the protection of its spirit energy magnetic field, and the strength of its body had also plummeted. If they fired another shot, there was a possibility that its body could be blasted to bits, and the valuable materials in it would have its quality largely affected.

Griffin Li Yingzi fired a green signal into the sky, signaling that the Apocalyptic Beast was already badly injured and near its dying breath.

What they needed to do next was something that did not require Huge Dragon’s Might Cannon’s help. The strong would take care of it!

Black Tortoise Zong Yue jumped out of his hiding place in the col.

Just now, he pretended to have been sent flying by the Apocalyptic Beast, but in truth, he hid in a crack that he had found a long time ago. He used the mountain rocks as a cover and his own spirit energy shield as protection, which was why he was not affected by the destructive power of the railway guns.

Zong Yue had been resting for more than ten minutes, and now, his hair flew about because of his spirit energy gushing out. His shining muscles bulged up, and he no longer looked like someone who had half a foot in his grave. This was clearly a powerful warrior who was at the peak of his prime.

He held a huge warhammer in hand, and the hammerhead protruded like the beak of an eagle. It looked like an unstoppable armor-breaking hammer.

Zong Yue jumped over 100m and landed on the Demonic Mountain’s back. He swung the armor-breaking hammer like a tornado, then brought it down deep into the Apocalyptic Beast’s spine.

The Demonic Mountain let out a tragic wail and struggled as much as it could to fling off the human on its back.

It only had one head and tail left, and it was covered in burns and wounds left by explosions. The moment it moved a little more aggressively, the recently scabbed-over wounds would split open again, and blood gushed out like hundreds of bloody arrows. It could not stop bleeding at all, much less stop Black Tortoise Zong Yue from striking it.

“Meng Chao, wait here! We’ll provide reinforcements to Dean Zong Yue!”

Gu Jianbo, Li Yingzi, and the other Agricultural University tutors ignored the high temperature in the valley and jumped down.

Meng Chao knew that Gu Jianbo was being kind to him.

Even though the Demonic Mountain had lost 90% of its fighting strength, it was still an Apocalyptic Beast.

At that moment, its vitality magnetic field was incredibly chaotic, and it was releasing rampaging spirit energy nonstop, making it a huge, unstable, and powerful radiation source.

If a low-grade superhuman who had not perfected his cultivation and could not control his mind as well as vitality magnetic field recklessly approached such an Apocalyptic Beast, there was a high chance that they would be affected by the spirit energy tsunami gushing out of its body, and their own vitality magnetic field would go out of control, thus leading to spirit energy deviation, and their spirit meridians would be broken.

Speaking of which, if he could withstand the impact of the rampaging spirit energy and go over to cut that Apocalyptic Beast, it would definitely be good for his cultivation.

There were plenty of superhumans who never got one hundred steps near an Apocalyptic Beast!

Even if there were no benefits, when a person looked for a job after graduation, they could write that they had once killed an Apocalyptic Beast in their resume, and this would definitely shock the recruiters!

But to Meng Chao, he had one unique advantage.

Even if he was just an insignificant part of the squad that killed the Apocalyptic Beast, if he managed to get a slice of pie, he had the chance to get an astronomical amount of contribution points!

With that thought in mind, he no longer hesitated. He followed his tutor and tutoress to arrive in front of the Demonic Mountain.

“How large!”

When he was ten steps away from the Apocalyptic Beast, he finally sensed just how large the Demonic Mountain was, and how terrifying its size was.

Even though it was badly burned, it was still a black mountain, and it looked like no power on the planet could move it.

The spirit energy that gushed out of its wounds also blasted at Meng Chao’s blood vessels, nerves, and spirit meridians like tidal waves.

Meng Chao felt that there were dozens of shadowless hands tearing at him from different directions, tugging him into strange shapes and wanting to rip him apart.

Meng Chao sucked in a deep breath and activated Divine Nine Dragon Seals once more. He also had Hell’s Blood flow slowly in him to suppress his chaotic vitality magnetic field so that he would not be affected by the Demonic Mountain.

Gu Jianbo and Li Yingzi cast sideways glances at him.

When they saw that he remained calm despite the fact that he was so close to an Apocalyptic Beast, they raised their eyebrows.

They said nothing, though. Instead, they simultaneously grabbed Meng Chao. “Come, we’ll attack the creature’s spine together and cripple it thoroughly!”

At that moment, there were already around twenty human warriors on the Demonic Mountain’s back.

They followed Black Mountain Zong Yue and stabbed into the Apocalyptic Beast’s exposed spine and nerves.

The Demonic Mountain grimaced, but it could just swing its only remaining tail.

However, it was slower than before. Besides, it could not attack all the humans on its back, so there was no way it could sweep all the humans down.

