Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 629 - Fall of Blood Alliance

Chapter 629: Fall of Blood Alliance

Meng Chao squashed down his burning curiosity and said, “Let’s talk about the private lives of the supreme fighters of the older generation later on, when we have time. What happened later? How did your— How did Jin Wanhao’s sister die?”

“We were naturally not satisfied with being controlled by Blood Alliance and living lives worse than death. It was especially so when my sister, Lei Zongchao, and I became much stronger from the numerous times we explored the ancient ruins. It’s how we gradually gained the chance to overthrow Blood Alliance,” A’Ji said.

“But the time was not right. We needed to keep our claws retracted, because the members of Blood Alliance also noticed that we were getting stronger and becoming less manageable. They injected all sorts of tranquilizers and poisons that had delayed effects. We had to take the antidote regularly because of it. They also placed all sorts of shackles and time bombs on our bodies to make sure that we didn’t do anything rash.

“We noticed that we needed someone to help us before we could overturn Blood Alliance’s evil rule.

“Such people soon appeared.

“They were the ancestors of the nine great mega corporations. They were the other gangs created when Dragon City was going through the apocalypse.

“It’s really ironic that at that time, when Dragon City had just entered the lawless, bloody era, all the gangs were products of the strong preying on the weak. They relied on absolute strength and carried out brutal regimes. None of the gangs were any better than Blood Alliance.

“But as Blood Alliance’s tentacles stretched to all of Dragon City, most of the gangs that relied on brutality to rule over their territories were abandoned or destroyed by Blood Alliance.

“The reason for that was simple. If the law of the jungle was the only law, then why should anyone submit to these gangs when they were as violent as Blood Alliance but not as strong? Why should they quietly withstand being exploited and oppressed?

“Subjecting to Blood Alliance and tolerating their exploitation and oppression was better, wasn’t it?

“No matter how brutal Blood Alliance was, at least it had absolute strength and could help its people survive the threats of zombies and monsters. They could also snatch valuable food and water from other gangs!

“Aside from Blood Alliance, the other gangs who were able to survive in the harsh environment used a gentler approach to rule, were kinder to their people, and had all sorts of crucial technology. They were the relatively ‘civilized’ gangs.

“These gangs sensed that as Earthlings gradually gained their footing in the Other World and the zombie virus and ancient virus stopped being a deadly threat, spirit energy martial arts and runic symbol technology would become a general thing, so many people would have the ability to fight monsters and other creatures of the Other World. The lawless apocalypse would not last for long, and the light of civilization would once again shine on everyone’s heads.

“Laws, morals, and order were all abstract things, but plenty of survivors called out for such things, and whoever answered their call obtained support. They were the ones who could gain stronger power than the one provided by the ancient ruins and could turn into the rulers of Dragon City in the future.

“These relatively gentle and kind gangs sensed what was vital in their era and seized it firmly in their hands.

“On the surface, they were respectful to Blood Alliance. They did everything Blood Alliance asked them to do, and they even begged for mercy from them.

“Blood Alliance placed their main focus on researching the ancient ruins, so they needed other gangs to help them manage the large Dragon City as well as gather all sorts of resources scattered all over the place and solve small problems like the zombies. So, they were deceived by the gang’s seemingly tame disguise and didn’t kill these gangs as soon as possible.

“In secret, an anti-Blood Alliance group was slowly taking shape, and they extended their claws into every corner of Dragon City without Blood Alliance noticing it. Their claws touched the hearts of the citizens who were oppressed by Blood Alliance.

“‘The ancient ruins and supernatural abilities belong to all Dragon Citizens!’

“‘Defeat Blood Alliance and build a new Dragon City where everyone is equal!

“When Blood Alliance believed that they could do whatever they wanted with supernatural abilities and suppress the people forever, these two slogans spread like a bushfire throughout the city.

“Finally, when the sparks burned in every citizen’s heart, war broke out.

“It wasn’t a war against zombies or against monsters. It was a civil war between transmigrators.

“One side was Blood Alliance, and the other side was all the people aside from Blood Alliance.

“In the beginning of the war, Blood Alliance used its matchless supernatural abilities to defeat everyone effortlessly. No one was a match against the superhumans. They were really arrogant and believed that they could effortlessly suppress the suicidal bunch of ragtag soldiers.

“But they did not expect that the main battle was just a feint used to divert their attention.

“While they were outside massacring their enemies, the suicide squad of the anti-Blood Alliance group snuck into the headquarters that Blood Alliance had built on top of the ancient ruins and released me, my sister, Lei Zongchao, and the other research subjects.

