Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 493: 第四百九十三章 血屠,海啸,鬼鹰!

Chapter 493: 第四百九十三章 血屠,海啸,鬼鹰!

Bloody Slaughter, Tsunami, Ghost Eagle!

The biochemical rats crawled into the building above them through the drainage pipe. Fortunately, the Deification Capsules released a green, neon light that was very eye-catching in the darkness.

And the greater the density, the brighter it was.

It made it easy to figure out on which floor the pharmacy operated.

After five minutes of searching, the biochemical rats crawled out of the drainage pipe and landed in a dirty sewage pool.

The place did not have the strict creation processes legal labs and pharmacies had. It also lacked safety and defensive control systems.

The biochemical rats scurried out of the sewage pool without anyone noticing them.

They filmed the full structure of the pharmacy from different angles.

It was a standard illegal pharmacy that was not huge and looked like it was modified from a few apartments that were connected together.

An even thicker and pungent spirit energy fog floated in the air inside. Most of the drug creation equipment and workers were vague forms because of it.

Even so, the veteran hunters and club members were able to see a number of bottles. They had all sorts of colorful, suspicious-looking liquid that circulated and blended together to slowly form a bewitching, green light. Then, it gathered together to form a semi-transparent, semi-liquid capsule.

“It’s the drug creation equipment for certain gene medicine.”

Meng Chao had seen similar equipment in Agricultural University’s resource and biochemical courses.

While he was developing the Ultimate Style, Gu Jianbo had also gotten a set of simple drug creation tools to create his own formula.

Meng Chao had used them before, so he could recognize them at first glance.

The people busy in front of the drug creation equipment were wrapped up in airtight, one-piece lab coats. They also used goggles and filtration masks to cover their faces. For the time being, the hunting squad did not know their identities.

Dragon City placed an emphasis on cultivation, and the most important thing for cultivation was gene medicine.

Pharmacists were the same as martial artists, harvesters, and hunters. They were also quite popular in Dragon City.

Not only did the universities in the city offer pharmaceutical courses, many night schools and training classes in society also had crash courses for drug making. Anyone could take part in them as long as they forked out the money.

There were a lot of classes promising to help people learn how to create drugs within a hundred days and helping them move from beginners to masters on the deep web. They promised to teach normal people hands-on how to harvest raw materials from monsters and create gene medicine that could help speed up their evolution process.

There were plenty of talented people who could create drugs in Dragon City, and the competition was strong.

Hence, it was inevitable that there were a few wicked people who were eager for results and were opportunistic, which led to them trying to create miracle drugs that would help them rise to power with one step.

Most of the wicked people loved hiding in places like Golden Tooth Lair.

It was not strange for those whose hearts were blinded and humanity swallowed by greed to have been recruited by the mastermind.

At that moment, when a biochemical rat moved its eyes, a new face appeared in the people’s retinas.

This person did not wear any goggles or mask. He did not wear a protective suit either. Instead, he wore a nano fighting suit and had a malleable metal armor on it. There were two sabers on his back.

He should be the overseer or guard.

He also had the face of a lion. His nose was so big that it looked deformed, like it had squeezed his eyes and mouth to the side.

His light yellow eyes, beard, and hair also made it hard for others to forget him after they saw him. Hence, when his face appeared in the neural tactical data link, a few veteran hunters sucked in sharp breaths.

“Bloody Slaughter Gao Yang?”

He was on the Top 100 Wanted Criminals list from the Supernatural Tower, and even Meng Chao had heard his name before.

Ten years ago, he had been famous in the hunter circle for his decisiveness and lightning-fast attacks.

He also loved entering monster dens alone and killing everything.

There were many times when he had the chance to wait for his companions to surround the monsters and use reliable strategies to fight, but he just took unnecessary risks.

It seemed like he did not become a hunter to harvest the resources from monsters, but to enjoy the pleasure of killing.

His unique methods brought him great fame and a lot of admirers.

Even Meng Chao, when he was young and ignorant, had used half a month’s worth of food money to buy a legitimate Bloody Slaughter Gao Yang figurine.

Unfortunately, as Gao Yang killed more monsters, the spirit energy he absorbed became thicker, and it slowly invaded his brain. His brain tissue began to change, and in time, he could no longer control his desire to kill.

Normal monsters and low-grade Nightmarish Beasts were also unable to satisfy his tastes. Only the screams of Hell Beasts could calm the ripples of the sea of blood in his heart.

Then, one time, Bloody Slaughter Gao Yang wandered about the depths of the wild for half a month, but did not run into anything worth killing. The agitation and desire to kill that had been building in his heart charged out like a flood past a broken dam, and he could no longer turn back.

At that time, he ran into a Hell Beast that had been driven in his direction by a superhuman squad.

One of the rules in the hunter circle was that no one was allowed to steal kills, unless the other party sent an invitation or was heavily injured and clearly unable to kill the monster on their own. Only then another person was allowed to butt in.

This was something that started during the practical tests of the national college examination, and everyone knew it.

