Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 645 - Long Journey Beyond the Lair

Chapter 645: Long Journey Beyond the Lair

Xiong Wei found himself in an awkward situation and faced with a dilemma.

If Golden Tooth decided to support the Meng Chao of yesterday, he was confident that he could humiliate the boy within three moves, such as using spirit pressure to force the boy to his knees or using spirit force to throw him off his feet and on his back.

In that case, forget about Meng Chao’s own dignity, even Golden Tooth and Jin Wanhao’s dignity would be completely trampled. Then, he would have no right to compete against Xiong Wei for the title of the leader of the Lair Reconstruction Committee.

But within just a short twenty-four hours, Meng Chao gained some sort of blessing. Not only did he unlock the second form of Golden Tooth Saber, he was also able to use Divine Nine Dragon Seals and Celestial Tyrant’s Star Shattering Slash. His fighting strength had increased by leaps and bounds, and he grew distinctly stronger.

Even though Xiong Wei did not think that Meng Chao had mastered the spirit of Celestial Tyrant’s Star Shattering Slash, he had to admit, this young man had created countless miracles ever since he appeared in public eye, and he could no longer easily defeat him in just five moves.

If he wanted to defeat Meng Chao, they would have to fight seriously and exchange more than one hundred moves.

He would also have to be prepared to be injured heavily and gain only a pyrrhic victory.

Yet that would be meaningless.

He was an old generation fighter who had been famous for decades, while Meng Chao was a rising star and a greenhorn.

If he gained a pyrrhic victory after exchanging more than one hundred blows against Meng Chao, the youth would gain glory, even though he was defeated. Meanwhile, Xiong Wei would be humiliated.

The most crucial thing was that Xiong Wei did not have a suitable reason to cause trouble for Meng Chao.

They were all allies in name, and Meng Chao had just saved the lair.

The logic behind him inheriting Jin Wanhao’s legacy also appeared to be flawless. Even if there were suspicious points, he could not cast doubt on it, because he was an outsider.

In such a situation, if he attacked Meng Chao or even injured the war hero in front of everyone’s eyes, he would definitely become the subject of ridicule and even a target of subjugation for the Supernatural Tower.

But if he just watched Meng Chao’s performance, the rhythm would end up in Meng Chao’s hands. If they really formed the Lair Reconstruction Committee, Meng Chao’s word would have the highest authority, because he inherited Jin Wanhao’s legacy and Golden Tooth!

Xiong Wei gritted his teeth. His expression became savage, and his gaze stormy. He looked back and forth between Meng Chao and the gang leaders behind him.

Suddenly, his gaze wavered.

At some point in time, a one-eyed, single-armed, single-legged man with a face covered in scars had appeared in a shadowy corner.

He seemed to be one of the vagabonds who could be seen everywhere in the lair, and not a single bit of aura could be detected from his pores, so much so that even Xiong Wei could not tell whether he had been standing there since the start or had popped up from the shadows.

He was the Deity Realm superhuman Broken Sword Ye Xiaoyue!

Xiong Wei sighed in his heart and completely gave up on attacking Meng Chao.


Meng Chao sensed that Xiong Wei had decided to not challenge him. He smiled and lifted Golden Tooth Saber, then spoke loudly. “Even though I am not from the lair, I share a common identity with you that is far greater than that of a lair citizen.

“We’re all Dragon Citizens, and we’re comrades connected by blood. In all our bodies flows the blood of Earth!

“Our ancestors went through the most unbelievable transmigration in the universe and found buried under our feet the ancient ruins from billions of years ago. Now, ahead of us is a mighty battlefield. It is the place where we will journey together, and it is bound to be the most astonishing journey in all of human civilization.

“Compared to the adventures we will soon face and the miracles we will soon create, all the glorious deeds made by the heroes from the past will just seem like they were playing house.

“After transmigrating through billions of galaxies, we are bound to have a great journey. Are we then supposed to still differentiate between the lair and the outside world within the tiny Dragon City? Just how cowardly and short-sighted must someone be to insist on not letting go of the lair? That’s the same as being a frog in a well, only longing for a tiny pool of water filled with mud!”

His words were filled with spirit energy. After being flung out more than ten meters away as if from an air cannon, his voice exploded at the center of the hall, and it was as deafening as thunder.

The saber glare around Golden Tooth Saber also became more brilliant and wild due to his excitement.

The gangs knew that he was bragging shamelessly, but plenty of the fighters were still stunned by the picture he painted with those bold words.

Mankind should realize their aspirations all over the world. They were all superhumans with above average strength. If they had the chance, all of them wanted to traverse the Other World and build their own empire. No one wanted to stay locked up in the tiny lair.

In the past, Dragon City was shrouded by fog and could not colonize the Other World. This caused all of them to live aggrieved lives.

Now, the road to the Other World and their future was becoming visible before their eyes.

Would they have the courage to take that step?

“Trust me, times have changed!” Meng Chao’s voice was like a loud bell as he spoke firmly. “I once promised Gang Leader Jin that I would reconstruct the lair, but I don’t want to reconstruct a lair that is the same as the one before. I hope that you will all work with me to build a new lair that is one hundred times better than the old one.

“I believe that as long as our hearts are one, we will definitely breathe new life into the lair, and I also believe that as long as we cast aside the ludicrous factional views between the gangs, between Leprosy Village and the lair, and between the lair and the outside world, we will not only build a brand new lair, we will also build a new Dragon City that is ten times larger than the lair. We may even build a brand new Other World that is a million times larger than the lair!”


