Chapter 467: Robbers’ Logic

But even the insurance company under Universe Insurance did not dare to insure losses caused by monsters.

Monster invasions were like earthquakes, tornadoes, and floods. They belonged under the category of “cannot be fended against”. No one could predict it and bear responsibility for it.

The same logic went to the fighting-class superhumans who often went to fight in the wild. There were very few insurance companies who would dare to be held accountable for their lives.

But the series of robberies the night before had been conducted by human robbers.

Quite a number of superhumans who were injured or killed during the break-ins were also support-class superhumans, so they lived rather safe lives. They were experts from various lives, and many of them had personal accident insurance from the insurance companies.

If the Universe Insurance had to insure all of these cases, forget about the fact that they would definitely go bankrupt, all the insurance and finance companies in Dragon City would experience a tidal wave and might collapse because of it.

That was why the insurance companies were more impatient than anyone else to find traces of abnormal beasts hidden in the series of robberies.

If they could really figure out the mastermind, then even if they could not completely avoid compensating the people, the money they needed to compensate would still go down by a huge margin, and there would still be hope for them to maintain the stability of the entire business market.

Meng Chao thought about it. When it came to this matter, the insurance companies stood on the same side as the abnormal beast research department and himself.

“Can the insurance companies get the newest data and clues?” Meng Chao asked.

“The data from the insurance companies in Dragon City is connected with the data of the adjudicator court and the research department,” Shen Yupeng explained. “In truth, the adjudicator court and research department are very willing to see the insurance companies use some methods that the government can’t use to obtain first-hand information. Of course, we might have to rely on your instincts to find crucial evidence from all that disorderly information.”

“Last time, I managed to predict all that happened due to sheer luck. How can you call it instincts?” Meng Chao said readily. “But if we have more people with us, we’ll be stronger. We’ll brainstorm together, and we’ll definitely be able to spot those elusive clues. Big Brother Peng, let’s go now!”

Universe Insurance was located at the central commercial area in New Riverside Town.

It was a mighty building filled with anti-air machine guns, which made it look like a steel porcupine. It created a sense of strength and safety.

Shen Yupeng was an outstanding leader of the third generation in the Shen family.

His status was higher than Lu Siya’s in the Lu family.

In the future, he would need to take over at least half of Universe Corporation.

When he came to Universe Insurance, it was only par for the course that his words carried weight and he could get whatever he wanted.

He brought Meng Chao to the emergency crisis response department and asked for the manager there. A middle-aged man who had a fierce look in his eyes, could not seem to shave his chin clean, and gave off a murderous air from every single pore came up to them.

“Man-eating Shark Zhou Chong?”

Meng Chao recognized the manager immediately.

Man-eating Shark Zhou Chong was the same as Soul Breaking Saber Luo Wu. They were both seniors famous in the hunter circle.

More than ten years ago, when Meng Chao and the rest of the Golden Era were still learning how to speak, Zhou Chong was running all over the fog while slaughtering monsters left and right.

The depths of the fog in the past were different from the present.

The hunters did not have the support from the Red Dragon Army, and there were not that many forward operating bases and developing lands either, much less the support from automatic machines and heavy firepower. Fighting alone was the norm, and they could end up being surrounded by a monster horde at any moment. The mortality rate of hunters was ten times higher than in the present.

The ones who managed to survive in such a brutal battlefield and were famous because of it were all ruthless people with a set of valuable skills.

Luo Wu was ruthless, but Zhou Chong was even more ruthless. He seemed to have been born with a sense of smell that made him sensitive to prey. The moment he smelled blood, he would charge over like a hungry shark. He would devour his prey whole, even its bones, which gave him the name Man-eating Shark.

Meng Chao remembered liking to watch Man-eating Shark Zhou Chong’s battle videos while he was in high school.

He also had a deep impression of Zhou Chong’s Sand Tiger Shark Saber, whose blade, he claimed, was created by imitating the sharp teeth of sharks with the principles of bionics.

Over the last two years, Man-eating Shark Zhou Chong had seldom released his battle videos online and his name seldom appeared on the hunter achievement rank released by the government. Meng Chao had thought that he had accumulated too many hidden injuries and was forced to retire from the hunter circle.

He did not expect that he had joined Universe Corporation as the superintendent of Universe Insurance’s crisis management department.

Meng Chao looked at the staff members of the crisis management department behind Zhou Chong.

All of them were built and sturdy. They gave off a sharp, murderous aura. They also had all sorts of weapons at their waists. When they communicated with the other departments, they slammed their fingers on the tabs fiercely while they used their daggers to scratch their beards. They were... really fierce people.

After three months of training in the wild, Meng Chao was very sensitive to the presence of the wild.

With just one glance, he could tell that these staff members in the insurance company had stayed for a few years in the wild and killed more than one thousand monsters. If it was necessary, they would cut off their limbs without flinching. They were all veteran hunters.

‘As expected of an insurance company. The killing intent here is much stronger than in the research department or adjudicator court!’ Meng Chao gasped in amazement.