“In truth, the special agents of the anti-Blood Alliance group had already infiltrated the ranks of Blood Alliance and contacted us. They were waiting for the perfect chance to remove our restraints so that we could work with them from within to deliver a fatal blow to Blood Alliance.

“Once we joined the war, the situation changed 180 degrees, just as everyone expected.

“My sister, Lei Zongchao, and I turned into killing machines more terrifying than Blood Alliance, and we instantly destroyed Blood Alliance’s advantage when it came to high-end battle power.

“There were also some superhumans who had awakened to supernatural abilities after being infected by the zombie virus in the anti-Blood Alliance group, but their fighting strength was slightly weaker than that of the Blood Alliance members. However, they had an advantage in numbers and the support of all the citizens. They could lead the citizens to open the armories and arm themselves to the teeth to fight to the death against Blood Alliance.

“It was a dark, bloody battle.

“All the citizens were united against a common enemy, and Blood Alliance lost.

“But the creators of Blood Alliance turned into injured, raging beasts when they were forced into a corner and descended into frenzy, thus becoming even more dangerous.

“During their last counterattack, they injured my—they heavily injured Jin Wanhao’s sister. She fell into Red Dragon River and was, in an instant, swallowed up by the raging waters.”

Meng Chao could not hold back a gasp.

His mind raced, and he asked tentatively, “So, you think that your sister is dead? Have you tried looking for her body?”

“No.” With a grave face, A’Ji shook his head and explained, “At that time, Red Dragon River had just stopped overflowing, so it was larger than it is now. The runoff volume and speed of the river were much greater as well. It was the epitome of a raging river. There were also plenty of fierce aquatic monsters swimming in it. They could snap even the armored speedboats in half in just one bite.

“Even Blood Alliance treated the banks of Red Dragon River as a forbidden zone and would not readily step into that place.

“Even fully armed superhumans would often disappear at the banks of Red Dragon River and never be found again.

“My sister risked her life during the battle and suffered more than ten fatal wounds. She had already drained her spirit energy a long time ago and, at that time, was draining her own life to fight.

“She fell into Red Dragon River in that state, so there was no way she could have survived.

“At that time, I was fighting in another area. I didn’t receive the news about my sister falling into the river immediately, but Lei Zongchao was with her. He watched her being swallowed by the red river without being able to do anything.

“This triggered Lei Zongchao, and he went through an unimaginable change. He gained powers that were akin to that of deities, and in one breath, he killed seven Blood Alliance core members who caused my sister’s death. He even blasted Blood Alliance’s leader’s head with just one punch.

“After the leader died, Blood Alliance’s members did not have anyone to guide them, and they crumbled and fell apart.

“Lei Zongchao’s shocking war achievements gained him the title of Battle God. After that event, he became the strongest in Dragon City. He deserved it, just as he deserved to be respected.”

Meng Chao and Lu Siya sighed simultaneously when they heard this.

They did not expect that Dragon City went through such a terrifying and soul-stirring moment during the blood era half a century ago.

But there were still plenty of suspicious points that only Meng Chao knew about in the story.

Such as the X-shaped eye. What the heck was that?

If the X-shaped eye was the emblem of Blood Alliance, how did it appear in a notebook his mother used when she was young, why did it appear in the Demonic Abyss Eye’s dying memories, and why did it appear on the back of his sister’s hand when she turned into the Dark Witch?

If he deduced things according to chronological events, Blood Alliance should have been destroyed when his mother was young. The underground medical facility she worked in should have had nothing to do with Blood Alliance!

Meng Chao pointed at A’Ji’s chest and voiced his question. “Is this Blood Alliance’s emblem?”

“Yes, but also no,” A’Ji said. “Blood Alliance did use this X-shaped eye as its emblem, but it isn’t something someone in Blood Alliance plucked out of his mind. Instead, it appeared on some of the ancient ruins explorers.”

Meng Chao was slightly surprised. “What do you mean?”

A’Ji thought about it for a long time before saying, “I don’t know how to explain it either. In Saber Jin Wanhao’s fragmented memories, some of the explorers who went into the ancient ruins went through terrifying, unbelievable, and dangerous explorations, but didn’t die. Then, some of these people gained this tattoo.

“It’s strange since none of us remembered ever getting this tattoo. It never hurt or itched, and it thing just appeared on us out of the blue.

“The explorers with this X-shaped eye had a higher chance of running into all sorts of strange dangers, but also had an easier time surviving those dangers. If they continued, they ran into greater and stranger dangers at a more regular pace.

“It was as if some mysterious power had sealed us at the entrance of hell. It didn’t let us live nor die, but made us go through endless torture.

“That’s why I said that the X-shaped eye isn’t a tattoo, but a curse!”

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