Chapter 478: Neural Glasses

Four of them jumped into the air at the same time and stood at the top of the ruins.

The three veteran hunters stared at Meng Chao, unable to believe their eyes.

Meanwhile, Meng Chao stared at Man-eating Shark Zhou Chong eagerly. “Senior Zhou, how long did I last?”

“Exactly... three minutes.”

Zhou Chong did not hide the surprise and admiration in his voice.

When elites fought, the victor would be decided in an instant.

The three minutes were enough for the three veteran hunters’ skin to get covered in cold sweat from their shock.

And if they were to really judge who won, then Meng Chao should have won by a small margin.

After all, he was the “escapee” and the three veteran hunters were the “pursuers”.

It was clear that the escapee would not care about the damages to the buildings in the lair and the injuries the innocent citizens suffered.

That was the responsibility of the pursuers.

Man-eating Shark Hong Li also realized this.

His face flushed red, then he swung his fist fiercely and composed himself with a laugh.

“Truly, you’re one of the young generation deserving of respect,” this senior from the hunter circle told Meng Chao earnestly. “Today, I lost, but I couldn’t fight to my heart’s content while trapped in that cage of a maze. If we have the chance in the future, let’s fight to our hearts’ content in the wild!”

Meng Chao smiled faintly. “If you’re interested, I’ll take up your challenge at any moment, Senior Hong.”

“That’s a promise. Also, don’t call me a senior. It makes it sound like I’m some old fart. Just call me Big Brother Hong!” Hong Li swung his arm, completely at ease. Then, he changed the topic of conversation. “But how did you get your strength? Your arms aren’t thick. Why is your maximum punching strength so scary?”

“Um?” Meng Chao stared at his arms. They were a size bigger than the average arm.

He felt that Hong Li had some misconceptions about the word “thick”, but when he saw that Hong Li’s arms were thicker than his thighs, he knew where the problem was.

At that moment, Bullet Xue Rui smiled and said, “Meng Chao’s maximum punching strength isn’t the only thing terrifying about him. Bear, trust me when I say that on a real battlefield, if Meng Chao had a gun modified by an expert and used armor-piercing bullets embedded with crystal marrows or meteor shards, his shooting technique alone would make sure that you would have no chance to cross fists with him. You’d be dead or heavily injured before you even touched him!”

“What?” Hong Li widened his eyes, but he knew that Xue Rui was not saying this out of the blue.

He blinked for a long time while repeatedly recalling what had happened earlier. Then, he was finally able to understand just how ruthless and sinister were the trajectories and strategies Meng Chao chose.

Then, he switched the scene around them to the much more complicated jungle and exchanged the discarded blades for powerful, special bullets, and the difficulty to survive made his back break out in cold sweat.

Snake Eye Mo Lan’s eyes sparkled, and right in front of the vice director of the abnormal beast research department, she started to poach the youth. “Meng Chao, among all the people I’ve seen, you’re the most suited to become a hunter and explorer. It’s too much of a waste for you to stay in the city all day to fend against the monsters’ attacks!

“As they say, offense is the best defense. If we want to prevent monsters from attacking Dragon City, it’s simple, we just need to tear down their nests.

“So, are you interested in joining a hunting squad? I have some connections in the hunter circle. With the strength you showed today, honestly, you’ll be offered at least ten million yuan as your annual salary!”

Nie Chenglong cleared his throat really loudly.

“The two robbers with the implanted chips have already fled into Dragon City. The situation might change at any moment. We must seize every second that we have,” he said sternly. “You can move out now. We can talk about the details while on the way.”

A few veteran hunters whistled.

Quite a number of them had faint smiles on their faces.

Their presences became completely different from a few seconds ago.

They were like tigers lurking deep in forests that had smelled their prey. Now, they opened their fierce eyes and all their muscles tensed up.

“Welcome to our special hunting squad.” Man-eating Shark Zhou Chong extended his hand to Meng Chao. “Go and get your equipment.”

Heaven Realm superhumans seldom used low-end, standardized equipment.

They usually had their melee weapons and long-distance firearms tailored made and created meticulously.

The strengthened exoskeletons and motorized armor that were really popular among low-grade superhumans were also seen as weapons for amateurs but shackles for elites.

There was a limit to the strength, tenacity, mobility, and even vibration frequency of the machine components.

To low-grade superhumans, the motorized armor could increase their strength and speed, but when used by Multi-armed Bear Hong Li or Snake Eye Mo Lan, after they executed a series of strategies, the motorized armor would immediately be chaffed and rendered useless.

Besides, once someone reached Spirit Armor Realm, they could use their spirit energy to create a visible and impenetrable armor around them. They could even envelope their comrades who were within a circular area of around ten meters. Hence, the motorized armor was useless.

Meng Chao was like most other veteran hunters. He trusted his strength, so he did not like to use strengthened exoskeletons and machines to increase his strength.