The small sun that was trembling on Golden Tooth Saber’s tip exploded. It turned into a million golden rays that spread to every corner of the hall.

Even though they were only dazzling and contained no power whatsoever, the sight was still breathtaking.

Everyone’s vision blurred, which forced them to blink rapidly. When they fixed their gazes on Meng Chao again, they found that he had already sheathed the saber.

Only some wisps of bloody flames and golden light surrounded his back like a dozen pairs of wings and lingered in the air.

“Golden Tooth alone won’t be able to reconstruct the lair. We need all of your help.” With a sincere expression, Meng Chao extended his hands to the gang leaders and fighters before the stage. “Everyone, you’re heroes who protected the lair for decades.

“Even when Gang Leader Jin was still around, he wouldn’t have been able to protect the lair’s order and interests without major support from all of you. Right now, if you agree to build the Lair Reconstruction Committee, we will make this pie one hundred times bigger than it is now. What say you?”

“I agree!”

“Me too!”

“Times have changed. The mega corporations and famous universities are expanding their territories and colonizing the outside world. We can’t be frogs in the well and be content with staying where we are!”

“Form the Lair Reconstruction Committee! Gather all resources! Fight for ten times the profit than before!”

“Rose is willing to join the Lair Reconstruction Committee!”

“Metal Eagle is also willing to join!”

“Poison Scorpion will join!”

Even though anyone with a keen eye could tell that these gang leaders who enthusiastically responded to the call before Meng Chao’s voice even faded away were the ones who walked out from the backstage together with Song Jinbo just now and had clearly agreed to certain conditions before this, the power of a group was stronger than an individual.

When the others saw that Golden Tooth and Poison Scorpion had both agreed to form the Lair Reconstruction Committee, more than half of the second-class gangs voiced their support and moved to Meng Chao’s side. The remaining small gangs then also did not dare to go against the trend.

Soon, most of the gang leaders made their stance and exclaimed support for Meng Chao as well as Golden Tooth.

Only Phantom Bear Xiong Wei and a few of the gang leaders who were affiliated to Black Bone were left. They stood awkwardly with frustration on their faces and feeling a little lost as to what they should do.

“Gang Leader Xiong.” Meng Chao strode forward in front of Xiong Wei. He extended his hands and said sincerely, “When the former gang leader lay dying, he still remembered how you fought together against zombies and monsters. He still believed that you were his best comrade and also his greatest rival. He died with no regrets because he was able to defend the lair for half a century with you!

“At his last moment, he held my hand tightly and told me repeatedly that if I want to form the Lair Reconstruction Committee, I will definitely not succeed without you, who is the strongest fighter in the lair, when I’m just a greenhorn.

“He also told me repeatedly that Black Bone has great experience when it comes to construction, so I had to think of a way to invite you to be the vice committee leader of the Lair Reconstruction Committee and become in charge of the construction aspects.

“I’ve never heard Gang Leader Jin have such a high view of a rival in the past, so would you be willing to help Gang Leader Jin continue defending the lair on behalf of you two having fought together in the past?”

Xiong Wei’s lips twitched.

Meng Chao was not lying when he said that Black Bone had a lot of experience when it came to construction.

However, when it came to construction, earthwork, land requisition and allocation, and other aspects, all of them were gray industries that were neither illegal nor legal work in the past.

As long as the gangs had a bit of power and were large enough, they could invest in a few construction groups to take care of the construction. All of them had “great” experience in it.

The meaning behind Meng Chao’s words was very simple.

Since the lair was severely damaged, construction would definitely get the most money, and its slice of the pie would be the largest.

Meng Chao and Golden Tooth wanted to give Xion Wei this slice of pie in exchange for his and Black Bone’s support.

If Xiong Wei were not satisfied with this large slice of pie, then he would be spitting on the camaraderie he formed with Jin Wanhao when they fought together. The two gangs would turn complete enemies, and neither side would stop until the other was destroyed.

When Xiong Wei saw the gentle smile on Meng Chao’s face and the sharp gaze in his eyes, he felt a little dazed.

Now that he thought about it, it had been decades since he fought side by side with Jin Wanhao.

The Saber was injured from head to toe in those fights and had now passed away.

Xiong Wei’s own injuries were about the same as Jin Wanhao’s. He, too, was in his twilight years, and the flames of his vitality were becoming dimmer and more chaotic.

Even if he could force himself to keep breathing and fight against Meng Chao, the methods and strength this boy displayed within a short forty-eight hours and his endless potential that showed that he was far from his peak proved that it would be no easy matter. How many years did Xiong Wei have left in him to fight?

A few years later, he would kick the bucket just like Jin Wanhao, but Meng Chao would remain a bright star in the sky. What would happen to Xiong Wei’s family and Black Bone then?

Xiong Wei was not alone, like Jin Wanhao.

He had to consider things for his children and grandchildren.

For a short moment of time, he found himself in a difficult situation.

The next moment, he was caught off guard. Meng Chao grabbed his hand, squeezed it, and shook it up and down three times.

The unique heat from a young man gushed out from Meng Chao’s palm, and it was one that Xiong Wei had not experienced for a long time.

Black Bone’s gang leader was stunned like a piece of rotten log for a long time. Then, a wry smile appeared on his skeletal face. He shook off Meng Chao’s hand and spread his arms to give him a fierce bear hug!

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