Chapter 460: Confusing

The good news was that their harvesters and security guards were all safe. Even though some of them were pretty badly burned, at least their lives were not in danger.

The medical field in Dragon City was much more advanced than when it was on Earth. With the help from all sorts of valuable medicine extracted from monsters, they might not even have scars left on their bodies.

The bad news was, aside from Ning Lang, the three other robbers were all engulfed by flames, and all the materials in the warehouse were burnt to ashes.

As for the others, Meng Chao did not know much more compared to the other three.

He was in a really bad mood right now.

It was not just because of the warehouse going up in flames and suffering a major loss.

In truth, while this warehouse was filled with all sorts of cultivation resources, most of them were still the flesh and bones from normal monsters and Nightmarish Beasts.

Even the raw crystals and raw liquid for gene medicine were cheap stuff for beginners.

After all, Superstar was still focused on the middle and low-end market. It had only started pushing into the high-end market.

The Tyrant Mammoth Meng Chao hunted during the day in the wild was a Grade Six Hell Beast that was only one step away from becoming an Apocalyptic Beast, and its thigh was even thicker than Meng Chao himself. That thing alone was already worth half of the materials in the warehouse.

But that was not the problem of money.

He could lose the money, but he could not afford this embarrassment!

Ever since he became a superhuman, every time, he fought against enemies who were stronger than he was. He jumped around in a lively manner in front of enemies who were far more superior than he was, like Lin Chuan, Gao Ye, the White Spirit, Earthquake, and the Demonic Abyss Eye. He spat in the face of death like a maniac, and he never died. He even managed to launch counterattacks in the end.

He did not expect that after he reached Heaven Realm and even trained hard in the wild for three months, he would nearly lose... to a person who could not even be considered to be a proper superhuman during his first battle back in Dragon City.

He was the youngest Heaven Realm superhuman in Dragon City. All his dignity was gone.

“Dad, don’t you think the security system of our company’s material warehouses is too lax?” Meng Chao scrunched up his nose and smelled a lot of valuable materials burning in the fire. In an act that could only be considered as him venting his anger on someone innocent, he said, “Silver Dragon Grass, Colored Bronze Stones, the spines of Lightning Dragons... There are so many valuable materials stored here, and in the end, we only have one one-star superhuman guarding the place, and he’s...”

Meng Chao originally wanted to say that he was a retiree who came over to make some contribution in his remaining years, but he thought about it and did not say it.

“Meng Chao, don’t blame President Meng for this. It’s my fault.”

Xie Xiaolei’s face was as calm as water as he came forward to explain the situation.

He had once been the president of Spirit Creations Creatures and Gao Ye’s partner.

After Gao Ye turned into the Supernatural Entity, Earthquake, the first thing he did was to destroy the labs of Spirit Creations Creatures. He had even nearly killed Xie Xiaolei, and in a stroke of luck, Meng Chao had saved him in time.

With Gao Ye causing this stir, even if Spirit Creations Creatures did not end up going bankrupt, it would still not be suitable for them to get into contact with core biochemical modification projects and construction projects anymore. They could not conduct their business.

After the abnormal beast research department acted as the middleman, Meng Chao’s Superstar bought over all the core assets of Spirit Creations Creatures.

Speaking of which, Spirit Creations Creatures’ collapse was not considered the fault of the company itself. Xie Xiaolei himself was still really good at managing businesses and expanding it.

Meng Chao, his father, and Qin Hu might be working together, but as Superstar continued growing, it slowly grew out of what the three of them could control, and so they decided to just let Xie Xiaolei take the reins and use his talent however he wanted.

In any case, the core value of Superstar was Meng Chao’s strength and connections.

As long as his fighting strength continued increasing, Meng Chao believed that with how smart Xie Xiaolei was, he would not readily play any tricks under the youngest Heaven Realm superhuman’s nose.

Xie Xiaolei was indeed a business elite who was really good at making strategies.

He definitely played a major part in Superstar being able to monopolize half of the middle and low-end market in Dragon City so quickly.

Recently, he had been ambitious and wanted to enter the high-end market. This was something Meng Chao and the others supported.

After all, once Meng Chao reached Heaven Realm, he needed more high-grade cultivation resources.

He did not have his own material accumulation channels, and he could only buy them in the market or rely on the abnormal beast research department supporting. But it made him feel like he was controlled by others.

The harvesting, preparation, storage, and other aspects of high-grade materials required a different environment compared to middle-grade and low-grade materials.

The warehouses that were originally used to store middle-grade and low-grade materials might not be suited to store high-grade materials.

Hence, with Xie Xiaolei taking charge, Superstar had been recently buying or renting warehouses, and they got themselves five new material warehouses in one go.

The one in front of them was one of them.

But they expanded too quickly, and the upgrading of the material warehouses was related to a series of trifling technical problems. All the Superstar upper management, including Xie Xiaolei, had been working round the clock all the time. But in the end, their security system did not manage to catch up, and this was a fatal oversight.

“Meng Chao, this isn’t President Xie’s fault. It’s mainly under my jurisdiction.” Qin Hu also came forward to explain with an awkward look on his face.

He was formerly the boss of Prosperous. After Prosperous was taken in by Superstar, he became the second largest shareholder in Superstar, but his main focus was in the Broken Star Club. Usually, he did not pay much attention to Superstar.

