Chapter 665: Demonic Hill

Gu Jianbo told Meng Chao that over the past seventy-two hours, the humans had been relying on the defense line protecting them and refused to go out. Aside from minimizing casualties, they also wanted to maximize the number of monsters they could kill in the monster horde with their long-distance weapons. But the most important reason was that they wanted to find and kill most of the Apocalyptic Beasts there.

Besides, the heavens always rewarded those who worked hard. Within three days of continuously showing weakness, luring the enemy in, engaging in a tug of war with the monsters, and leading the monsters’ actions, the Deity Realm superhumans in Dragon City cut off the escape routes of more than ten Apocalyptic Beasts and captured them.

In the past, capturing more than ten Apocalyptic Beasts in one go was definitely an incredibly dangerous matter.

There were only dozens of Deity Realm superhumans in Dragon City, and if the Apocalyptic Beasts became desperate, they could really drag the Deity Realm superhumans down with them.

In fact, while they were heavily injured, they could charge into Dragon City desperately and drag a few hundred thousand Dragon Citizens into hell with them.

At the very least, Meng Chao remembered that quite a number of Apocalyptic Beasts actually did this in his previous life.

However, it was still the same thing. Ever since he returned to the past, Dragon City’s tactical situation had changed drastically.

Apocalyptic Beasts might be strong, but they had to obey the laws of nature and biology.

They were strong, so they needed places with a lot of spirit energy and crystals to be able to retain their strength.

The resources Apocalyptic Beasts ate every day were astronomical.

Demonic Halberd Pigs, Iron Armored Rhinoceroses, and other normal monsters could not fill up the Apocalyptic Beasts’ endless appetite.

It was only by consuming vast quantities of Nightmarish Beasts and even Hell Beasts that the Apocalyptic Beasts could retain their peak strength.

However, as humans expanded brazenly, a number of blessed lands rich with resources were occupied by humans.

The normal monsters, Nightmarish Beasts, and Hell Beasts who originally resided in those places were forced to move, and naturally, they fought against monsters of those other places.

Once the ecosystem started collapsing, the effects would sooner or later reach the king at the top of the food chain.

Ever since the monster civilization lost at the northern offense, many of the Apocalyptic Beasts were unable to feast until their stomachs were full and tasted the feeling of having spirit energy fill their entire bodies.

They wanted to attack Dragon City, but a measly three to five Apocalyptic Beasts would still feel fear when they faced the humans’ steel defense lines and the dozens of Deity Realm superhumans waiting for them.

Were they supposed to gather all the Apocalyptic Beasts to attack together?

The monster civilization in the past did not have the ability to make Apocalyptic Beasts of different species who could not communicate with each other and were even mortal enemies to be united.

It was up to this moment that the Apocalyptic Beasts were united, because they faced the pressure of extinction, but it was already too late.

Right now, the Apocalyptic Beasts were at their weakest.

Many of the Apocalyptic Beasts did not even have 50% of their peak strength, but it was impossible for them to run away because the complete destruction of the monster horde meant that the ecosystem would collapse entirely.

Even if they managed to run away from the humans’ encirclement, they could not find enough crystals and food.

Plenty of the crystals were buried underground and needed special monsters or advanced technology from humans to be extracted.

They were destined to become weaker.

If they continued hiding in the mountains for another year, perhaps even the Heaven Realm superhumans could kill them easily.

The Apocalyptic Beasts had no other choice. They must risk their lives.

This was the true deciding moment for the pitched battle at the borders of Dragon City.

Gu Jianbo told Meng Chao that the tutors, head of subjects, and deans of departments from Agricultural University had already stopped one Apocalyptic Beast in the valley from escaping.

The leader of Agricultural University’s martial arts course and the man known as the person with the greatest defense in Dragon City, Black Tortoise Zong Yue held the fort, while Griffin Li Yingzi, Blade Dancer Gu Jianbo, and other peak Heaven Realm superhumans unleashed their strongest attacks on it. Of course, they had no need for Meng Chao to go over and lend a hand.

Nevertheless, Gu Jianbo knew that Meng Chao had just made a great achievement in the lair, and he was not too far away from the valley.

Meng Chao was his first personal disciple, and he was literally the eldest disciple of the Ultimate Style. Naturally, he had his own selfish reasons for wanting Meng Chao to come over and watch the fight.

It was not every day anyone could watch Deity Realm superhumans fight against Apocalyptic Beasts.

With Meng Chao’s cultivation realm and the stimulation from his contribution points, this sort of top-grade fight was highly likely to bring him new enlightenment, and his cultivation realm would reach another level.

“Big Brother Bo, you’re a bro! Have Dean Zong continue holding the fort, I’ll be here in a second!”

Meng Chao’s current mission of providing reinforcements to the defense line at Burning Island was already done.

Gu Jianbo also used the highest leveled authority in the battle network to give him the mission to kill an Apocalyptic Beast.

Originally, as a four-star superhuman, Meng Chao did not have the right to participate in any missions related to the Apocalyptic Beasts.

Despite that, the main person in charge of the mission was Deity Realm superhuman Zong Yue, and he approved of the request instantly, which meant that he was willing to endorse Meng Chao and take special measures for special matters.

Since humans had already taken complete control over the air, a number of armored airships with signal towers in them wandered about in the air to ensure that the internet remained smooth.

Meng Chao immediately received the coordinates Gu Jianbo sent to him. The valley encircling the Apocalyptic Beast was seven kilometers ahead of him.