Black Soul was a creation using the top technology in Agricultural University. It possessed power on par with heavy motorized armor, and when it came to agility and endurance, it was far ahead.

As for weapons and guns, Meng Chao also had his own personal collection. After he saved the transmigration experts and killed the Demonic Abyss Eye, he used his achievements to exchange for cultivation resources and tactical equipment. They were all masterpieces from the hearts and souls of masters. When he displayed them, they dazzled the veteran hunters.

However, there was something offered that he could not resist.

“This is known as a neural tactical data link interactor. It’s known simply as neural glasses. It’s the most advanced technology from Thundercloud Technology, but it’s still under tests. Place these two small dark chocolate-like cubes gently behind your ears and try it.”

Nie Chenglong spread his palms open and revealed two black items that looked like computer chips.

Man-eating Shark Zhou Chong and the veteran hunters all placed the neural glasses behind their ears, and brilliant light instantly shone in their eyes.

Thundercloud Technology was one of the nine great mega corporations that created the Survival Committee. It was also Dragon City’s best high-tech industry.

By using the futuristic tech from the Supernatural Tower, they created countless unbelievable electronic and spirit energy tools.

Meng Chao remembered that in his previous life, Ghost Tribe and Black Skull Training Camp had worked together with Thundercloud Technology and created all sorts of equipment suitable for ambush, infiltration, assassination, destruction, and spying.

He immediately placed the two small “dark chocolates” behind his ears.

He felt a slight pain at the base of his ear, as if mosquitoes had bitten him. The two “dark chocolates” attached to his vitality magnetic field and stuck closely to his skin.

Then, a beautiful scene appeared in front of Meng Chao.

He saw faint golden data cascading down like a waterfall, then it turned into a complicated options bar.

Behind the options bar was a complicated and incredibly detailed 3D map. When he looked at it closely, it displayed Golden Tooth Lair with golden threads.

And as his eyeballs moved and pupils shrank or dilated, the golden 3D map magnified, shrunk, or turned at an even faster and smoother pace. It was as if his brain was giving out commands to his optical nerves to make the golden 3D map change, so he could see a large amount of details about Golden Tooth Lair.

What was even more amazing was that the map did not remain unchanged. There were a lot of red and green dots on it. They gathered, spread out, and moved around. It was as if the map was a reflection of a real-time event!

He instinctively went to grab it.

But he missed.

It was only then that he registered what was going on. It was a real-time monitoring map. Through his optical nerves, it displayed a virtual image on his retina and even his cerebral cortex.

Just as he expected, he heard Man-eating Shark Zhou Chong say, “This neural tactical data link interactor turns wireless signals into neuroelectricity that is transferred into the depths of your brain, which affects your visual and auditory systems. So, you don’t need to wear real glasses or earphones, but you’ll still be able to ‘see’ and ‘hear’ information that is one hundred times more than what we had from the tactical data links in the past.

“They might be two chips that are the size of a fingernail and look light, but they’re more valuable than a fully armed armored airship.

“Also, this is still a test version. It’s specifically made to handle the complex situation in the lair, which is why we’re using it now. They still haven’t managed to solve the problem of the interference to our nerve signals caused by too much information from the chips.

“For the time being, only those above Heaven Realm can handle the wave of information sent into the brain. Even so, those wearing it for the first time might feel dizzy and lose their sense of balance. Meng Chao, are you okay?”

Meng Chao blinked.

He gradually got used to the data waterfall.

Hundreds of scenes of him as a Ghost Tribe member using similar equipment to sneak into the Other World civilizations in his previous life showed up in his head.

He grasped the key to control the glasses.

With a single thought, a certain green dot on the virtual map magnified until it became a human shape with limbs.

He also heard complaints by his ears.

The people complaining were two gang members in the lair. They were grumbling about suddenly having to increase patrol and defense, so now they had no time for entertainment.

“This is great. With this neural-version tactical data link, we can monitor most of the areas in Golden Tooth Lair. The secrecy and accuracy of our operation has just increased by a large margin!”

Meng Chao felt like he had instantly gained the ability to see far into the distance, hear everything, and see through everything. He thought about something, and he asked, “But where does the information come from? Is it reliable?”

When they saw that Meng Chao’s complexion remained the same and showed no signs of nausea or vertigo, Nie Chenglong, Zhou Chong, and Shen Yupeng gasped in amazement, and their assessment of him increased by another degree.

“With Saber Jin Wanhao’s support, most of the gangs in Golden Tooth Lair have released authorization to a lot of CCTVs to us. The scenes you’re seeing now might be from some secret CCTV in the lair or from the smart glasses some gang member is wearing,” Nie Chenglong explained. “The tactical data links from both sides are connected together, and their eyes are now our eyes. Their ears have also become our ears!”

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