The superhuman squad had worked hard and set all sorts of traps before they were finally able to drive the Hell Beast into a corner. They did all of that because they wanted to capture it alive and sell it to the monster research center for research purposes.

But when the prey was about to end up in their hands, Bloody Slaughter Gao Yang ignored everything and killed it.

Due to his surging killing intent, the scene was like something that came straight out of hell. The Hell Beast was practically cut to pieces, and it lost all value for research or harvesting purposes.

This situation could still be saved, even if things had progressed to this stage.

With Gao Yang’s fame and earnings, he could pay for the loss the superhuman squad suffered, but during the process of hunting the Hell Beast, his vitality magnetic field had surged so much that it had gone over its limits. His mental strength index was severely imbalanced, and his brain was taken over by desire to kill.

Gao Yang then made a major mistake. He attacked the superhuman squad that came forward to negotiate with him.

Everyone was taken off guard, and he killed five of them. He then snatched their weapons and supplies before fleeing into the jungle. No one knew where he went.

After that, the Supernatural Tower organized a few hunt and kill missions for Gao Yang.

But the fog, jungle, and the wild created the best battlefield for guerilla warfare.

And Gao Yang did not gain his moniker of Bloody Slaughter solely due to his madness. Under his seemingly crazed murderous spree was an incredibly twisted but calm hunter’s heart.

Gao Yang was never captured by his peers. Instead, he used the jungle and the fog to play around with his former colleagues.

In the dark, hellish jungle, he was able to unleash his killing instincts— no, his murderous instincts to their fullest.

The Hunter’s Association had sacrificed more than ten hunters before they were finally able to hurt him.

But in the end, they were not able to capture him or collect his corpse.

All they saw was him fleeing further into the marshes with his bloodsoaked body. Then, for around eight years, no one heard about Gao Yang again.

The entire hunter circle had sighed in relief. They thought that this demon whose mind was invaded by killing intent had died in the marshes and turned into a pile of bones. They did not expect that they would see his nightmarish face once more in a nightmarish lab.

“Well, damn,” Bullet Xue Rui said coldly.

In the past, he had joined the great capture operation for Bloody Slaughter Gao Yang three times and seen his closest comrade die tragically in Gao Yang’s hands.

“Don’t be hasty. Let’s see what other scum the mastermind has recruited. Later, we’ll capture them all in one go,” Man-eating Shark Zhou Chong said gravely.

At that moment, Bloody Slaughter Gao Yang tilted his head and listened to something.

It seemed like someone was sending a command to him through the mini-communicator in his ear canal.

He narrowed his eyes. His pores opened, and fierce killing intent gushed out of them. He turned around and walked outside.

“Follow him,” Zhou Chong ordered the tamer of the biochemical rats.

One biochemical rat followed Gao Yang without making a sound through the ventilation pipe on the ceiling.

Fortunately, the spirit energy that filled the room was not enough to cause a chemical response. Only exhaust was released.

This sort of exhaust did not only obscure vision, but also interfered with a superhuman’s senses because it contained a small amount of spirit energy.

Besides, the ventilators around them were rumbling as they worked. They drowned out the sounds the rat made while it scurried along, so Bloody Slaughter Gao Yang did not notice its existence.

The biochemical rat smoothly followed Gao Yang into the outhouse.

There were two guards there.

They did not wear masks, but had wide tactical goggles.

After analyzing their facial features and comparing them to the wanted criminals database, they were soon able to identify them.

One of them was Tsunami Wan Zhuiyun. He was skilled in creating large and destructive spirit energy magnetic fields and searching for the frequency that would allow him to resonate with the target so that he could dissolve the target from within.

He was originally someone who had a lot of achievements under his belt too. But during a cultivation session, he went through spirit energy deviation and accidentally magnified his spirit energy magnetic field until it was one hundred times bigger than before. He then used superfast tremors to destroy the internal structure of a building nearby, which made the seven-story building collapse and led to the deaths and injury of hundreds of innocent citizens.

Wan Zhuiyun committed a mistake, but he did not want to face judgment. People like him who used their supernatural powers to cause major casualties would have unique chips installed into their heads, shackles bound to their limbs, and remote explosives attached to them, regardless of whether they did it intentionally or not. They would then be sent into the most dangerous exploration teams and have to carry out missions in the fog that almost guaranteed certain death. The survival rate was practically zero.

Wan Zhuiyun did not want to die in the fog, so he chose to run away.

He was different from Bloody Slaughter Gao Yang in that he had always been working in a lab affiliated to a mega corporation, so he did not have a lot of experience surviving in the jungle.

Hence, many people believed that he had hid in the depths of the lair.

But having this knowledge was useless, because he was a walking weapon of mass destruction. If the secret police entered the lair recklessly to capture him, he could use his tsunami-like high-frequency magnetic fields to destroy the internal structure of the buildings around him and drag countless people to their deaths with him.

Bloody Slaughter Gao Yang and Tsunami Wan Zhuiwan had certain external influences that caused them to fall, but Ghost Eagle Song Yu was different.

He was a true monster in human skin.

No, he was a demon.

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