However, due to him being a veteran hunter, he knew a lot of retired powerful fighters, which was why he had always been in charge of the security in Superstar.

Qin Hu told Meng Chao that suitable guards were not that easy to find.

Normal security guards were not a problem to find. Dragon City’s unemployment rate was really high, but all of the citizens knew martial arts. They were like elites in martial arts novels who were born talented and were grandmasters of their generation. By just offering three thousand yuan a month, they could basically hire a section with extra powerful soldiers by Earth standards.

But it was incredibly difficult if they wanted to hire superhumans to be security superintendents.

It was not just a matter of money, the more important thing was their cultivation and fighting experience.

To superhumans, if they still had room for growth, money was forever going to be the last thing they would consider.

These were the things that they treated as important factors as to whether they would take up a job: whether they had room for growth in a job, whether they could continuously gather experience during the job, whether they could polish their fighting skills, whether they could increase their cultivation realm, and whether they could overcome their limits.

For example, if they joined a superhuman fighting squad and went to the wild to hunt monsters, they could earn money and even become stronger. They could also get to know other powerful superhumans and expand their connections. If they killed a high-grade superbeast or found a new crystal mine, they could even become rich overnight and rise to power in one go.

Even if the starting salary for this sort of job was lower, the danger rating was a little higher, and the work environment was a little harsher, there were still plenty of superhumans who would flock to it like bees to honey.

But becoming a security superintendent to defend a warehouse?

They could not see any room for growth in this!

If this warehouse was not attacked by monsters or lost people all year long, wouldn’t that mean that the security superintendent would not be able to get the chance to fight for an entire year?

The path of cultivation was like rowing a boat upstream. If the superhuman really did not fight in any real fights in a year, his fighting strength would have long plummeted to the drain!

Meanwhile, Dragon City was also currently performing a tactical counterattack.

The Red Dragon Army, four great research centers, nine great mega corporations, Dragon City University, the alliance of the five universities, and all the forces of power were expanding happily. They set up countless forward operating bases in the wild.

Unlicensed pathfinding teams were also everywhere.

Superhumans with the slightest bit of ambition would either want to join these forces or gather up their own forces to form their own pathfinding squad and test their luck in the wild.

Even a one-star superhuman would be like hotcakes wherever they went.

The graduates this year also had a starting salary that was 30% higher than the past year.

With just a good offer, Superstar had no choice. They also did not have the ability to find a sufficient number of superhumans to protect their own warehouses.

“Of course, it’s not that we’re not looking. It’s just that we haven’t found them yet.” Qin Hu stopped talking for a while and said, “More accurately speaking, we’ve already hired a suitable security force, and they’ll come to work three days later. We’ve also signed a business deal with Zhao Feixuan, and he’ll be upgrading the defense system in Superstar’s warehouses fully. But who would have thought that someone would seize the chance to rob us during this crucial moment?”

“Yes. They hit us accurately, right where it hurt.” Xie Xiaolei smiled bitterly and said, “We have plenty of warehouses. They either have their defense systems already fully upgraded and already have elites guarding them, or they’re warehouses storing normal materials that are large and heavy, like Demonic Halberd Pig meat or Iron-armored Rhinoceros meat. Even if robbers steal it, they won’t be able to take them away!

“But this warehouse has a lot of valuable but lighter materials. We haven’t been able to upgrade the security system yet, and someone targeted it!”

The more Meng Chao listened to it, the more solemn his expression became.

“So, you’re saying that we have a lot of warehouses that are more valuable and have tighter defenses, and they can’t possibly be robbed. We also have warehouses that have laxer security systems and are less valuable than this, but there’s no need to rob them. But this one was just the best target?” Meng Chao pondered over this for a moment and asked, “How many people know the details about this warehouse?”

Xie Xiaolei and Qin Hu looked at each other and said, “There shouldn’t be many. Aside from the higher-ups in the company, only the frontline harvesters and security guards know. Of course, some of our business partners know. After all, it’s not some business secret. We never paid too much attention in this field.”

“No matter how much you don’t pay attention to this, this information shouldn’t have been available to any Tom, Dick, and Harry.” Meng Chao frowned and mumbled, “That’s strange. Ning Lang and his companions are just normal people who have just taken the Deification Capsules and awakened to supernatural powers for the time being. They came from a temporary settlement, so how did they get such precise information?”

No. It was not just a problem about information.

The burnt blueprint and the map of the streets around it was not hand drawn. It was printed by a machine, and it was a very precise and standard map.

Only strong organizations like construction companies, the urban planning administration department, the adjudicator court, research department, and the Red Dragon Army could have blueprints like this in store. Normal robbers would already be considered good if they could draw a general map.

Also, Ning Lang had a lot of equipment on him.

Even though Dragon City did not forbid the use of large-scale murder weapons and the citizens were able to buy even family-version rocket launchers in supermarkets as they gained more resources, Ning Lang had managed to set up napalm bombs beforehand, cut off the communication systems in the warehouse, and even set up mines on his path of retreat.

His tactical abilities were far beyond that of normal robbers.

Of course, the most important thing was the Deification Capsule.

This was a drug that could make normal people temporarily gain supernatural abilities. It was an advanced piece of technology that was far beyond the current era. Where did it come from?

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