However, its spine was abnormally sturdy, and its strong vitality caused its wounds to heal quickly.

Even if Black Tortoise Zong Yue wanted to stab through its spine in one go, he had to use 200% of his strength to do so.


Meng Chao brought up the Golden Tooth Saber and slashed a gap between the vertebrae on the Demonic Mountain’s spine.

Yet, all he did was create sparks. His purlicue hurt, and his arms trembled.

He looked at the Demonic Mountain’s spine, but all he left behind was a faint white mark. No cracks could be seen.

‘This guy’s bones are so tough! It’s no wonder why the railway guns were unable to kill it even after blasting it for ten minutes!’

Meng Chao gasped in amazement in his heart.

But he did not intend to use brute strength anymore against the Demonic Mountain.

He narrowed his eyes and observed the nerve alignment of the Demonic Mountain’s spine as well as its physical structure.

The Demonic Mountain might be powerful, but it was not some unidentified biological creature with a strange shape, unlike the Vortex, which had the body of mollusks.

Basically, it was a lizard that was one thousand times bigger or the amalgamation of a stegosaurus and a plesiosaurus. Its biological structures were rather scientific and followed the laws of nature.

Besides, the railway guns blasted it until its flesh was torn open. Quite a number of shining nerve bundles were exposed deep in the wounds.

Based on the vague memories he had of his previous life, Meng Chao could generally figure out where its central nervous system was.

“Sir, stab this place!” Meng Chao waved at Black Tortoise Zong Yue.

Zong Yue was the dean of Agricultural University’s martial arts and life science research department.

Meng Chao could be considered his student.

Besides, Zong Yue had a deep impression of Meng Chao, because he had placed first during the admission test, but decided to act differently and insisted on choosing Gu Jianbo as his tutor. Later on, they actually managed to create the Ultimate Style and fulfilled his beloved son’s dreams.

During the northern offense, Zong Yue spent a lot of effort to implant a beast soul brand into Meng Chao’s brain so that it could help Meng Chao train his brain and will.

Plus, Meng Chao’s growth and development over the past two years also far surpassed Zong Yue’s imagination.

Zong Yue definitely placed a lot of trust in this student who might raise the banner of Agricultural University’s martial arts course in the future and fight on equal grounds with Dragon City University’s martial arts course.


This Deity Realm superhuman jumped up and let out a roar in the air. He swung the weapon that looked like a warhammer and an armor-breaking hammer. Then, with a loud bang, he struck the spot Meng Chao pointed at.

Then, thousands of golden snakes poured into the wound.

The Demonic Mountain let out a piercing cry.

This huge creature that was nearly 100m long definitely could not have its nerves transfer information as fast as humans.

There was a high chance that if the tip of its tail had been cut, it would only register this fact half a minute later.

For example, when plenty of snake-type monsters were hungry, they would definitely bite their own tails, but they would only notice that things were bad when they were halfway through their tail, but they could not spit it out, thus leading to only one end for them—choking to death.

But this time, the Demonic Mountain’s flesh started contracting rapidly within half a second.

Its only tail also went straight to Black Tortoise Zong Yue at lightning speed.

Zong Yue understood what Meng Chao meant.

He immediately released the armor-breaking hammer, tapped on the handle with his feet, and moved dozens of meters away.


The Demonic Mountain’s tail did not hit Black Tortoise Zong Yue.

Instead, it hit its own wound.

After being blasted by the railway guns for half a day, its brain and nerves were already severely damaged, and it was already dazzled. It could no longer control the strength and direction of its attacks.

The dual damage by Zong Yue and itself finally blasted a hole in its sturdy spine, revealing the gray spinal cord inside.

The Agricultural University lecturers were carrying some strange-looking silver cans.

When the Apocalyptic Beast’s spine was cracked open, they immediately moved forward to connect the silver cans to the hole. These things looked like huge syringes, and they stabbed into the Demonic Mountain’s spinal cord.

As white fog swirled about, the Demonic Mountain’s spinal cord was instantly frozen.

The moment it realized that its doom was nigh, the Apocalyptic Beast let out its final roar.

The flesh around it twitched violently with unimaginable strength. It felt like a mountain was collapsing, and the world was being overturned.

Zong Yue, Gu Jianbo, Li Yingzi, Meng Chao, and the others quickly activated their maglev and rose to the air before it overturned itself completely.

It tumbled about in the valley violently and destroyed tons of mountain rocks, causing dust to fly up to thousands of meters high!

Even so, it could not stop its originally hot vitality magnetic field from slowly cooling down and freezing up while its life flowed away.

It struggled for approximately ten minutes and made the entire valley wider by one size, completely changing how the terrain looked.

Then, its movements grew smaller, and it became slower. Gradually, it turned into a frozen memorial that showed the humans’ bravery, wisdom, and ferocity.

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