Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 653 - I Want to Blow My Enemies Away!

Chapter 653: I Want to Blow My Enemies Away!

In disbelief, Nie Chenglong stared at Meng Chao. He was stunned for a long moment before he used his hands to press down on Meng Chao’s shoulders. “Calm down, young man, I know that you long to fight, but your body takes priority. You’ve been risking your life for seventy-two hours in the lair, and you were injured badly multiple times but forced yourself to recover. You were even nearly dragged into hell by the Vortex.

“With your current condition, it’s not suitable for you to immediately join an even more intense battle. You should rest, heal, and cultivate.”

“I’ve already rested. When I was in Golden Tooth’s headquarters, I soaked in the highest grade medicine and slept for a total of six hours,” Meng Chao said earnestly, “Vice Director Nie, you mentioned it just now that the war situation at the frontlines is very worrying, and with every second of the pitch battle, we might lose another person. I might be unable to make much of an impact if I’m there. In fact, it might be an insignificant splash, but that splash could break the balance and let the scales of victory completely tilt to humanity’s side, and from there, we could save more humans.

“That’s why you should let me go. To me, fighting is the best rest, healing, and cultivation!”

Flames surged in his eyes, and it caused Nie Chenglong to be stunned.

Through his pulled back shoulders, Nie Chenglong could sense Meng Chao’s firm will. He pondered over this. “But your body...”

“I’m really okay. Jin Wanhao’s private medical cabin, examination functions, and healing properties won’t lose to the best private clinics in Dragon City.”

Meng Chao took two steps back and punched forward.

Wherever his fist went, the air was immediately torn, and two ripples would also spread out.

After a moment, a piercing whistling rose.

“Look, my current problem isn’t that I’m covered head to toe in wounds, it’s that I have too much rampaging power in my body, and I need to vent it!”

Meng Chao was confident. “As long as I don’t provoke Apocalyptic Beasts, I can fight at full strength when I run into monster hordes and also harvest their parts. Not only will I not harm my body, I can relax my muscles and tendons. This is good for my health!”

Nie Chenglong was quite convinced by the strength of his punches.

He cast his gaze at Lu Siya. “Siya, what about you?”

“I’ll definitely go with Meng Chao. Don’t worry, Vice Director. I won’t let anything happen to him.” Lu Siya smiled.

This was not a spontaneous plan. They already talked about it in the lair.

Both of them thought it over. Even though they had intimidated the gangs in the name of the government and obtained nominal control over the Lair Reconstruction Committee for the time being and used the Lair Reconstruction Committee to make it so that the government could not butt into lair affairs and made them think that they had control over it, this control still came from how they used the fact that both sides’ information were not in sync to their advantage.

It was just like a joke about how a young man used his status as a high-ranking manager of a bank to marry a rich man’s daughter, then used his status as the son-in-law of a rich man to get the position of a high-ranking manager from the bank.

The situation in the lair was now starting to stabilize, but the pitched battle at the borders had not ended just yet. Out of necessity to maintain order, the gangs and the government would not be against Meng Chao taking the seat as Golden Tooth’s gang leader and even the master of the lair.

But once the situation set, the major forces of power, including the mega corporations, would do everything they can to extend their grubby claws into the lair.

Once the pie of the lair reconstruction became big and the lair really became a central business center because it occupied the best geographical spot in the city, these forces of power might have other thoughts pop up in their minds.

In other words, even with Golden Tooth Saber in hand, Meng Chao’s foundation was still too shallow.

If he really wanted to become the master of the lair, he needed two things.

One, absolute power.

Two, achievements, exposure rate, popularity, and a few ten million citizens’ support.

Dragon City’s rules were actually very simple.

The person with the big fist and could utilize that fist to bash monster brains as well as defend the common interests of the people would have the people being willing to extend their arms and lift them to the golden seat of power.

This was the reason why Meng Chao and Lu Siya had planned to use the flashiest method to circle round the lair.

One of the reasons was to placate the lair citizens so that the uneasy citizens could all see that they had won.

The other reason was to use the witnesses’ eyes and their phones to tell all of Dragon City that the victory of the battle in the lair was brought by Meng Chao and Lu Siya!

Nowadays, just working hard was not enough.

The only people who knew how to promote themselves and attract attention could get popularity, which in turn led to more resources, and they would then be able to contribute even more!

Speaking of which, the battle of the lair was a rather sensitive issue. Plenty of confidential information was involved, so they might be unable to spread it to the people as they want.

Lu Siya’s original plan was to shine brilliantly in the pitched battle at the borders. For this, she had even mobilized elite forces from the related departments in Sky Pillar Corporation so that they could film a promotional video for her.

Due to Meng Chao going missing in the lair, she hastily returned to provide reinforcements, and she could only temporarily set aside promoting herself.

She did not expect that they would be able to handle everything within a short twenty-four hours the moment they started working together.

Since the pitched battle at the borders was still going on like wildfire and they had taken a lot of cultivation resources from the Underground Emperor’s secret lab, not only had they recovered from their wounds, their fighting strength had also increased by different degrees.

Naturally, they had to fight with every second they had to make new achievements!

Nie Chenglong looked at them back and forth.

He knew that sometimes, Meng Chao would be rash and act regardless of the cost.