While he was observing them, the group was also sizing him up.

A person’s reputation spread far and wide, just like a tree’s shadow. Man-eating Shark Zhou Chong and his subordinates had naturally heard of the youngest Heaven Realm superhuman in Dragon City before.

But not all of them believed his strength.

Plenty of them believed that Meng Chao was just lucky and ran into a major case. Then, due to the needs of propaganda, he was made famous.

He was but a Heaven Realm superhuman who gained his cultivation realm due to a vast amount of cultivation resources. The more everyone praised him, the harder his fall would be in the future. Before long, he would fade away into obscurity or even fall to his original state.

But at that moment, when they saw Meng Chao himself, they immediately sensed a presence that was ten times more dangerous than theirs.

Their pupils shrank, and they instinctively tensed up their muscles. It was as if they had returned to the depths of the fog and were facing a matchless beast.

Meng Chao was a little surprised.

Then, he realized that he was a little agitated because of the matter last night and he forgot to control his spirit energy.

He quickly activated Walking Corpse and adjusted the speed of his breathing, heartbeat, blood circulation, and vitality magnetic field fluctuation so that they would fall to the level of a normal person.

But because of it, Man-eating Shark Zhou Chong and his subordinates were even more unable to gauge Meng Chao’s level.

“Superintendent Zhou, what’s the situation?”

Shen Yupeng did not intend to waste even half a second. He went straight to the point and said, “I heard that last night, a group of robbers snuck into a lab under Universe Corporation and tried to steal a batch of high-end research materials. In the end, you killed two and captured one alive. Before you sent him to the adjudicator court, did you manage to get any valuable information from him?”


Man-eating Shark Zhou Chong tapped open a video on his tablet.

Judging by the time on the top right corner of the video, it had been filmed around half an hour ago.

The main character was a person with bloodshot eyes who was foaming at the mouth, had deformed muscles, and had such an abundant amount of hair that he looked like a savage.

His limbs were tied down by monster bands. A large number of IV tubes and wires were connected to his limbs. He lay in front of a machine that looked like an MRI scanner, and three powerful rays of light shone into his eyes and his forehead.

Since his head was fixed firmly in place and his eyelids were forced open by machines, he could not break free. He could only screech like a trapped beast.

It was shown on the monitor that his organs were rapidly failing, and he had to rely on high-calorie nutritional fluid and gene medicine to remain alive.

But he remained very energetic. His brain waves fluctuated so wildly that they were stronger than those of a lot of superhumans.

There was no doubt about whether the man was a robber who took a Deification Capsule.

An androgenous, gentle voice came from the machine. “Who told you to rob the lab?”

The robber looked around rapidly. His body temperature climbed higher, and he looked even more worked up. He shouted at the top of his lungs, “No one told me to do anything! I didn’t steal anything! Those things have always been mine! I’m just retrieving what belongs to me!”

“It is Universe Corporation’s property,” the voice said.

“Universe Corporation’s property, my foot. Those crystals, ores, and monster materials are resources that belong to all humans! I’m a human as well! So why don’t I have the right to use those resources?!” the robber said through gritted teeth.

“It’s unfair! This world is unfair! Why is that you superhumans can monopolize all cultivation resources and become stronger while standing above us?! Why can you stay in such beautiful mansions and live relaxing or exciting lives?! Why do we normal people not have any power, jobs, money, and hope?! Why don’t we have anything at all?!

“It’s because you stole all the resources!

“That’s right! That’s exactly it! You stole all the resources and claimed them as your own! You stole what should belong to all humans and claim they’re Universe Corporation’s property! You’re the robbers! I’m just stealing what belongs to me from all of you robbers!”

He kept on struggling, and the monster bands let out loud ripping sounds.

His bloodshot eyes looked like two burning bombs that would explode at any moment.

The androgenous voice went silent for a while.

It seemed like the interrogator was puzzled by the robber’s logic.

But to obtain more clues, the interrogator continued asking him questions based on the robber’s logic. The interrogator said patiently, “The superhumans fought and obtained those resources to protect and develop Dragon City.”

“I can fight for Dragon City too!” the robber screamed, “As long as I get these resources, I can awaken to supernatural abilities, and at that time, I will definitely sacrifice my life for Dragon City! I won’t stop until I die!”

“You took drugs.” The interrogator did their best to not reveal their emotions. They continued, “Do you know that you took a forbidden drug that has not been approved and is highly dangerous? This drug has fatal side effects and consequences. It’s without a doubt, poison. It will only destroy your life.”

“No, the Deification Capsule isn’t poison. It’s a miracle drug! It’s definitely a miracle drug!” the robber said hysterically. “The Deification Capsule can grant us normal people the power to seize everything back! It will help us regain our future, hope, dignity, and everything!

“Haha! HAHAHAHA! With the Deification Capsule, the days where you high-and-mighty superhumans monopolize resources and rule over Dragon City will be gone!”

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