He borrowed a set of non-motorized gliders from the Red Dragon Army and wore it on his back. Then, he found an empty spot, dashed 100m forward, and opened his wings with a loud whoosh. After activating his maglev, he flew like a swallow.

At that moment, Meng Chao was not just levitating in the air like a hot air balloon.

All his pores released spirit gas, and loud puffs kept on appearing.

Even though he could yet move around as he pleased in the air, he could use the release of gas and the power of wind to charge forward in one direction.

Intense fighting was still ongoing in the forest beneath him, but now, it became a one-sided hunt with the humans being the hunters.

As six-legged spider-shaped fighting vehicles, crab-shaped runic symbol fighting vehicles with chainsaws attached to them, and soldiers in motorized armor surged into the forest, the towering trees that had trunks requiring hundreds of adult men hugging them fell down like weeds.

The monsters hiding inside scurried around like headless flies. They no longer possessed the brutality and strength they had a moment ago, and they were all herded to one spot to be captured by capture nets.

A small number of Nightmarish Beasts and Hell Beasts still wanted to fight back.

However, they were first bombarded by the attacks from the humans. Then, superhumans ten times their number surrounded them and swung their weapons at them until they were barely breathing.

In the end, they could only surrender while screaming in pain.

However, the situation was different behind the mountains.

The area ahead was a valley surrounded by clouds and fog. The murderous and grim atmosphere made Meng Chao’s hair stand up on end.

It was difficult for the humans’ runic symbol fighting vehicles and main battle tanks to travel over mountains. Even if they did manage to enter the valley, it was still hard for them to use all their firepower.

Only the strong could determine to whom this valley would belong.

When they swung their sabers, they chased away the fog and cloud ahead of Meng Chao, and he saw waves of air tumbling about in the valley while spirit flames raged in anger.

Two balls of torrential vitality magnetic fields absorbed a large number of other substances into them and spun at high speeds while they scratched at each other. They were like two burning balls of dark clouds that crashed into one another.

Standing in the air in front of Meng Chao with his back turned to him was an old man with a slightly hunched back and an average-sized figure.

However, his vitality magnetic field had an unimaginable attractive force that pulled the burning clouds, the spirit energy that was hidden in the world, and Meng Chao as well as everyone else’s gazes over. Then, it erupted like a volcano and formed a beast soul that was as large, domineering, and unshakeable as the black tortoise of legend.

The beast soul kept spreading and gradually covered a circular area of more than one thousand meters.

Meng Chao was nourished by this beast soul, and he noticed that his skin was releasing a black and shiny light.

His flesh retained its original softness and agility, but it became sturdier.

This was the supreme power of Deity Realm superhumans, the power of domains!

If the greatest difference between Earth Realm superhumans and Heaven Realm superhumans was in the ability of Heaven Realm superhumans to activate maglev and fly in the sky, then the greatest difference between Heaven Realm superhumans and Deity Realm superhumans was in whether one could control maglev at will by having their vitality magnetic field and the magnetic field of the planet attract and reject each other so that they could fly at high speed freely, even reach supersonic speed.

The other difference was in whether one could release domains and increase their teammates’ abilities while weakening their enemies.

It could be said that the might of a Deity Realm superhuman was not limited to just themselves.

Instead, they could cause the army that gathered beside them to become invincible soldiers!

The leader of Agricultural University’s martial arts course, Black Tortoise Zong Yue, was not just known to have the greatest defenses in Dragon City’s superhuman circle. When his vitality magnetic field exploded forth, the comrades who were affected by him and resonated with him would also have their defense increase by leaps and bounds.

“Is this the power of Deity Realm?”

Meng Chao could hear all his spirit meridians release thunderous sounds.

He knew that his vitality magnetic field had resonated deeply with Black Tortoise Zong Yue’s vitality magnetic field, and he was currently “sharing” a part of his power in Deity Realm.

This power not only made him feel invincible, but he also felt hungry and restless.

Even though he had become the youngest Heaven Realm superhuman in Dragon City, he still had a ways to go before he reached Deity Realm.

And Deity Realm was not the end of his journey either.

If he wanted to conquer the Other World and stand above the extraordinary beings, the power of Deity Realm was far from enough!

What sort of journey and battlefield laid ahead of him beyond the Other World?

When compared to the entirety of the vast and powerful ancient civilization, would the Other World be just a small territory and a small piece in its exciting puzzle?

The road ahead was long, and the future had so many possibilities, but they did not make Meng Chao feel lost or depressed, instead, it made him incredibly excited and filled with fighting spirit.

He licked his lips and narrowed his eyes to look at the area across Black Tortoise Zong Yue.

The moment he looked, he saw a rising and falling mountain range covered in raging clouds, nothing else.

However, one particular mountain that stood above the rest was swaying like it was experiencing a terrible earthquake.

Soon, two heads that looked like that of a gecko and a plesiosaurus popped up on the mountain.

They opened their mouths wide, forming a diameter of more than ten meters wide, and fired two balls of smoke at Black Tortoise Zong Yue, one of them was dark green and the other violet.

The trees and vines on the mountain also started swinging like the tentacles of mollusks. They flung insects that looked like black tornadoes.

This mountain that was nearly one hundred meters tall was actually alive!

‘Demonic Mountain!’

Meng Chao’s mind raced, and in an instant, he remembered the name of this Apocalyptic Beast from his memories of his previous life.

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