Chapter 471: Rumors Rising

“Big Brother Peng, are you very familiar with Jin Wanhao?”

Meng Chao remembered that a huge fire had broken out in Golden Tooth Lair in his previous life.

That fire caused major casualties among the lair citizens. Countless people lost their homes, and the gray industries and lost people who had originally gathered in the lairs spilled into the city. They caused major bloodshed and depleted Dragon City’s strength by a large margin, so the war situation, which already had its victor clear for all to see, became shrouded in uncertainty. It dragged out the humans’ path to victory by several years, and in the end, they only ended up with a pyrrhic victory.

If they could stop the major fire from breaking out in Golden Tooth Lair, they had the chance of completely changing the war situation.

Then, once they completely destroy the threat posed by the monsters, it would be much easier for them to solve the problems of the lairs.

With this thought in mind, Meng Chao said, “We should remind Jin Wanhao that this matter might not be as simple as it seems. The robbery last night was just the beginning, so the mastermind’s real goal might be Jin Wanhao, Golden Tooth, and Golden Tooth Lair itself!”

Shen Yupengg and Zhou Chong were both a little surprised.

“Why did you say that?” Shen Yupeng asked.

“The one hundred robberies last night might cause the secret police to run themselves ragged, but it’s not enough to shake Dragon City’s foundation,” Meng Chao explained. “The abnormal beasts have not launched any large scale attacks over the past half a year. If this is their new attack after the ambush at Noble Descent Hotel, then it’s all bark and no bite.

“I think that the robberies this time aren’t the goal, just a method for the enemy to get more raw materials to create more Deification Capsules so the large number of normal people who are forced to a dead end would ‘sign up’ and turn into malicious robbers.

“Now, the mastermind has a large amount of valuable resources and can create Deification Capsules ten times to one hundred times the original amount. They even gathered robbers whose hands are stained with blood and can’t go back now. It’s enough for them to carry out their real plan.

“And their goal is most likely the lairs!”


“The reason is simple. Big Brother Peng, you mentioned just now that the lairs are Dragon City’s toilets. We don’t want to blow them up and cause the things in there to spill everywhere,” Meng Chao said. “And the more we don’t want something to happen, the more the enemy wants to do it.

“If the abnormal beasts cause major damage to the lairs and chase the hundreds of thousands of lair citizens outside, Dragon City will return to the dark era with no order and no law. To the abnormal beasts, isn’t that the strategy with the best cost-performance ratio?

“The abnormal beasts don’t even need to throw a lot of effort into this. All they need to do is light up a fire in Golden Tooth Lair and burn it to ashes. Then, Dragon City will end up in mayhem.”

“It won’t be that easy to set the lairs on fire.” Shen Yupeng thought about it. “Right now, the lairs are the largest slums in Dragon City, but decades ago, the lairs were the final fortresses of humans against zombies and monsters.

“Plenty of facilities in the lairs are made based on the standards of shelters and battle fortresses. Naturally, they have perfect fire prevention, disaster resistance, and survival abilities.

“When necessary, the lairs can be shut down and fortified like normal residential areas. They will then turn into super forts that are airtight and self-sufficient.

“Of course, we must always be prepared for accidents. What you said makes absolute sense. We should remind the gangs in the lairs to be on full guard.”

“Can you speak directly to Jin Wanhao?” Meng Chao asked.

“Of course not.” Shen Yupeng laughed in spite of himself. “Saber Jin Wanhao is an older generation superhuman who is at the same level as my grandfather and Battle God Lei Zongchao. What right do I have to speak directly to him?

“Besides, Jin Wanhao has seldom appeared in the past few years. He rarely shows up to manage the gang and lair directly. It might be as you said. He was too severely injured when he was young and is in his twilight years.

“Now, the major and minor affairs of Golden Tooth and Golden Tooth Lair are handled by Jin Wanhao’s assistant, Red Brows Su Lun.

“This person has a degree in the management course from Dragon City University, and he’s coursemates with a lot of the middle and high management members of a lot of big companies, along with many of the politicians in the Survival Committee. He’s smart, skillful, resourceful, knows the gravity of many things, and has a great sense of propriety.

“I think that he will convey our thoughts to Jin Wanhao, so we can work together to solve this matter appropriately.”

They had no time to waste. Shen Yupeng was about to contact Red Brows Su Lun when suddenly, a deafening explosion came from outside the window.

Even if the windows were made of three layers of soundproof technology and were explosion resistant, they still trembled and made cracking sounds.

Everyone’s expressions changed, even Meng Chao’s.

Right now, it was still day time.

This was also the central commercial area where the mega corporations were gathered.

Where did that explosion come from?

The group ran to the window.

Then, they saw thick, black smoke rising from the top few floors of a towering skyscraper not far from them.

More than ten small black dots drove non-motorized gliders as they fled into the distance.

In an instant, they disappeared among the buildings.