Meanwhile, Lu Siya was a cautious person. She seldom fought a battle she was not confident with and would not let herself suffer even the slightest bit of loss.

Since Lu Siya had volunteered once more, they must have gained some sort of indescribable blessing in the lair. He did not have to worry about them too much.

“Are you sure that you’re really alright?” Nie Chenglong asked for a final confirmation.

“Vice Director, don’t worry. Look at how impatient Meng Chao is. If you don’t let him go, then something is really going to happen,” said Lu Siya as she suppressed her laughter.

Meng Chao laughed as well.

If anyone understood her, it was Big Sis Ya.

Indeed, his greatest problem right now was not his injuries or fatigue, it was that there was too much rampaging spirit energy caused by Hell’s Blood and other things stored in his body.

Meng Chao’s improvement was based on his contributions and spirit energy.

Most of the time, he had a lot of contribution points but did not have enough spirit energy, which was why even though he had a few hundred thousand or even millions of contribution points, he could not use them to upgrade his skills.

Now, however, there were dozens of lava streams flowing in his body, and hundreds of ticking time bombs flowed in those streams, but his last contribution point had been given to increase the Skillfulness of Celestial Tyrant’s Star Shattering Slash.

He really did not have a single point left.

He was in urgent need to use the most intense battlefield to blow enemies away in exchange for more contribution points so that he could completely digest Hell’s Blood and push Celestial Tyrant’s Star Shattering Slash as well as Divine Nine Dragon Slash to Specialist Level!

Monsters might be fearsome creatures who bared their claws and fangs, but to Meng Chao, they were walking contribution points that looked beautiful and tasty!


When he saw that they had already made up their minds, Nie Chenglong no longer tried to convince them otherwise.

After all, they lacked fighting power at the frontlines now, especially high-end fighting power.

Many of the battle fronts they had been fighting over with the monsters repeatedly might lack one or two powerful fighters to serve as sharp weapons. That was why the humans were never able to find a breakthrough point and blow all monsters away.

Nie Chenglong went to the control station and opened the battle network.

Even if Dragon City had walked out of the apocalypse now, it had yet to perfectly converge all its armed forces into.

Aside from the Red Dragon Army, Dragon City had plenty of private forces under the mega corporations, youth armies from high schools, superhuman squads registered under the Hunter’s Association, security companies with a lot of mercenaries, forces from the secret police, the abnormal beast research department and other disciplinary forces, and powerful fighters who believed in absolute freedom and did not want to be restricted by any organization.

In terms of strength, the Red Dragon Army was not even the strongest armed force.

When monsters entered the space-time rifts to fight in Dragon City, the situation where all the citizens were soldiers and could fight however they wanted was good for swift reaction and killing enemies immediately.

But in large-scale battles, if they did not have unified command and teamwork, it was inevitable that they would be disunited and have their defenses torn down.

To solve this problem, the nine mega corporations, Supernatural Tower, Dragon City University, the alliance of the five universities, the Hunter’s Association, the secret police, and the abnormal beast research department developed a battle network based on big data and quantum computing.

Through the tactical data link where everything was connected together, every drone, every mobile camera the fighters wore, and every data chip implanted in the eyes of the biochemical beasts were also connected together.

The images they captured turned into an information torrent in the form of numbers. They were then gathered together at the supercomputer centers in the Red Dragon Army’s headquarters, the Supernatural Tower, and the Survival Committee.

After consolidating the data and running tests to see how they should distribute resources to maximize their value, they could split the entire battlefield into different battlefronts, and through these battlefronts, they gave out different missions as well as calculated the danger of those missions.

From there, they could figure out the number of people they needed, the cultivation realms required, and how much rewards they could get from completing those missions.

The legal superhumans who were registered under the Supernatural Tower had a unique battle network account tied to their names.

Through the account, they could log in and assess the development of the war at any time, get the newest missions, learn which place needed assistance, and other things.

Of course, after the superhumans completed all the missions, the monsters they killed, the grade they obtained for their missions, and other things would also be recorded in their accounts to help set the standard to appraise achievements.

Achievements meant priority in housing distribution, increasing marks for the national college examination and exams for civil servants and professional jobs. They could also get discounts when buying items in the Supernatural Tower, even get chances for year-end bonuses and promotions in various mega corporations. These things were practically the life for superhumans.

The battle network could motivate all superhumans to fight against monsters valiantly and make them truly turn into weapons for humanity.

Meng Chao and Lu Siya used their fingerprints and irises to identify themselves, and they logged into their battle network accounts.

In an instant, flowing lights with dazzling effects instantly appeared on the screen.

Both of their names were now gold with burning wings of flames attached to them. There were also fireworks around their names, making it look like deities were firing off fireworks to cheer and celebrate for them.

This meant that they had just completed a really tough mission, and the grade they obtained was not low, so the achievements and rewards they gained were also great.

Both of them stared at Nie Chenglong in shock.

“Before you flew down, I just inputted your achievements into the battle network,” Nie Chenglong grinned and said, “Even though I haven’t inputted the details of the fight and my remarks about it, the lair remains standing as firmly as a stone, and this is a fact everyone can see. This alone shows that you contributed to its survival, and it’s definitely something worth rewarding!”

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