Shen Yupeng gasped in disbelief. “It’s a lab from Soaring Dragon Construction. They actually thought about stealing from Soaring Dragon Construction?”

Soaring Dragon Construction was the same as Universe Corporation and Sky Pillar Corporation. It was one of the nine mega corporations that created the Survival Committee in the past.

If they actually had the guts to rob Soaring Dragon Construction, it was the same as them slapping the Survival Committee and all superhumans in the face. Their prestige was shaken.

And with the series of crimes that happened the night before, all sorts of noise and rumors started festering online.

It should be said that Dragon Citizens had the patience to handle zombie and monster invasions. They were mentally prepared for it.

If monsters destroyed their homes or they were infected by zombie viruses, they could only consider themselves to have bad luck. There was no one to blame.

But superhuman criminals were another thing.

Some people said that the Survival Committee had largely concealed the number of crimes that happened at night. In truth, there were not just one hundred crimes, but one thousand. Many innocent citizens were killed, and countless malicious robbers and serial killers were wandering the streets of the city. They lurked among the people as normal humans.

There were even some who said that the superhumans had already given up on protecting the worthless normal people. They also intended to give up on the main city area of Dragon City. The proof was that most of the fighting-class superhumans had left Dragon City and ran off into the fog for pathfinding activities or to build new areas.

If things continued like this, the superhumans would turn the new areas into beautiful places that were the superhumans’ heaven.

And the main city area would lose all its resources, which would then cause it to become increasingly worn down, chaotic, and gradually, the main city area would turn into a super large slum. The normal people could only stay in the slums and endure being robbed while they were left to their own devices.

The current state of the lairs was the future of Dragon City. It was the emptying of a city.

Some people also mentioned that a really amazing super gene medicine had appeared in the market. It was known as the Deification Capsule, and with just one, they could become superhumans without getting tired or going through any trouble.

Even though they could not maintain that state for long, normal people never had to use supernatural abilities 24/7, anyway. When it was necessary, all they needed to do was just take another pill.

Apparently, the robbers at night had taken the Deification Capsules, which was why they could beat up the superhumans.

In fact, during the day, the robbers used the Deification Capsules to attack Soaring Dragon Construction.

The normal citizens obeyed the law because they could not think about breaking the law nor did they have the ability to do so.

But since the robbers could use such powerful drugs, if the lawful citizens also stored up some of these Deification Capsules, they could fend against trouble!

The rumors online spread swiftly like the flu during the four seasons.

Very soon, they spread to every forum and social media platform.

Many citizens who did not know the truth talked about it.

Even Bai Suxin called Meng Chao to ask what was going on. She said that her mahjong group, shopping group, and family group were all talking about it.

Last time, when they threw the party celebrating the Meng family’s move, they invited their friends and family to join it. His aunts all knew that Meng Chao had become successful and had a close relationship with the abnormal beast research department, which was why he could move to the staff apartment of the abnormal beast research department.

Now, they were all asking Bai Suxin whether Meng Chao could get them “that powerful gene medicine to use as a supplement”.

Meng Chao did not know whether he should laugh or cry. He asked his mother to calm down and not believe in rumors and not spread them, because the rumors online were all nonsense.

First, since yesterday, Meng Chao had spent all his time together with Shen Yupeng, so he had first-hand information from the secret police.

Even though it was a night of crime, things did not go out of hand and there were no one thousand crimes. If they calculated every crime, at most, there were only around three hundred of them.

Second, most of the fighting-class superhumans did indeed rarely stay in Dragon City and went to the wild to hunt monsters as well as build and defend the new city areas, which led to a lack of fighting power in the main city area. It was why the thieves took the opportunity to steal, but that did not mean that they cast aside the normal citizens and ignored them. It was the opposite—they did it for the normal people!

They needed resources for the project to upgrade the old residential areas. They also needed resources for the project to provide three nutritional meals for the children of the right age groups.

If they wanted to upgrade all the elementary schools and middle schools in the city so that the poor children could enjoy the same education as the rich children, they also needed resources.

Resources would not be handed to them on a silver platter, so they needed fighting-class superhumans to go out and do pathfinding activities as well as harvest monsters!

Also, the greatest problem in Dragon City right now was that aside from zombies and monsters, millions of young adults could not find jobs.

The main city area had been developed to its limit a long time ago and could not provide an extra million jobs.

They had to build up around twenty new city areas in the four cardinal directions to create new chances and hope for the people.

Besides, the chances for offense were fleeting. The humans had to be constantly on the offense against monsters so that they could stop them from counterattacking.

The monsters had already created their civilization. If they gave it a chance to catch its breath even for a few days, who knew what sort of trouble it would cause.

During this critical moment, it was only inevitable that a large number of fighting-class superhumans could not come back to defend the main city area.

Otherwise, the astronomical amount of resources they cast to develop the areas outside the city earlier on and the plans that were about to begin in the city and were beneficial for the development of the city in the long run would all be for nothing.

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